The YellowJackets Space Marine chapter was formed in the 14th founding, during the beginning stages of the Age of Apostasy. Their homeworld, Pharsalus (a tropical rainforest world) lies in the galactic west, in Segmentum Pacificus, some 2 light years from the Guryan system. It is a fairly hostile planet, being home to some of the nastiest, and most toxic insects in the sector.In fact, their namesake is taken from the tiny, but quick, and extremely lethal Yellowjacket wasps that originate on Pharsalus. As a result, the YellowJackets have developed extraordinary resistances to venoms and toxins, even in comparison to other space marine chapters.

YellowJackets claim that their genestock is from Ultramarine origin, but there is little evidence to support or argue this assertion. What cannot be argued is the fact that the YellowJackets adhere quite strictly to the guidelines laid out in the Codex Astartes. The one exception to this are the YellowJackets Close Assault squads, which have been known to paint wild yellow stripes in patterns all over their helmets.

Close Assault is the fighting style prefered by the
YellowJackets, and they are renown for the effectiveness of their "lightning raid" style of warfare. Yellowjacket forces are feared for their ability to materialize seemingly from nowhere, strike with great ferocity, and then disappear before the enemy can regroup or counterattack. This leaves the enemy commander to think that they are being attacked by some sort of "ghost warrior" army, which only serves to strengthen the reputation of the fast hitting YellowJackets.
Force Organization
The YellowJackets chapter is organized much the same as the Ultramarines, with the exception that the 7th Company is an Assault reserve company, instead of the usual Tactical reserve company. This reflects the YellowJackets reliance on fast attack fighting styles, and gives them a greater base of bikes, landspeeders, and Assault troops.

marines follow the Codex Astartes guidelines when it comes to power armour markings. The company markings correspond to those used by the Ultramaries, and they are displayed on the right kneepad. The type of squad that the trooper belongs to is marked on right shoulder pad, the chapter icon appears on the left. Veterans display yellow helmets, as well as a laurel wreath marking under the chapter icon on the left pad.
All power armoured troopers also display yellow greaves and boots, with 2 black stripes dissecting them, as well as yellow shoulder pad trim and a yellow helmet stripe, covering a black base armour colour. Terminators are basically the same, except for the chapter icon appearing on the right shoulder pad, and the addition of the usual veteran markings.All
YellowJackets marines display a green chest eagle.

Examples of 'squad type' shoulder pad markings are shown at right.
Tactical marine
Assault marine
Devastator marine