Transmitted: Deltoris IV
Destination: Raglev Primorus
Date: 2463941.M39
Telepathic Duct: Astropath-terminus Zleth
Ref: LotD/
File To: Inq/7789.354omega
Author: Inq. Slebedar Bacrusher
Title: the Ongoing Investigation of the Lost Legion (Legion of the Damned)
Thought for the Day: "Service to the Emperor beyond death"

This morning began much the same as the previous ten have. We were awakened at first light, as those infernal daemon-beetle worshippers [ref19468.257gstealer.cult] began anew the bombardment of our positions. At dawn, our garrison consisted of merely one hundred seven men of the Emperor's Guard, twenty seven of those were seriously injured, plus several of Governor Cepmanis's personal retinue. Our Enemies number in the many thousands. It appeared to the scouts as though they have moved more heavy guns into firing positions around the Governor's compound during the night, and from this, I surmised that a new assault would be mounted against us very soon.

I had decided that the only hope of survival for the defenders of the garrison was escape to the Adeptus Arbites Precinct, which lies only four kilometers to the north-west of our current location. This was problematic, of course, as the enemy have surrounded the entire perimeter, and many of the horrific Genestealers have been spotted testing the outer defences. I gathered my forces and ordered the last of the ammunition to be distributed. I also explained the situation to all, and then delivered the Emperor's Litany of Death. The mood was sombre, yet not without hope.

I ordered the remaining troops into position, and Astropath adept Zleth transmitted a final message for immediate aid, before preparing to depart.

At that very moment, a tremendous din was heard at the north side of the walls. Where once stood a horde of screaming, gibbering mutants and monsters, now stood several dozen figures in black power armor. They were covered in icons of flames, skulls, and death, and were of no Adeptus Astartes chapter that I had ever seen.
This revelation caused several of the men in my command to fall to the ground, writhing, and screaming out. They said they had seen the very hand of the Emperor himself, and that his omnipotent Will had arrived to smite his most foul enemies. They refused to regain control of themselves when ordered, and I was reluctantly forced to execute them (to maintain squad discipline).

The familiar growl of the Dark Ones' boltguns, and wail of their chainswords, could be heard above the screams of the dead and dying. They went about their work silently, methodically, but with an unrestrained ferocity, that even now, sends a chill down my spine.
I gave the order to break out of the perimeter immediatly, knowing that the time to move had finally come. The first men went over the wall, and met only nominal resistance. The corpses of the enemy littered the ground, and their blood painted the debris red, but of the black-armored warriors, nothing was found.

Our successful escape to the precinct is owed to these mysterious apparitions....and I believe they were incarnations of the divine Emperor's hatred for our foul enemies.

Astropath Zleth continues broadcasting our message demanding aid, and with the Emperor's grace, we will recieve such aid soon.

Your servant,
Inquisitor Slebedar Bacrusher
++End Transmission++
Rules for using Legion of the Damned squads in your army - from White Dwarf #228
Pictures of my Legion of the Damned models:
Legion of the Damned sergeant
Legion of the Damned trooper 1
Legion of the Damned trooper 2

Legion of the Damned trooper 3

Legion of the Damned trooper 4