Gallery last updated:
June17, 1999
This miniature gallery will be periodically updated with with new pics, so keep checking back to have a look at my latest projects and paintjobs.

All minis on this page painted by Mike Woodbeck (aka Stormbolter).
Click on the thumbnails below to see the larger images.
Crimson Fist
Crimson Fist
Crimson Fist
Crimson Fist
Crimson Fist
Cobra Destroyer (BfG)
Cobra Destroyer (BfG)
Bretonnian General
Crimson Fist Sergeant
Mars Class Battlecruiser (BfG)
Dominator Class Cruiser (BfG)
Lunar Class Cruiser (BfG)
Gothic Class Cruiser (BfG)
Dauntless Class Light Cruiser
Chaos (Slaanesh) Despoiler Class Battleship
(Heavily converted from Desolator hull)
Sword Class Frigate
Retribution Class Battleship (BfG)
Chaos Despoiler Class Battleship (top)
Scratch Built Crimson Fists Strike Cruiser Crimson Fists Strike Cruiser (top)