Welcome to the Krap

The Den of Sin and other stuff as brought to you by Kristen


Happy Freaking Birthday to my site!

Yay!!! Who's seven? My site, that’s who!

 Yeah, yeah… I know the site hasn’t progressed that much in time, but who cares? A little side note, I am going into another PhotoShop class this fall, so look at the art page for more of my crappy stuff. w00t!


Sometimes you just gotta grab em and squeeze.

  So firm, yet so supple.

At least, that’s what Steve tells me.



Here Are the Things You May Do or See:


Wait for More Stuff.


Art Gallery


Pennies is Good.


Don't Look At This.



This page was birthed in AOL on the 26th of August in the year of our Lord, Nineteen Hundred and Ninety Seven. She was moved to her present address on the 5th of January, Twenty Aught Three. She was last updated on September 1, 2004


I *heart* Stephen Colbert!.