felipe - 12/19/00 00:58:13
My Email:fmorales17@hotmail.com
Player/Referee/Both: both
Game City you run/play out of: Chicago & Denver
Do you like my page?: yes
Any suggestions on how to improve it?: of course
In a conspicuous location place the last time you tinkered with your site.
I like your resources, thanks.
What's happening with DC in Jan 2001?
felipe - 12/19/00 00:57:34
My Email:fmorales17@hotmail.com
Player/Referee/Both: both
Game City you run/play out of: Chicago & Denver
Do you like my page?: yes
Any suggestions on how to improve it?: of course
In a conspicuous location place the last time you tinkered with your site.
I like your resources, thanks.
Kev Buchanan - 12/14/00 23:38:40
My Email:oneshallstand@talk21.com
Player/Referee/Both: Ref
Game City you run/play out of: Cardiff
Do you like my page?: Yeah
What we seem to have here is a pretty fine collection of resources, and presented in a way that's.....dare I say it....Fun.
Keep up the good work, I only hope that when I finally get my DarCon site on line that it's as handy as this.
yahya - 10/01/00 13:06:34
My URL:http://www.ayna.com
My Email:ogeeh.yahoo.com
Player/Referee/Both: yahya
Game City you run/play out of: yahya
Do you like my page?: yahya
Any suggestions on how to improve it?: yahya
Andy Simmons - 05/27/00 12:44:20
My Email:andysimmons@hotmail.com
Player/Referee/Both: Both
Game City you run/play out of: London
Do you like my page?: Yes
Any suggestions on how to improve it?: Nope
DC is probably the coolest rpg I've ever palyed/run.
Wah Tze Tuya - 05/17/00 22:20:56
My URL:/wah_tze_tuya/
My Email:wah_tze_tuya@wenatchee.net
Do you like my page?: yes
Any suggestions on how to improve it?: none
Sounds like an interesting game I'll have to check it out.
Jeremy Apps - 04/29/00 04:54:12
My Email:istovir@seq.net.au
Player/Referee/Both: Both
Do you like my page?: Yes
Cool site. I particularly liked the maps & additional rules sections.
Kris - 04/26/00 15:31:33
My Email:uwynn@hotmail.com
Player/Referee/Both: player
Game City you run/play out of: Dallas
Do you like my page?: yes
Any suggestions on how to improve it?: more stuff! esp. equip. charts, etc.
I like the way the site is divided into easy-to-use chunks. That way I don't spend so long waiting for a huge page to load. Plus, it makes finding what I want to see easier. Thanks.
Mike Hisaw - 04/10/00 03:32:43
My Email:Mhisaw@aol.com
Player/Referee/Both: Referee
Game City you run/play out of: Modesto, Ca.set in S.F.
Do you like my page?: Very nice.
Any suggestions on how to improve it?: none, just keep it up.
I startred running GDW with the Twilight 2000 box set. Then Merc 2000, then DC and all versions. I still think DC has the best story and Action of them all. i've just added a little more cyber and keep it dark horror( as if evil corps are not enough to wo
ry about). Keep the info flowing.
Laura Nardomarino - 03/01/00 15:51:25
My Email:orblivia@aol.com
Player/Referee/Both: Referee
Game City you run/play out of: New Boswash
Do you like my page?: LOVE IT!
Any suggestions on how to improve it?: add more scenes
This was a fabulous find! A gem on the internet.
I already check out Demonground, and this site it a rival to that insofar as wealth of information! Great job. That Yahoo thing is a pain in the ass though:-)
Alan - 02/11/00 00:19:18
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Area51/Shadowlands/1517/index.html
My Email:Nicadaemus@webtv.net
Player/Referee/Both: Referee
Game City you run/play out of: New Orleans
Do you like my page?: Absolutely
Any suggestions on how to improve it?: Just keep up the excellent work.
One of the best RPG support pages I've ever ran across. Good job. I especially liked the quote section. Got a good laugh out of checking out the USA annhilation page you have a link to. Trust no one...deny everything...and um...oh yeah...beware the Sputni
Shelia Hagley - 01/31/00 19:54:10
My Email:sheliahagley@hotmail.com
Player/Referee/Both: player
Game City you run/play out of: Ironton, Oh
Jarrod - 01/13/00 08:06:12
My Email:jslead@osprey.net
Player/Referee/Both: Isn't it always both?
Game City you run/play out of: Currently New Orleans/Baton Rouge
Do you like my page?: Sure
Any suggestions on how to improve it?: More, more, more
John (AKA; speedbump920) - 01/09/00 03:28:44
My URL:http://members.tripod.com/~speedbump920/sbdc.html
My Email:speedbump920@hotmail.com
Player/Referee/Both: Both
Game City you run/play out of: Tampete, and Goldcoast
Do you like my page?: is cool.
Any suggestions on how to improve it?: no, your heading in the right direction.
I like the revamp you have done.
It takes a while to put together a good page with useful stuff, and your doing a great job.
I am planing to use some of your floor plans in my next adventure, and maybe 'Bolo' 12guage rounds. I will let you know how it goes.
Rob Smith - 12/13/99 12:52:07
My Email:bob_ooc@yahoo.com
Player/Referee/Both: Both
Game City you run/play out of: Lincoln, UK
Do you like my page?: Yep!
Any suggestions on how to improve it?: Ermm, i'll get back to oyu
Its good to finally find a decent DC site on the net!
Keyser - 09/24/99 02:27:49
My Email:archely@hotmail.com
Player/Referee/Both: Both
Game City you run/play out of: Lake Geneva
Do you like my page?: I thought it was great.
Any suggestions on how to improve it?: Nope
Nice job with all of the little touches. I especially like the red eyes. The only thing I would say would be to get some things for use in Dark Conspiracy but that is on your agenda so...Great site.
Kevin - 07/31/99 05:06:57
My Email:clone65@bigpond.com
Player/Referee/Both: Referee
Game City you run/play out of: Perth, Australia
Do you like my page?: Definately
Any suggestions on how to improve it?: Keep doing what you're doing !!
Damned good to see so many people keeping this RPG alive. I started out running GDW's Merc2000 and then switched to Dark Conspiracy, from that time on, I and my player's never looked to any other similar RPG. With so many gamers putting stuff on the net,
ow I don't have as many problems getting source material for a game that I love.
Lab Rat again... - 06/18/99 02:23:38
My URL:http://www.labratsrus.org
My Email:labrat@cdc.net
Player/Referee/Both: yep
Game City you run/play out of: Chatlanta
Do you like my page?: Even better than before.
Any suggestions on how to improve it?: What are you kidding?
You look evil...wait you ARE evil.
Lab Rat - 06/18/99 02:10:31
My URL:http://www.labratsrus.org
My Email:labrat@cdc.net
Player/Referee/Both: Yep
Game City you run/play out of: Chattlanta
Do you like my page?: hmm...would you be offended if I did? Nope ;-)
Any suggestions on how to improve it?: Give away cash prizes...
Your Dynasty Link goes to a site that isn't there...
Drake Tunsten - 06/14/99 16:10:37
My Email:draketunsten@hotmail.com
Player/Referee/Both: both, but prefer to play
Game City you run/play out of: Normal (odd huh) IL
Do you like my page?: thumbs up
Any suggestions on how to improve it?: not at this time
Drake here from the quotes... how did they get here? Anyway here is something I used to do after I'd run into the creation of an evil dark lord: describe it as fully as possible and post it for other minion hunters. Sure the dark lords can use this to
track you but if they start attacking it then it proves the validity of the information. Of course the problem becomes that they can use their relative power and influence to convince the world that you are psycho or a terrorist.
As a final note I want to know how I can post info for all the rest of the hunters on the page... please email me.
Eyal (the moose) - 04/05/99 21:21:13
My URL:http://members.xoom.com/obliterator/
My Email:snogi@inter.net.il
Player/Referee/Both: Referee
Game City you run/play out of: Tel-Aviv
Do you like my page?: Sure! add more useful stuff (please)
Any suggestions on how to improve it?: yes, the booby trap at the door doesn't work
Keep up the good work, i will be joining the DC ring myself when i finish last touches with my npc generator.
Loonz - 03/21/99 16:51:51
My URL:http://t2k.findhere.com
My Email:webmaster@t2k.findhere.com
Game City you run/play out of: I dont
Do you like my page?: good job
Any suggestions on how to improve it?: need equipment and gadjets
I have a T2K site so I look for cross over stuff, yours floorplans are a great resource. Good onya.
Andy Simmons - 03/21/99 15:09:03
My Email:andy.sim@ndirect.co.uk
Player/Referee/Both: Both
Game City you run/play out of: London
Do you like my page?: Yes
Any suggestions on how to improve it?: Perhaps a few adventures.
The maps are an excellent resource.
Lee (aka Winter) - 02/21/99 22:44:37
My Email:lee@grizz.freeserve.co.uk
Player/Referee/Both: both
Game City you run/play out of: any
Do you like my page?: yeah !
Any suggestions on how to improve it?: even more cool stuff
like the site. I will be opening a site dedicated to running DC in the UK and Europe soon. Nice to know there are other DC nuts out there!
Ravenstorm - 02/10/99 15:49:22
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Area51/Keep/6762/index.html
My Email:ravenstormx@geocities.com
Player/Referee/Both: Both
Game City you run/play out of: Chatatlanta
Do you like my page?: Why yes I do
Any suggestions on how to improve it?: More cool stuff
Had to see if it worked, didn't I?