Thank Yous!

It`s time ta thank all these people and things...


I wanna thank ya for visitin` Technodrome - home of the de Megazones, and I would really like ta know what doya think `bout it. Feel free to come back as soon as ya want to. If it`s up to me, Technodrome will never disappear, but ya decide it by visitin` here. :)

Lousy Yahoo! PageBuilder

Thanx for nothin`! PageBuilder doesn`t work properly if I have to use a modem connection. Cable connection would be the best solution but everybody doesn`t have chance to get it always. **sour face**


An award winnig editor?! Oh gimme a break! Are you seriously thinkin` that I would pay for yer lousy service when I get even better for free!


Thanx for "Memo"-program. It`s very handy when typing HTML being off-line. :D

Toni Helenius & ToniArts EasyHTML (2.2)

Beats Microsoft`s Memo because you don`t need a web browser for viewin` the page when writing HTML-code on-/off-line. :)

Rea Kat

Thank You for letting me to use your name character, Rea Kat, in part 3 of my fanfic "Megazone family." (Still under work.)

Throttle - the WebMaster of The Unofficial Biker Mice Fan Club
I don`t know anythin` nice and special to say now, but the inspiration of creatin` Technodrome was yer "fault." Thanx big bro! -And I wish you would update the Unofficial BMFM Fan Club a bit more often than what ya do now but the at least the main point is that it still exists!

Elmaco Nelson

The ever-b###h... Anyway, thanx for being model for my character Yosa Browns. O.K. Peace! **Lifts her hands up showing surrendering.** Fine now?


Thanx for being model for my character Jeff.


Thanx for being physical model for my character William "Billie" Cop.


Thanx for being model for my character Thomas.

Anne S.

Thanx for helpin` me in a problem that I had with The Modo-Dream.

Wizard (who appeared on the Discussion Board of the Unofficial BMFM Fan Club some times)

I have to say thanx ta ya because it kinda was yer "fault" that I got the idea of Mrs. Megazone - B*tchy Babe (a.k.a. Don`t Get on Her Way) **bites her lip and looks her toes until she encourages herself to say what she has wanted to say some time already** Hey, Wiz... sorry for everythin`... I think we saw the world in too different ways... Take care bro and ride free always and forever, never forget to feel the beat!

I hope I could see ya on the Board on one day again...


Thank ya because ya allowed me ta use the guillotine thing from yer story "Make It Right." (What a great story it is!) in my "Megazone Family" (donīt know the exact part yer where it will appear perhaps somewhere around part seven, but first I have to send Mize and Venom back to Mars and certain things must happen between them before they`re ready for that guillotine episode... Ya know what will happen to them a bit better than what I explain here and now because what I`ve told ta ya but I`m still workin` with the final version of Megazone Family part 3: "Mission Impossible.")

Dhalo the Spirit

For forcing/making me to think Technodrome and my characters more than I`ve done earlier.


Thank you for that I could borrow yer name character, Pai for the picture "And Girls Talk" (In Gallery 4) and the pics about me (in Pai`s gallery 1).

Stoker 1439

Thanx for letting me borrow your character Bingo Ritz.

Vincent van Wham II a.k.a. Vinnie II

I wanna thank my favorite Casanova for supporting me in all the situations and for standing on my side, caring, worrying and supporting all the time. ^^ I know it ain`t easy with me but you`ve already brought sides from me that I never thought to exist. **blows a little kiss to Vinnie II`s direction.** Thank you for letting me borrow yer name character, Vinnie II for these pictures: "Vinnie II - The Lady-killer in Kilt", "Attack of Grayness", "Da Vinski 2" and "Romeo & Julia" (Coming - God know when but it`s drawn already!). When working with "Vinnie II - the Lady-killer in Kilt" I had to think a lot how to express yer artificial parts in lower limbs but since ya said to be closer to Terminator than Robocop I thought that whatever comes I don`t make much difference to the biological ones. (Thanx to the haunting picture where Terminator cuts his arm open to fix something in it, more I donīt remember anymore.)

Morning & MP

Thank you both for being great supports and for listening a little mouseling and advising me. **bows deep** You both are true angels on Earth. =ī)

My God (With this I don`t wanna hurt anybody who donīt believe like I do!)

I don`t need to use words to say "Thank You" to You. You know me (better than anyone else).

J. Silander - My HTML-teacher

Thank you rating my site, teaching a couple of new things in HTML and refreshing my poorly working memory.

All those people who I didn`t thank individually but deservers my thanks (like for instance the rest of my friends from the BMFM Board)

I really wanna thank all of ya for supportin` and everything. I`ve had my good and bad days but this moment is dedicated to all of you and it`s one of the best moments in my life. I`ve finished this page now and by affecting me you have affected to the look of Technodrome. Hope it`s not too boring and my fanfics too childish.

Back to Hallway

© 2002 Mizeleingzelo de Megazone

For those wise crackers who think thanking a teacher is same as licking his/her a## let me tell you something: Ask from yerself how many times you`ve heard anybody to thank teachers for their valuable works? Huh? I bet none.
Well, think it this why... If there weren`t teachers who teach us to read, write and count + all other important stuff (like languages) you could become cheated by someone who has learned that stuff by him-/herself. E.g. I could buy yer house that`s worth of a million dollars just paying a dime from it `cause you can`t count how much really is a million or I could fool you to believe that in the coin there reads "one milion dollar."

So, yer teacher doesn`t/didnīt do a worthless job when he/she teached you to read this piece of text, nor counting you 1+1=2. Just the same thing is with this thanking: I`m thanking my teacher `cause he has been teaching us to read and write HTML. Now you can`t fool me with the codes! >:)

`Nuff said?!