- You!
- I wanna thank ya for visitin` Technodrome - home of the de Megazones, and I would really like ta know what doya think `bout it. Feel free to come back as soon as ya want to. If it`s up to me, Technodrome will never disappear, but ya decide it by visitin` here. :)
- Lousy Yahoo! PageBuilder
- Thanx for nothin`! PageBuilder doesn`t work properly if I have to use a modem connection. Cable connection would be the best solution but everybody doesn`t have chance to get it always. **sour face**
- Homestead
- An award winnig editor?! Oh gimme a break! Are you seriously thinkin` that I would pay for yer lousy service when I get even better for free!
- Microsoft
- Thanx for "Memo"-program. It`s very handy when typing HTML being off-line. :D
- Toni Helenius & ToniArts EasyHTML (2.2)
- Beats Microsoft`s Memo because you don`t need a web browser for viewin` the page when writing HTML-code on-/off-line. :)
- Rea Kat
- Thank You for letting me to use your name character, Rea Kat, in part 3 of my fanfic "Megazone family." (Still under work.)
- Throttle - the WebMaster of The Unofficial Biker Mice Fan Club
- I don`t know anythin` nice and special to say now, but the inspiration of creatin` Technodrome was yer "fault." Thanx big bro! -And I wish you would update the Unofficial BMFM Fan Club a bit more often than what ya do now but the at least the main point is that it still exists!
- Elmaco Nelson
- The ever-b###h... Anyway, thanx for being model for my character Yosa Browns. O.K. Peace! **Lifts her hands up showing surrendering.** Fine now?
- Tintza
- Thanx for being model for my character Jeff.
- "Smack"
- Thanx for being physical model for my character William "Billie" Cop.
- Thatio
- Thanx for being model for my character Thomas.
- Anne S.
- Thanx for helpin` me in a problem that I had with The Modo-Dream.
- Wizard (who appeared on the Discussion Board of the Unofficial BMFM Fan Club some times)
- I have to say thanx ta ya because it kinda was yer "fault" that I got the idea of Mrs. Megazone - B*tchy Babe (a.k.a. Don`t Get on Her Way) **bites her lip and looks her toes until she encourages herself to say what she has wanted to say some time already** Hey, Wiz... sorry for everythin`... I think we saw the world in too different ways... Take care bro and ride free always and forever, never forget to feel the beat!
I hope I could see ya on the Board on one day again...
- Borris
- Thank ya because ya allowed me ta use the guillotine thing from yer story "Make It Right." (What a great story it is!) in my "Megazone Family" (donīt know the exact part yer where it will appear perhaps somewhere around part seven, but first I have to send Mize and Venom back to Mars and certain things must happen between them before they`re ready for that guillotine episode... Ya know what will happen to them a bit better than what I explain here and now because what I`ve told ta ya but I`m still workin` with the final version of Megazone Family part 3: "Mission Impossible.")
- Dhalo the Spirit
- For forcing/making me to think Technodrome and my characters more than I`ve done earlier.
- Pai
- Thank you for that I could borrow yer name character, Pai for the picture "And Girls Talk" (In Gallery 4) and the pics about me (in Pai`s gallery 1).
- Stoker 1439
- Thanx for letting me borrow your character Bingo Ritz.
- Vincent van Wham II a.k.a. Vinnie II
- I wanna thank my favorite Casanova for supporting me in all the situations and for standing on my side, caring, worrying and supporting all the time. ^^ I know it ain`t easy with me but you`ve already brought sides from me that I never thought to exist. **blows a little kiss to Vinnie II`s direction.** Thank you for letting me borrow yer name character, Vinnie II for these pictures: "Vinnie II - The Lady-killer in Kilt", "Attack of Grayness", "Da Vinski 2" and "Romeo & Julia" (Coming - God know when but it`s drawn already!). When working with "Vinnie II - the Lady-killer in Kilt" I had to think a lot how to express yer artificial parts in lower limbs but since ya said to be closer to Terminator than Robocop I thought that whatever comes I don`t make much difference to the biological ones. (Thanx to the haunting picture where Terminator cuts his arm open to fix something in it, more I donīt remember anymore.)
- Morning & MP
- Thank you both for being great supports and for listening a little mouseling and advising me. **bows deep** You both are true angels on Earth. =ī)
- My God (With this I don`t wanna hurt anybody who donīt believe like I do!)
- I don`t need to use words to say "Thank You" to You. You know me (better than anyone else).
- J. Silander - My HTML-teacher
- Thank you rating my site, teaching a couple of new things in HTML and refreshing my poorly working memory.
- All those people who I didn`t thank individually but deservers my thanks (like for instance the rest of my friends from the BMFM Board)
- I really wanna thank all of ya for supportin` and everything. I`ve had my good and bad days but this moment is dedicated to all of you and it`s one of the best moments in my life. I`ve finished this page now and by affecting me you have affected to the look of Technodrome. Hope it`s not too boring and my fanfics too childish.
© 2002 Mizeleingzelo de Megazone
For those wise crackers who think thanking a teacher is same as licking his/her a## let me tell you something: Ask from yerself how many times you`ve heard anybody to thank teachers for their valuable works? Huh? I bet none.
Well, think it this why... If there weren`t teachers who teach us to read, write and count + all other important stuff (like languages) you could become cheated by someone who has learned that stuff by him-/herself. E.g. I could buy yer house that`s worth of a million dollars just paying a dime from it `cause you can`t count how much really is a million or I could fool you to believe that in the coin there reads "one milion dollar."
So, yer teacher doesn`t/didnīt do a worthless job when he/she teached you to read this piece of text, nor counting you 1+1=2. Just the same thing is with this thanking: I`m thanking my teacher `cause he has been teaching us to read and write HTML. Now you can`t fool me with the codes! >:)`Nuff said?!