"A Better Part of Valor" - Joint Bravo Fleet Mission
On her first mission the USS Discovery is called to the front lines with the rest of the task force. Our mission; to intercept a Dominion Ketrecel White convoy and destroy all freighters and as many ships as possible. Out gunned and out numbered it was up to Task Force 58 to stop this convoy from reaching its destination.
"Behind Enemy Lines"
Star Fleet intelligence had just uncovered a secret dominion communications and intelligence web. With her Klingon cloaking device, the USS Discovery's mission was to sabotage the communications device causing chaos to spread along the front lines.
"Be Careful What You Wish For..."
When Risa envolks their members protection act (an act that guarantees Star Fleet assistance for member worlds even in times of war) Bravo Fleet sends the USS Discovery to investigate. According to Risian officials, Orion Pirate vessels have been destroying everything that attempted to enter Risa. Than, they began to attack the planet. Upon arriving at the scene, the Discovery is forced to battle an Orion Attack Fleet and invasion force. In the end the Discovery was able to stop the invasion fleet, rescue Risian visitors and uncover a conspiracy in the Risian Government. Once again, the Discovery was sucessful.
"Mission Of Mercy"
At last, the long bloody war with the dominion is over. The Cardassians revolted and with their help, the Dominion was forced to surrender and return to the gamma quadrent. On top of all that, trade would continue to the gamma quadrent. Unfortunatly however, the price was the total desecration of Cardassia. The USS Discovery, along with numerous other federation star ships, has been dispatched to Cardassia to help with repairs. However, when the crew learns of a secret section 31 cloaning facility, this mission of mercy turns ugly. However, Captain Walker and crew are able to uncover this conspiracy and put Cardassia back on track.
"Wild Frontier"
The USS Discovery has been dispatched to Goros system in responce to the plee of a Raeyan colony. The Colony reports to have been threatened several times by the Krazzle. Upon arriving at the colony, the Captain, Lt. Commander Kira, Doctor Mroht and Lt. Commander SoDisNee beam down to the planet to investigate. Meanwhile, back in orbit, Krazzle vessles enter the system and attack the ship. They also land troops on the Colony. While the Krazzle try to take over the ship and the colony, the crew mount a resistance. On the planet, the Captain, Kira and SoDisNee learn that the Krazzle clan Minjay and the Raeyans are working togeather in order to attempt to start a war between the Krazzle and the Federation by stealing the Discovery. However, the Captain, Kira and SoDisNee retake the colony (with the help of some Raeyan chefs) and Kel, Spiner and the crew retake the ship. Once again, the Discovery crew comes through in the end.
"Desperate Measures" "Dependence"