"Every man dies.... Not every man really lives."

I am Captain Kira Jacen Strike Group Beta's Commander and Junior Task Force XO for TF 58. Welcome to the USS Discovery, follow the links to explore the ship. We are a fun loving ship and would welcome any new characters to join the fun!!!!!

Visit The Ship's Message Board: HERE

The USS Discovery is the oldest New Orleans Class starship in the fleet and the Strike Group Beta Commander and Junior Task Force XO for TF 58. Her Commanding Officer is Captain Kira Jacen. A New Orleans class starship is a type of military frigate designed for combat situations and escourt missions. Needless to say, we see a fair bit of action. She posesses a special Klingon Cloaking device aproved by the Empire. The crew has been through a lot togeather so won't you come and join us.

For additional comments, please email Major Baler.

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