About Me
My Favorite Links:
Hi, yalls.  I haven't done the web page thing in years so I just figured I would try it again.  Right now I am on vacation at my grandma's house in northern idaho... I swear to god if you ask me for a patato you will get it (not sure what it is but I wouldn't wanna find out if I was you).  I will go home soon, and shortly thereafter forget entirely about this but for right now this is what I am doing.

If I remember I will post some photos of the trip, nothing very exciting but you know its relaxing enough up here.  So I will do that when I get home and can upload my pics easier then here.

Also when I go home I will be going to my girlfriends house.  Rheanna's her name and she's great.  She said she was making me candy today and all that, like cake and whatnot... good stuff baby can cook.  Anyway, I will also put some pics of her up if I get a chance.

Then, sunday after I get back we are going to do another Halo 2 lan party.  Hopefully this time we can get 8 people or more.

Updates... Gene and Doobie broke my headset so I got a new one all Halo 2'ed out so I will still be chatting on there, no one else unless they wanna hold the headset to their ear with their shoulder.

Matters not since Jade Empire will be my game when I get home, in explaination I left home the day Jade came out and havent been able to play til I get back.  Bioware, please let this be as good or better then the masterpiece Kotor was and I will be happy for months to come exploring your engulfing worlds.
Something Awful
The Broken
My Info:
Name: Shane
Email: chupame_80@yahoo.com