
Solia is a country in a world with no name. Ask any Solian what planet he lives on and he will answer, "Solia." But question a person of our neighboring country Acasia and he will disagree. To the east of us is Acasia, the country with which Solia warred for ten long turnings. That's years, to you. Both Storm and myself fought in that war. It is an unfortunate way to meet a person. Solia stretches westward to the great black sand desert. Beyond the South Sea is the land of the Kasai, and to the north is a mountainous country called Nessyr.

Solians look very much like humans, but we tend to be a few inches shorter, and barrel-shaped. We have dark features--there are no fair-haired Solians. Storm herself belongs to another race, called the Camen. They once lived in the forest that borders Acasia and Solia, but that people fell into tragedy some turnings ago. The few Camen that escaped death now live here in Solia. Storm has a sister named Posey and a niece, Streak, in the nearby village of Woelfel. If she were more accomodating toward strangers, she might have told you of her family herself.

I have myself traveled in Caya's Forest, the area where the Camen once lived. It is the place where the magick folk live. One might find that fairies have run off with his necessities while he was asleep. It is a generally accepted rule that those travelling the Forest do not leave the road, and never spend the night whenever possible. Keep moving, and the magickal creatures who live there might decide to let you be.

Queen Goethren is a young queen--merely twenty turnings of the seasons have passed in her lifetime. She has ruled Solia well these past two turnings. With Storm by her side day and night to protect her sacred life, and myself to run the security of the royal castle, she will be safe from insurrection for many more to come.

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