Immortal Society

The Children of the Night


Welcome to the Immortal Society. The Society is a place for all seekers of the darkside. We are not a cult, nor do we claim to be a religion. We are a group of souls trying to find peace in this wretched world of hate! We get together once a week, and have a social get together with fellow immortals. We decided to expand to the cyber world, and try to find others who are interested in learning of their darkside, or talk to others who feel as we do. Please enjoy your tour of the darkside!!

It all started on a cold, dark winter night when I was walking home from the refinery...
I was going through a dark alley that led to my abode. I was halfway through the alley and my life would change forever.
Out of nowhere a dark form appeared. The air became frigid. The wind stood still. As I walked pass it, I heard the whispered words "Come here my child, whats ails thy soul?"
I replied,"My bones grows frail, my body weakens, and the thought of death troubles me."
"Fear no more, mortal one, for I am here to help thee."
"Who are you? And how are you able to keep Death from coming to me?"
"I am the Spirit of Darkness.The Lord of Immortalness. I can make all your troubles disappear."
"How?" I asked.
"Just look into my eyes , and take a drink of this potion".
I glanced at his face. His features were hard, his eyes glowing a crimson red. I felt my body start trembling. I felt a fear like I have never felt before.
"Fear not my child, for I am here to help thee. Take this vial and drink. Look into my eyes, for the eyes are the windows to the soul."
I reached out and took the vial. It was warm. I looked into his eyes.As I drank the potion my body grew very hot.
" Whatever you do, do not look away from my eyes." He said.
My eyesight was growing very dim. It felt as if my body was being twisted into a million different knots. Then just as quickly as the feelings came , they were gone. My eyes adjusted and I was looking into the eyes of a beautiful woman. Her lips were a wine red. I had this urge to kiss her. An urge I could not resist. She leaned into me and whispered in my ear, " Welcome to the Land of Immortals". With those final words I felt a pinch on my neck.
A calm came over me . It was as if I had dropped all my burdens, my sorrows, my fears. I HAD BECOME IMMORTAL! When i came to my senses, I was lying on the ground. I jumped up and looked around. Was I dreaming, did any of this really happen? I started to leave, when out of the corner of my eye, I saw the Dark One, standing by the wall. I asked "What happened, what has happened to me? I feel young."
He replied " I opened the window, and took your soul.
With that he faded into the darkness.
"Wait, wait-come back!" I yelled.
The winds began to blow. The rains poured.
"How will I know what to do?" I asked.
And from the pouring rain, it was as if the winds whispered to me, "Fear not my dark child, for I will be with you forever."
I had this strong craving for more of the liquid which I had just drank. I had to have more. I decided then to go and search. Search for the blood I longed for. The Immortal Society had been born.

ENTER HERE,for links to Vampires, Werewolves,Gothic,Witchcraft, or just some of the sickest sites on the web.

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Thank you for visiting the Society!Hope you enjoyed it!If you have any questions about us, please feel free to Email me. Tell a friend and come back as soon as you can.DONT FORGET to sign the guestbook. Thanks, From all of us Immortals.

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