Welcome to my little home on the web!

My name is Scott Morgan, and I am a fledgling webmaster. It is my sincere desire to learn html and all its corollaries soon, in the attempt to make myself more "marketable" after graduation.

Update June 17 2003: Ok I used to consider myself a fledgling webmaster, now I am simply a fledgling transcosmic deity trapped in a human body. Or the other way around. Argh, whatever. What you really need to know (as if you need to know anything from this site at all) is that I am deluding myself no more: I am a pretty good writer, but a crappy web page designer. So this is just a personal website, devoted to showing off what armchair talents I think I have. What I hope to gain, who knows? Maybe Bush will find my ambitions, right after he finds Saddam's WMD.

Please feel free to browse around my pages, leave some email, whatever. All the pics were taken from free sites, in particular Barrys Clip Art, A really cool spot. There will be tons more stuff here eventually, but right now I just want to get the basics right. Thank you and here's my address

All of this was written with notepad. Hey, it aint that hard people!


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