Caivs Germanicvs Antoninvs

"Proud art thou met? Thy hope was to have reached
The height of thy aspiring unopposed
The throne of God unguarded, and his side
Abandoned at the terror of thy power

-John Milton, Paradise Lost

Men are quick to judge each other. It is the nature of life to measure itself against its surroundings. Such judgements lead to many things: pride, fellowship... and hate. Such things give the spark to life, but so too do they blur ones' eyes when judging one's own actions... Life becomes a struggle, what one sees around himself, against something less clear: what he sees within. Both the finest and the worst aspects of man are born in such struggle, and ofttimes the line betwixt the great and the foul blurs... Though it is not for me to judge Caius, I may only present his words and deeds. Look upon them, and judge him if you wish. Perhaps your sight remains untainted...

Logs - Family - Images - Documents - Kyklos - Links - Humor


"...two differant fates are carrying me on the road to death. If I stay here and fight...there will be no homecoming for me, but my fame shall never die..."

-Homer, the Iliad
Read and enjoy...or be horrified as you choose, but please keep knowledge of these logs STRICTLY Out of Character.

Log Archives: What is passed, is past.

May-June Logs:
Sorrows and Sympathies:Caius and Theron
Two Sorts of Madmen: Altair and Caius
Battle of Benevolence: Caius, Eranthe, and Xerise
Protests and Pride: Caius and Theron

July Logs:
Visitors Two: Altair, Caius, and Cepheus
Expectations: Andromache and Caius
Sunrise: Caius and Cynara

August Logs:
Sociology:Altair, Caius, Cynara, Geridan and Jana
Great Patience: Alamoana and Caius
Too Long Gone: Belona and Caius
Frozen Morn: Belona and Caius
Silent Sorrows: Caius and Theron
Parte the First: Lailah, Quartus and Tertius
Parte the Second: Kashtiratu, Lailah and Tertius

September Logs:
On Words Long Past: Caius and Cepheus
The Gods' Favorite: Altair, Caleb, Penta, Priya and Tertius
Rest for the Wicked: Caius and Cynara
Good Health: Andromache and Caius
Sanctuary: Caius and Selene
Family: Belona and Caius
Carpenters and Thespians: Caius and Theron

November Logs:
No Retreat, No Surrender: Atalanta, Caius, Claudius, Versus, (Marvelous Emits by Anubis, Nox, and Theron)


"On what wings dare he aspire?
What the hand dare sieze the fire?"

-William Blake

The Antoninus family traces its proud roots back to two brothers; Praetorians in the armies of Zeus Jupiter himself. From these two has been handed down both the familial emblem, and the motto of the Antonines. Of these brothers, the older found an honorable death in battle, while the younger survived only to shame his father by taking a Darkling bride. The sons of this brother, Quintus Dorian Antoninus, inherited both a legacy and a curse. The oldest son of the oldest son carries the name Quintus to this day, but all his children carry the emberassment of tainted blood. For many generations, the Antoninus family was limited to service among the Velites, only re-entering the ranks of the Servitors 300 years ago. The impure hue of the family's wings has lightened over time, but old blood runs the strongest and over 200 generations later, it endures in Quintus Augustus Antoninus, the Elder. He and his wife Octavia Hubris had three sons. The eldest was Quintus Augustus, the second was the ill fated Casca Tiberius, and the third was Caius Germanicus. Years after these three, a daughter was born to the Centurion and his wife: Octavilla Belona. Though blood might run more pure through other veins, it is a point of pride to this family that the Empyre will know no defenders more loyal than those of House Antoninus.

Invictus - Superbia - Fidus
(Translation: Unbroken - Proud - Loyal)

Antoninus House motto


"...his face
Deep scars of thunder had intrenched, and care
Sat on his faded cheeks, but under brows
Of dauntless courage, and considerate pride
Waiting revenge..."

-John Milton, Paradise Lost

Proud Empyrean Art by Julius
Half in Light
Daily Decision
Casting Call: Caius (Dolph Lundgren)

On Other Subjects:
Cynara: Winter Wind
Belona: Reflection at Balcony
Cepheus: Better Friend than Foe
Aeneas: Optio's Order
Andromache: Masks
Zephyr: Parting Shot
Elyse: Momento
Theron: The Weight of Command
Casting Call: Belona (Jennifer Lien)
Casting Call: Elyse (Gillian Anderson)


"The power to slay a man is nothing beside the power to move his mind." -Thomas Paine
For a man who disdains compromise and diplomacy, Caius never the less has a remarkable talent for keeping diplomats busy. Many trees have been felled to provide the paper that is employed in addressing the fallout of this Praetorian's actions. (The Sylvans have, as of yet, filed no charges against Caius for the destruction of said trees.) Some of these documents, missives, and contracts are duplicated below:

A 'Traitor's' Agreement: Composed by Altair, delivered to Caius, Drusus, Leonidas, and others.
The Imperator's Advice: Composed by Theron, delivered to Drusus.
An Archon's Answer: Composed by Dohosan, delivered to Caius, Drusus, Leonidas, and others.
Commander's Complaint: Composed by Altair, delivered to Theron.
Imperator's Inquiry: Composed by Theron, delivered to Altair.

And for any who think Caius acts without being held accountable:
The Black Mark Tally


Stood he awhile on the brink
Of Hell, gazing outward,
Pondering his voyage.

-John Milton, Paradise Lost

The Dark Alliance, forged in anger and righteous zeal, which pulls this proud man ever deeper into wickedness. Herein are the records that the Aether may never see: the acts and words of a secret circle.

Note! These Logs and notes are of an extremely violent nature. They are also to be considered (needless to say) Out of Character knowledge.

Step into the Circle


Any man who can't laugh at himself is missing the greatest joke in the world. -W.C. Fields

Denis Leary's A$$hole Song, as performed by Caius Antoninus
The Empyrean Purity Test: How do *you* score?


Aether Homepage
The Empyreans: Rulers of the Sky
Connect to Game. You know you want to...

"The world is but a canvas to our imaginations." -Thoreou

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