
Mystic Dragon

We would like to welcome you to our web site. Please feel free to explore to your hearts content. All we ask is that you view it with a kind eye. We are learning how to do this as we go along.

This site is being built with a webtv plus and is best viewed that way but we are also in the process of making it as computer friendly as possible.

So far we have some eye candy for you to look at that will hopefully come together into some kind of theme.

Please feel free to explore our little world. And come back soon.

Below you will find a link to a page I made about my wife. The other pages are still under construction and will hopefully be open soon.

And at the bottom is the entrance to Mystic Dragon. Another plane of existence that we are slowly piecing together.

For My Wife

For Our Son

Lyrics Poems and Thoughts


Thinking of Friends

Updated 1-6-09

All graphics used on these web pages have come from free sites or were sent to me. If any are under copyright and proof of ownership is shown I will gladly take them down.