
Here are some drawings fans have done of Skin and crew! If you have something you want me to post,E-Mail it to me!

Fan's Drawings

Here is Kurtis' drawing of Skin! He has a freaky style, but it works great for Gen X!

Here's Kurtis' picture of Chamber! Another cool pic!

This picture of Skin was drawn by Tigrr Wildcat who's GenX site is Kindred Spirits! Skin puts his skills to the test in a danger room session!

My Drawings

Inspired by the "Adopt a Mutant" project, I decided to try my own hand at "chibi" drawings. Here is Skinin the shortened, big-legged, big-headed style, in his Counter-X suit.

And here is a slightly more successful attempt at Chamber in the same style.Chamber in the same style.

This is my first drawing of Skin! His powers are shown inaccurately, but that's on purpose, I was inspired by the poorly recieved Gen X Movie.

This is my second drawing of Skin! And my favorite.

Hey look! It's a third drawing of Skin by me!

Here is a half-finished fourth drawing of Skin in his new costume!

Here's another drawing of Skin! It's been awhile since I've drawn much of anything, so I thought I'd take another shot at Skin. He looks a bit older here because I figure his skin is probably still very loose, so that gives a rugged, aged looked.

Here is a picture of Skin's buddy Chamber like you've never seen him before!

Here's a drawing of Jubilee, or as Skin calls her, Jubecita!

And this is Synch, "synching" with the powers of every Gen Xer (including Mondo)!

And here's a drawing I did of Skin's buddy Howard. He has stubble because that's how he was shown in Gen X.

This drawing may seem a little odd... see, in the first four issues of Generation X, it seemed like Chamber and Penance would have a different relationship then they ended up having, but this was inspired by that.

This is a bad half-hearted drawing of the two new characters created for the Gen X TV movie, I think their names were Re-Frax and Buff.

Here are some more pictures of other Marvel mainstays...

Here's Wolverine, the best he is at what he does, in his current uniform (I drew this before it's debut in May, 2001).

Here's X-Man, as he looked when he was last seen, although I gave him a shirt and shoes so he could get into a normal restruant.

Here's Squirrell Girl, one of Steve Ditko's lesser known creations. I up-dated her look to make her more current.

Here's everyone's favorite unstoppable Jugernaut! And one of my few attempts with inks.

Everyone's favorite neighborhood wall-crawler, The Amazing Spider-Man!

And that evil symbiote, one of Spider-Man's worst enemies, Venom!

And now.... The Watcher!!

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