Here are some cool links on comic books and other cool stuff!

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Here's what the kids of Generation X do for extracericular activities... the make a yearbook!

The M-Files: The Unofficial Monet Homepage

The best source for info on the young mutant that everyone loves to hate, Monet St. Croix, the enigmatic M!

Vincent's Vincente Verve

An amazing site about a little known character, this site is dedicated to AoA Gen Next member and "real" universe Hellion Vincent! It also has info on a buncha' other little known characters in the MU, with the U.U.U.!

GenX: A Generation X Website

An amazing Generation X site, recently up-dated with a smooth new look!

Tigirr's Generation X Homepage

Welcome fellow fanatics to the unofficial site dedicated to the comic book teens of the X world....GENERATION X!

Kindred Spirits

Another amazing Gen X site by Tigrr Wildcat!

Penny's Place

This here is a site dedicated to the enigmatic Gen Xer named Pennance!

The Husk Homepage

A page for Generation X's metamorphing hayseed Paige Guthrie, AKA Husk!

The Jubilee Home Page

Mutant. Mall-rat. Teenager. What a combo that mixes together to make everyones favourite mutant. No, not the one with the claws... NO! Not that one with the lightening either! I mean Jubilee!!!

The Ultimate Generation X Web Page

This is the ultimate web page for Gen X! How do I know? It says so in the title!

The Academy: A Generation X Webzine

Winner of a 1998 Penny Award! And a dang good site too! This cool Gen X site is put together by several Gen X fans!

The GenXfans Homepage

Here you can see what other fans of Gen X are up to, learn some cool rumors, and even join the GenXfans mailing list!

Chamber's Generation X

A new Gen X site set to become the self-professed "best Generation X site ever!" Give it a look see as it get's built!

Official site created by and for Brian Wood, up-coming Generation X writer and creator of the critically acclaimed Channel Zero for Image Comics!

Personal home page of up-coming Generation X artist Steve Pugh, check some cool art!

Home base for the fan-favorite writer of Authority and Planetary, and up-coming "plotermast" of Generation X, X-Force, and X-Man!

2K Comics

The internet's official home to Devin Grayson, Brian Vaughan, and former Generation X writer Jay Faerber! Learn everything you ever wanted to know, even if you didn't know you wanted to, about the comics you love!

This site is dedicated to the co-creator of Skin and Generation X, Chris Bachalo! It spotlights all his best work, and his upcoming projects!

Generation X Link Database

The database for everything out there on Generation X!

The X-Family

This is the X-Family Mailing list! It's where x-fans can go to talk about X-stuff, or whatever strikes their fancy! Currently, they are staging their own TRIAL OF GAMBIT, if you want to look in on the proceedings, go here!

Children of the Atom is a hot site with info on any X-character you could think of!

Cable: Destiny's Hero

Cool page about the X-Man from the future! Learn everything you ever wanted to know about the Askani'son but were afraid to ask!

Southern Belle

A page dedicated to the X-Man known as Rogue. Unable to touch, Rogue's is a tragic tale of being denied the basic of rights. But it is also a tale of hope and love!

The Marvel Chronology Project

The MCP covers every appearance of every major (and even many minor) Marvel character, including those of Skin, Tores, and Gil!

The Marvel Atlas Project

The MAP is the best spot on the net to help you navigate you're way through the Marvel Universe, it makes famous (and fictional) locations on earth, including important places like Skin's birthplace, L.A., California!

The Unofficial Marvel No-prize site

Learn every mistake every made withen the pages of Gen X, and then some!


Like "Yahoo" But for Comics! A great search engine for comic books of all kinds!

Alvaro's Midtown Message Boards

The best message board site on the net, and it has boards for all of your favorite comics, many that involve the creators themselves!

Comics Continuum

Formerly the Comic Book Continuum... Learn the best insider gossip there is on the comics and movies so many fans crave!

Comic Sites Alliance

The alliance that links together comic books of all kinds!

Comic Book Resources

One of the best spots for comic book info, links, and message boards!

Classic Gaming

Great place to find info on cool classic games like Metroid, Castlevania, Contra and more!

The Insane Asulm .com

A crazy place for crazy people! Funny stories and other cool stuff!

The "Real" Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy

For all those who don't know the meaning of Life, the Universe, and Everything... you can find it here! (here's a hint, 42!)

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