Like the rest of Generation X (with a few notable exceptions like Jubilee), Skin was created by the team of writer Scott Lobdell and artist Chris Bachalo. Teamed together to create the next batch of "New Mutants", the instead created something completely different. A team of misfits and freaks, excemplified by the seemingly grotesque Skin.

Story has it, while they were in the process of creating the team, they began to realize this was shaping up to be a very visual team. As Scott said in the 1994 Generation X Preview, "Getting into the spirit of the horrific-looking Chamber, the frightening Penance and the ‘what is he doing?!' Mondo, Chris called up on day and said ‘Um, I got this idea for a weird-looking character who has three-to-six feet more skin than he needs.' My reaction was ‘And you said Chamber was weird looking?!"

The following comments were recently (01/13/00) made by these talented creators specifically for this site!

Co-creator Scott Lobdell

"While I have no regrets about leaving Generation X, one of the things that makes me sad is watching SKIN not come into his own powerwise..." [he continues] "... I made the ‘mistake' of convincing [Chris Bachalo] that we should unspool SKIN's powers gradually... that we should make full use of the school nature of the series and start him out with almost NO control, and then eventually take this guy with what looks like one of the most useless poweers in the world and ultimately make him one of the most powerful members of the team." [and more] "Who else but Chris Bachalo could have created arguably the Oddest Powered Character In the History of the X-Men! Go Chris!"

Scott Lobdell is currently writing comics for other companies, including Generation X's old rivals, Gen 13 for Wildstorm!

1994 photo from the Generation X Preview

For more of Scott's extensive comments on Skin and his powers, go here!

Former writer Jay Faerber

"I originally wanted to write Skin out of Gen X because I didn't really have anything to say about the character. I still think he's got dumb powers, but over time, I grew to enjoy writing his rather bitter take on the human/mutant dynamic."

Don't worry Jay, I still respect you! Heh.
Jay Faerber is currently writing several great comics, including New Warriors for Marvel Comics, and Gen X's erstwhile rivals, co-writing Gen-Factor and Titans!

Jay Faerber by Jamal Igle

Current scripter Brian Wood

"Skin is one of the older kids, and is probably the most wise, in the sense of real world experience. I think he has been down-played far to much in the past, and his potential yet to be realized. Under his attitude and gruff exterior lies a person who genuinely cares about people, and cares about what is right, and what is wrong."

Brian Wood gained critical acclaim for his creator-owned series Channel Zero, published by Image Comics!

Brian by Brian Wood

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Skin, Generation X and all related characters are properties of Marvel Comics. Their use in this site is merely an attempt to share knowledge of the characters and to promote the comics themselves.

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