Help for Newbies...

So you have no idea what I mean when I say "shipper" or "noromo"? Well, this is the page for you! Here you will get a jump on the X-Files and the termanology that goes with it!!! (For you Trekkies and Warriors there will be a section at the bottom which deals with fanfiction and MST3K, just skip down.)

Let's see...New X-Philes...Hee, hee, hee... How much do you know right now? Hopefully you know the names of the main characters and just a touch of backround on them, but just in case I'll give you a brief rundown of the main characters (Mulder, and Scully) (Please remember I'm assuming you've seen the show at least a coupla' times, and know the basic story behind the conspiricy and the "shadow goverment".)

FOX MULDER: Yup! That's his name. Better than the nickname he was given (Spooky) by his fellow agents. A little backround on Agent Mulder, his sister (Samantha) was abducted when she was 8 and he was 12. Ever since then he has belived in aliens. Yeah, aliens. So he opened up the X-Files (they were under "U" for Unsolved until they ran out of room.) at the FBI (he had origionally started out in the Violent Crimes unit. I think.). And now has been paired up with a skeptical red-head to debunk his work. (His theories are kinda "out-there" so why "they" had to do this I don't know. Most people don't believe him anyway.)

DANA SCULLY: Yes, that "skeptical red-head" who was origionally sent to debunk his work, and hasn't done a very good job (debunking that is, which is *good*). Scully does not believe in aliens (at least not for the moment), and usually tries to give a "scientific explination" for the paranormal events she and Agent Mulder investigate. Over the years (and after numerous savings of each others hineys) Agent Scully and Agent Mulder have developed a close friendship...which brings us to our next point...

RELATIONSHIPPERS: Once you've become an X-Files fan (or X-Phile.) The next question you will be faced with is this: Do Mulder and Scully "belong" together? (a good way to tell this is the hallway scene from the movie: If you groaned in dissapointment when the bee stung Scully you are a shipper. If you cheered; you are a noromo. If you were more concerned with what the bee might be carring you probably should skip this part.) If you think they *do* belong together (and want them to be together *now*!), then you are a relationshipper (aka: 'shipper) if the answer is "no" then you are a noromo (kind of a non-romantic). There are more branches of this; the finishippers are people who want to see them together, but only at the end of the series. Friendshippers; people who want them to stay just friends. Once you make this choice you will most likely run into problems with people from the other side. Don't take it personal, it's just something fun to do! Remember: It *is* possible to have friends that are noromos if you are a shipper, and friends that are shippers if you are a noromo. And in case you haven't already guessed. There are way more shippers then there are noromos.:-)

Any other terms you need to know? Well, if you read fanfic (stories written by fans of the show.) You might need to know these*:

A: Angst. Someone's *really* moody in this. Usually lot's of thinking with very little action.
T: Adventure story! A good normal (that has to be an oxymoron) X-Files. Exciting, but not always paranormal.
S: Story. Mulder and Scully doing everyday things, like shopping.
X: A regular X-File fic. Paranormal and everything else.
V: Vigilanty (did I spell that right? Probably not!) More character thought, with little action.
R: Romance.
C: Crossover. Story that crossesover one or more shows with the X-Files. (or whatever fanfic you are looking up.)
MSR: A Mulder Scully Relationship story. Shipper dreams come to life.(check the rating on these folks! Some are NC-17)
UST:Unresolved Sexual Tension. This stuff is usually found in the show, so don't worry.
SPOILERS: When the story uses an episode as a reference. Not only is it confusing for people who haven't seen the episode, but it usually spoils (hence the name)it for them; telling them what happens, who says what, and most importantly the ending!
SUMMARY: Like the back of a book. Just gives a brief rundown of what will be happening in the story.
RATINGS: Just like a movie theater G=good for everybody PG=usually some language PG13=Lots of language. Some innuendo. R=What would it take for a movie to get this rating? NC-17= No kids under 17. You know why! (I don't even read 'em!)
INNUENDO: This could go under MST3K also. Innuendo or inuendo (my spelling sucks!) is "suggestive". You know, like those kids at school that always have their head in the gutter!
DISCLAIMER: Just so nobody is sued (or taken off the net) This part let's everyone know who The X-Files (or Star Trek, or Star Wars) really belong to. Not like we already don't know (Chris Carter, Paramount Studios, and George Lucas. In that order), but it is *essential* in a fanfic! (it also helps to say you're not making any money.)
FEEDBACK: Most authors live for this.(I'd settle for someone READING mine!) They just want to know what you thought of it! Observe what they say about "flaming"
FLAMES: Flames are when some person gets annoyed at what you wrote and they take it apoun themselves to tell you every little detail that is wrong! (Most authors however are so starved for feed back that they don't care anymore! (like me!))

*Most of these Deffintions were taken from the Gossamer Archives! Please don't sue me for this. This is just "for your information" and if you can't understand what I said up there (this is by memory so they're could be mistakes!) Just go to the Gossamer Archives (there's a link on the bottom of my homepage!) And take a look!

(I know there are a few more, but I can't recall them at the moment. Let me know if I've missed any!)

For those of you who are Mystery Science Theater fans and love to read MiSTings here are a few for you...(please let me know if I missed some!!!)

PLOT POINT: A telling of an essential feature in the story. Like when we were told Mulder's sister was abducted, this affects the story enough that, without it, you would be pretty lost. (Example of when it's used:
>It had been too long since...(profuse appologies to the author who's story I borrowed this line from.)
TOM: A Plot point?
CROW: What plot?

PLOT TWIST: When the story takes on a new spin. A great example of this was when we were told: (WARNING!!! Spoiler for The Empire Strikes Back! If you have not seen it, turn back now!) That Darth Vader was Luke's father. (Example:
VADER: Luke! *I* am your father!
MIKE: Whoa! What a plot twist!

PLOT HOLE: I finally found one for this. Actually, my last deffinition was wrong. Sorry. Okay, I believe it's where the story contradicts itself. The example
> Deanna... I'm fine. I don't need your counceling."
CROW: But a minute ago she felt "she would have to talk to Deanna about this."...
MIKE: Hush, Crow. Leave the plot hole be.(more appolgies from the MiSTing I borrowed this from it's just because it made a *really* good example!)

That's all I have right now. Email me if you have any questions or if I missed something! Thanx!

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