You know You're an X-Phile when...

(almost all of these are from personal experience...;-)

Things have changed a bit here. Let me explain. I have a life. (AHH NOOO!) and as such I cannot devote my entire existance to thinking these up anymore. So, many of these you may have seen before. Don't get your panties in a knot. These are for you entertainment purposes only, but should you feel so inclined. You may e-mail me at: if you need to inform me of one of your YKYAXPW... and would like me to add your name. I will do that. Also, all spelling errors are to be ignored. Okay, back to the light stuff... The last one at the bottom is: "TO BE CONTINUED causes you to go psycho! TO BE CONTINUED..." Okay now for the new stuff...You know you're an X-Phile when...

...You hear the name "Robert Patrick" and your first thought is "Agent Doggett!" and not "Terminator!".

...You've written so much fanfiction that you now have something close to an alternate universe going.

...You finally heard the song "Chantily Lace" and laughed so much during it that people thought you needed professional help.'ve ever written a fan letter to DD's father. think that a bunch of well dressed people running around in the Northwest woods is not unusual.

...You recorded the "Millenium" ep and re-watched "The Kiss" half a dozen times (er..I guess that actually makes you a shipper.)

...If people tell you that you are weird you take it as a compliment. (Just like Mulder..kinda)

...When you recieve a nickname your first thought is, "Well, at least it's not Spooky."

...When you are in the market for a new car your first thought is: Light grey Ford Taurus.

...You start answering your phone using your last name.

...You decide to do this, you will need a cell-phone.

...You start calling people by their last names even though they aren't on sports teams.

...You continue to do this even though their name is about 15 letters long.

...You've changed your answering machine to Scully's (using that one episode's tape.)

...Everyone knows not to call on you on Sunday nights between 9-10pm on pain of very slow death.

...Likewise they know not to call on you during commercials.

...You've considered joining the FBI.

...You do your career reaserch project for school on the FBI.

...You soon realized that you'd have better luck becoming a baseball/softball star than an Agent.

...You placed your student ID in your wallet in such a way that you can flash it like an FBI badge.

...You decide to come up with really wild theories about whatever the teacher may be asking about, because it's just plain fun!

...You are able to present them in a way that doesn't make you look like a total lunatic. Generally by using words with over 4 sylibols.

...your idea of a romantic evening includes a stakeout, and falling asleep.

...You type fast enough to keep up with your voice that is talking in your head.

...You decide glasses aren't nessesarily a bad thing.

...You set up your computer equipment and desk in the basement, even though it's freezing! know what *REALLY* happened to the lost colony of Ranoke Island.

...While taking a difficult true/false test you constantly mutter "The Truth is Out There."

...your teacher has a name similar to one of the characters and you accidently call them by the characters name!

...when you quote strange X-File sayings hoping to bring other X-Philes out into the open. works

...Everytime someone says they don't trust a paticular person, you respond with
"Trust no one!!!" (a great way to find other Philes on the 'net!)

...You just want to belive it's butter. (See "I can't believe it's not butter!")

...You want to find an Extraterestrial Biological Entity!

...You and other X-Philes speak an entirely different language then the rest of the

...You think Gillian Anderson ROCKS! (that was for you Kalli! :) )

...You begin to wonder why Disclaimers and Terms of Service and Use are now using "People and/or entities"
(please see Yahoo's new Terms of Service and Use...hee, hee, hee)

...CC always means "Chris Carter" (not the football player!)

...whenever you need a quick snack food your first thought is "Sunflower seeds!" can no longer eat/or think about sunflower seeds without thinking of Mulder

...Everytime you read a poem, you begin to see if the Mulder/Scully relationship fits it in any way.

...You do the same things with songs.

...Everytime you hear "Joy to the World" (NOT the Chirstmas song!) you can't help but think of Scully

...After reading this you now have this song stuck in your head and randomly start singing it. watch a Simpson's epsisode for the millionth time just to see if
Mike Scully was a producer. live in Minnesota and are *still* dissapointed to learn that they
talking about the quarter back and not THE Chris Carter.(Yup! True!.) are happy to learn that you are not the only one without a life.

...EVERYTHING'S a conspericy! learn how to hold a gun from the ep. go into withdrawl because you have just learned that it's on
weeknights and you don't have cable! (Arghhhh!) have converted people (and/or pets) into X-"Philedom". get annoyed at your parents because they won't let you stay up until
midnight to watch it because it's a *school* night.

...your teacher asks you to do a report on Mt. Rainer and you do it...
on the UFO sighting!) respond to: UFO, X-Files, Scully, Mulder, FBI. Quicker then to your
own name. Or at least *hear* them better. start working Mulderisms and Scullyisms into daily conversation. start wondering what they are *really* teaching you in history. start writing these lists. (Heyyy, wait a minute...) devote a webpage to it, or part of one. (Stop that...) read the words; truth, believe, trust and you can't help but think
of X-Files. Even if you're reading a school assignment.

...plausible denyibility becomes a way of life for you. *know* aliens have landed. Why else would everyone agree that they are
short, humanoid, with green/grey skin, and liquid black eyes? cheer when ever 10:13, 11:21 or your birthdate comes around. watch old sci-fi movies just to get the reference jokes.

...on that same note, you read books (like Moby Dick) to get the refs. begin to hate the song: Somewhere beyond the Sea. And can't get
it out of your head for days. can relate any personality to a character on the X-Files.

...the nonconclusive endings don't bother you as much. randomly sing: Watching X-Files with no lights on...(from: One Week) randomly start whistling the opening score (and don't feel weird.)

...your motto is: If it mentions X-Files, it can't be *all* that bad...

...your family members think you need help, profesional help. work X-Files into school assignments (like those annoying: "Use this
word in a sentence" assignments.) start writing fanfic. (Com'on folks. You *know* that's a sign!) start writing song parodies (or your *own* songs.) start writing poems. have X-Files dreams

...DD & GA will *always* be Mulder and Scully to you. (Until you start watching half a dozen movies that they've starred in, then you have a bit of fun and incorperate their alter-ego's into the new movie. ;-)) stay up until midnight to watch a rerun that you've seen hundreds of times
and even have on tape. start nitpicking the scientific inaccuracies of the show.'re bored and start doodling that X from the opening titles. start incorperating "CSM" "Spooky" "x-phile" and other sayings into
your everyday speech. and your best bud start working X-File quotes into everyday speech where they can actually be understood! (scary!) hear someone's opinion of something and immediatly think: What would Scully think? What would Mulder think? can actually come up with answers for the one above! can actually hear them say it if you work hard enough! relate everything to the X-Files in 5 or less steps. (my personal example: working in garden taking down dead pea vines, it sound like a fire the way they snap off, fire reminds me of that forest fire in "Bambi", Bambi....well you get it! Garden peas!!! Sheesh!)

...your vocabulary is expanding rapidly. learn little computer pictures: (<>..<>)= alien (<>(<>(<>..<>)<>)<>)=aleins (<@>..<@>)=alien on drugs! *:-\ = Mulder (with hair and lopsided smile) ':-| = Scully (the eyebrow thing!), (find better ones (and the few that I threw in here) at my link to: "Awsome X-Files page!") seems that *any* conspiracy show, has a brown haired (or dark haired), guy believer, and a red haired (or light haired) girl skeptic!

...TO BE CONTINUED causes you to go physco!!!

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