...being younger doesn't nessicarily mean you will have less wrinkles, sometimes you will have more! (see Yoda)
...Old Jedi Masters have a tendency to get killed off during important fights. (I knew he would, but DANG IT!)
...Evil killers never live long afterwards
...Princesses are always running around dressed up as servents
...Old phrases have a tendency to work their way into new movies
...When fighting a villian it's a good idea to try to ruin his weapon
...If, for some reason, you do *not* ruin said villian's weapon. Do NOT take him alone!
...If you think you are "all that" and *do* take him alone, resort to any means neccisary to win. (force pushing him over that ledge would've been a good idea!)
...Skill and experience are *not* the things to have in battle. Rather blind luck and shear stupidity are. (see Jar, Jar.)
...There is always a bigger fish
...Do not mess with offworlders
...Do not make bets with Jedi
...Attack droids are pretty pathetic next to two Jedi with lightsabers
...Don't make deals with Sith (see Lando and the Trade Federation)
...Apprentices always end up doing the dirty work
...Crew cuts are the latest in Jedi fashion
...Don't mock a Jedi with a braid or ponytail
...The difference between a good guy and a bad guy is blindingly obvious!
...Shields are great. Except when the enemy can walk right through them!
...No matter how bad the wound. The good guy will not die until he has had a final say
...Screaming "NOOOOO!!!" is a good way to start your revenge scene (yes, I know Jedi's don't take "revenge", but I'm taking it from the audiences 'point of view')
...Apparently Luke was wrong and lightsabers *don't* hurt! They just kill. (Examples of this are Darth Maul, QuiGon-Jinn, and Obi-wan. They didn't utter a thing!)
(These are my cousin's)
...Robots don't see their naked selves
...Some parts will always be cheesy
...Little trash can R2 units are worth $$
...Always stop before red beams
...Do not fall asleep while trapped in red beams (unless you are a Jedi master who won't make it out anyway.)
...Pace back and forth while waiting for red beams to open