Remember... ...If you see a bright light, for goodness sakes *don't* stand there and stare at it! ...If someone is acting strange, they have probably been taken over by an alien. ...Aliens are always hostile and bent on taking over Earth. ...Bad guys wear black or drive black cars. ...Bad guys can't hit the broad side of a barn. ...Plausible deniability. ...Theories always work. ...Never, under any circumstances, split up. ...Never, under any circumstances, be a form of security guard. ...Hunches are preferable to logic. ...Never go into a dark place (alone or otherwise), chances are you will be beaten-up or worse. ...Good guys always win. ...The more powerful the technology, the more likely something will go wrong (or the more likely it will obtain self-awareness.) ...If a highly advanced civilization wants to bargain, chances are this is their first step to total and complete domination. ...If you are a low-ranking character whom nobody knows and are working a station who's function is also unknown. Chances are you will be sent flying across the room when it blows up. ...Robots, androids, ect...always short-circuit at the worst possible time. ...Bad guys always explain their plans before executing you. Use this time to escape. ...Always know your relations. If you are an orphan DEMAND to know who your parents and siblings were or are. ...The traitor is always the least likely suspect. (yes, even YOU.) ...The bad guys *always* have a fatal flaw that's pretty easy to spot. (it's generally over-confidence) ...The son/daughter of the enemy always turns into a good guy after one look at the hero/heroine. ...Sometimes it's all just a dream. ...Sometimes you *wish* it was all just a dream. ...The "technological terror" *always* has a fatal flaw that is really hard to hit, but looks easy when the hero/heroine does it. ...You are always messing with powers you cannot possible comprehend. ...Always be aware of what century it is. Dress and act accordingly. ...If someone says they are from the future; believe them. ...That the Truth is out there. explore strange new worlds. use the Force. ...Aliens are always icky with black eyes. But all noses, ears, mouths, and eyes are in the normal places (ever notice that?) ...If everything's the same, but everybody's different. You might just be in a parallel universe. ...If you are in a shuttle, something will go wrong. ...the governments always involved and usually at the bottom of it. matter how escape proof they've made it, there's always a way out. ...If a bad guy is shot, he will die. It doesn't matter where it hit.(unless of course it's the main bad guy in that case; he will most likely live no matter how bad the wound.) ...If a good guy is shot, he will live. It doesn't matter where it hit. ...If a good guy *does* die. He/she will either come back to life, or hang around and offer advice. ...a good guy will always have time to give a bit of important and usually cryptic information before he/she dies. never have to go to the bathroom. ...The heroine in heels will always out run the bad guy in sneakers. ...No matter how much you try, you can't mess up your hair (or makeup.) ...If you are a Jedi apprentice, it is almost certain the master will die within the course of the first movie. Make sure to yell "NOOOO!!!!" before starting your revenge scene. ...Princesses are always running around as handmaids, just anything BUT a princess. listen for foreshadowing. ...The kamikaze attack is undefendable, but takes a lot of emotion and effort, so therefore is not used much. (see Luke in "Jedi" battling Vader towards the end. See Obi-Wan in "Phantom" after Qui-Gon is killed.) ...that old person who helps you will usually die. Jedi Master or not.