"They" have been here...

AD - 10/10/00 21:48:32
My URL:http://www.adxf.cjb.net
My Email:Cello6909@aol.com

NOT A SHIPPER??? ::Takes out AK47:: You will now die!! No, jk. Noromos are cool with me. I really like your page and your fanfic. I read "Fanfic Gone Awry" at Gossamer and thought it was really good. I have my fanfics at my site if you want to go. HUMOROUS FLUFF ALL THE WAY!

Tabitha - 10/09/00 22:00:37
My URL:http://members.xoom.com/weirdtab
My Email:weirdtab@yahoo.com

Guess what? You're site's listed on Google! I couldn't remember the addy, so I typed in, "x-files band jokes" and one of (imagine, there's more than one!) of the sites was yours! If only ALL the stories could have such fabulously happy endings! Thank ou for the link to my site, I honestly swear I'll update mine sometime soon! This would be so much easier if I just emailed you... but wouldn't that be the easy route?

arakay - 08/15/00 02:16:38
My URL:http://www.angelfire.com/ga2/arakay
My Email:arakay@paranoia.co.uk

COOL!! I like it! "Right!" was great, btw!! I knew I couldn't be the only one, THE TRUTH MUST BE TOLD!! They're just trying to label us as insane to hide it, but they won't succeed, HAHAHAHA!! Ok, I've gotta go read the rest of your stories now, I li e 'em!! Ps, if you want, join my webring: all sites that proclaim the truth are guarenteed accepted!

JESSICA - 08/11/00 20:19:16
My URL:http://angelfire.com/rock/jessicajan
My Email:jessicajan@limpbizkit.com

Hey Gilly. I Have my PICTURES uploaded on my webpage now! YIPPY SKIPPY! so if you need to learn how to do so..ill be happy to help you out wit em' alright. L8Ter

Jessica - 07/30/00 18:02:47
My URL:http://www.angelfire.com/rock/jessicajan

hey gilly. its me jessie . well anyways. see you still dont have a life.thats ok.. just remember you have a life but it doesnt consist of much..lol. well anyways. drop me a line on of these days.

Tabitha - 07/28/00 04:19:48
My URL:http://go.fast.to/tabitha
My Email:weirdtab@yahoo.com

One good guestbook signing deserves another! Do you know how scary it is that we seem to ramble in a fast style exactly like each other? At least, I happen think so! I went to the Scully got Abducted by Aliens song, and I was like, "Score!" (my word fo good stuff) I guess we know who'll be torturing her friends come Christmas!!

Brandon - 06/25/00 09:29:10
My URL:http://www.taworld.net/AliensTC
My Email:classified

Better than the last time I visited. Muuuuch better! :) (I swear, this guestbook entry won't be *nearlly* as half-a**ed as my last one...) Liked 'One of those nights' and 'The Band' (I mean, why *wouldn't* I have liked 'The Band'?). Answering Machines gets a definite thumbs-up... Now, if they'd only have a Russian character that wasn't the badguy. They shouldn't always have to to b the badguy, dangit... Oh, reading the disclaimers at the start of everything reminded me to mention one thing: Be glad you're dealing with Paramount, and not 20th Century Fox. :\ How do you spell 'preemptive Cease & Desist Order'? --Brandon (no, you do not spell 'preemtive cease & desist order' B-r-a-n-d-o-n, thankyouverymuch...)

Sarah - 06/23/00 21:34:42
My URL:http://www.dell.homestead.com/xfileslove/home.html
My Email:Starbuck2364@aol.com

Hey! Cool site!!!! :0) Keep it up!

Elizabeth Bateman - 06/11/00 05:30:30
My Email:Lizzy@hotmail.com

Totally cool site!I am so like obsessed with the x-files!It so rocks!

Raye - 05/01/00 16:47:27
My URL:http://members.xoom.com/thebookcase
My Email:thebookcase@yahoo.com

Great site! You have some really good stuff here! I'll be back.

steve again - 04/23/00 21:18:45

u need lots of star trek

steve - 04/23/00 21:17:04

this is a great site and i will come back often. i did not give u my adress becuase of security reasons.

zara robinson - 04/18/00 19:24:01
My Email:katie@wfcsmail.com

super cool and trendy

Glen - 04/16/00 15:09:20
My Email:gcmcintosh@hotmail

Okay okay okay I did it!!!!

the_Shadow_003 - 03/10/00 17:02:16
My URL:/SoHo/Village/7064/
My Email:the_shadow_003@geocities.com

Heyhey ur site is looking really good :) i was fixing a thing when i remebered that i hadn't fixed up a xf-links page on my site yet... [bad shadow, bad shadow... tee hee] anyway i thought bout ur site n stopped by 2 chk it out again :)) some funny "quotes": | "Kirk to Enterprise" "Hello, this is the Enterprise answering machine" | "Confused? Call LCDR Troi at 1-900-NCC-1701. 5 credits per minute." | "I am Hamlet, prince of Borg. Prepare to be... or not to be!" | "My name is Borg, James Borg, licensed to ass milate." | "Men don't roar, women roar. Then they throw heavy objects." -- Worf | "Reality is for people who can't handle decent fantasy.....and deserve our pity.... :) " | "Reality is for people who can't handle science fiction." | "He's dead Jim. You g ab his tricoder and I'll get his wallet." -- unknown | "In cyberspace, everyone can hear you scream" --unknown | "Scale: 1/45th" -Seen on the box for a plastic model UFO | "Very funny Scotty, now beam me my clothes!" -- bumper sticker | "Beam me abo rd, Scotty..... Sure. Will a 2x10 do?" | tee hee ;) well i'd better go now. c ya n have a nice day =))

angelique - 02/22/00 06:27:19
My Email:soccergigi44@yahoo.com


Ashley - 02/10/00 11:41:48
My URL:http://geocities.com/xphile_ashley_2000/ashleys_X-Files_Site.html
My Email:jimnbeth-ashley@northnet.org

I realy like your page. Sci-Fi 4 Ever!(Corny huh?):-)

Colin - 02/07/00 05:36:25
My URL:http://members.tripod.com/cityguy21/index.html
My Email:Cityguy21@hotmail.com

Hey sweet site! Very well done on it! also...the vocabulary part was helpful!

Spooky (aka Jill) - 02/04/00 03:18:43
My URL:http://www.angelfire.com/wa/spookysmulder/index.html
My Email:alienzufo@hotmail.com

HEY! i just wandered on in fromt the ever so helpful x-files random site! this is a cute site! keep up the good work! if you have time, visit my page. even though it needs updating deathly bad! but, there is just no time anymore! this is just a war ing - it is very good! but, oh well! see ya! bYE! find the truth and believe! TNO!

Jess - 01/18/00 04:13:26
My URL:http://angelfire.com/punk/shawanocountygirlz/index.html
My Email:Nikeprincess@excite.com

DONT CLICK ON THE URL!!!!!!! ok now that thats done. Hey cuzsis! well my friends made me make a new webpage. they wanted they're 'own' webpage it's junky right now but hey i dont care i'll get to it when i want. hey check ya laters. ~jess

Eliane - 12/24/99 13:57:10

of Course I believe you! I like Star Wars and all things Trek as well! You're not alone. (now I know I'm not too!) Mom said I can't leave my Email address though. She's paranoid.

Kathryn - 12/20/99 23:07:41
My URL:http://zap.to/thex-files

Hey there, Sorry I haven't gotten back to you sooner - thanX for signing my guestbook and being nice about my website... it needs updating, though :) Your site is great, keep up the good work! Deny Everything - Kathryn

the_shadow_003 - 11/30/99 05:43:43
My URL:/SoHo/Village/7064/
My Email:the_shadow_003@geocities.com

hi. i'm so sorry 4 not mailing u. will do so a.s.a.p.

Tara W. - 11/29/99 06:34:37
My URL:/Hollywood/Agency/1279
My Email:xtara@abts.net

Hi, Happy! What a great site you have here! The fanfic is so cute and funny. [which is a good thing] I truly enjoyed my visit here. BTW, thank you for visiting my site. Keep up the wonderful work!!!

matt - 11/09/99 22:46:14

hey there good job on the site,send me an email you know my address later

Jessie - 11/07/99 20:08:07
My URL:http://www.angelfire.com/wi/darkjediprincessDJP/index.html
My Email:dark_jedi_princess@yahoo.com

hey i put your web page under mine,if you dont want it on there i can take it off. Hey thats pretty cool , mine suxs wait till i'm done i just started it and well i'm inching. if you want please give me some tips. - your cousin

Giant - 11/06/99 00:38:28
My URL:http://giantsskuniverse.freeservers.com
My Email:KittyG25@erols.com

Hey great site!! Power to the aliens!!Yeah!! Wahoo!! Sorry- I had to say that. Anyways I just wanna say that me likes your site, and keep up the good work. Gee I think your one of the few humanoid lifeforms out there that likes both Star Wars and Star Tre . Personally if there is an alien in it, I like it!

DAN - 11/03/99 13:05:49
My Email:dbell@weston.rmplc.co.uk

Yeah What a cool website Happy! Well make it better yet though!

Laura Teaney - 10/19/99 00:20:26
My Email:ruathahold@yahoo.com

cute cute cute. Well done!

Shadow - 10/15/99 20:25:35
My URL:/SoHo/Village/7064/
My Email:the_shadow_003@geocities.com

WOW!!!! every time i visit this site u've somehow managed 2 make it even better. it's great!

Shadow - 09/23/99 16:46:25
My URL:/SoHo/Village/7064/
My Email:the_shadow_003@geocities.com

Whatta day!!!! at 1st everything sucks but i've just found out that 42 ppl visited my site last week!!!! hehe. and my skfanfic was just put in into the SWAT Kats fan fiction archive!!!! mail me!! PS. hope ur cold's better now

Brandon Toomey - 08/18/99 06:30:57
My URL:http://members.xoom.com/RavenFire2/Raven%20Squadron.com
My Email:snakebitt@mindspring.com

to the tune of : Led Zepplin song you'll recognize There's a lady who sure All that glitter is mold And she's buying the 7-11 When she gets there she knows the hotdogs allways roll So with a word she can get one with mustard ooooo, oooooo and she's buying the 7-11 (rest of lyrics on request. : ) --Brandon

Foxy11814 - 08/03/99 19:31:23
My URL:http://sites.netscape.net/foxy11814/
My Email:foxy11814@netscape.net

Love your website. Keep it up! Oh, and thanks for visiting my X-Files' website.

- 07/28/99 11:44:49
My Email:dwalla@netscape.net


Jennifer - 07/23/99 14:20:46
My Email:www.swordwitch@hotmail.com

Awesome website.

Jennifer - 07/23/99 14:20:11


Bo Botkin - 07/01/99 19:31:20
My URL:http://www.angelfire.com/va/urza
My Email:ertai13@hotmail.com

It's Darksaber. I love the page.

Shadow - 06/22/99 15:38:01
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/SoHo/Village/7064/
My Email:the_shadow_003@geocities.com

hiya! just stopped by. c u in the future ;-) Shadow

- 06/22/99 15:37:45
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/SoHo/Village/7064/
My Email:the_shadow_003@geocities.com

hiya! just stopped by. c u in the future ;-) Shadow

peanut - 05/27/99 13:13:08
My URL:http://www.angelfire.com/ks/peanuts

Hi!! You know who I am. Nice page!! see you later...

Shadow - 05/26/99 07:06:03
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/SoHo/Village/7064/
My Email:the_shadow_003@geocities.com

just wanted 2 say that ur site is great. thanx 4 signing my guestbook.

Jessica - 05/21/99 15:34:50
My URL:http://www.angelfire.com/pa2/jmjhxfiles
My Email:teahater@hotmail.com

I just wanted to say that I agree with you completely! It is possible to be both a Star Wars and Star Trek fan! I've grown up on both and have never had a problem. On top of that, I am a HUGE X-Files fan and have even been known to watch Babylon 5. (It' one of my mom's favorite shows and she has watched Star Trek since the original show). Now that's taboo. Great site! Keep up the good work!

Gen - 05/10/99 13:02:23
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Area51/Quadrant/2605/
My Email:Gen_K119@hotmail.com

Very good site. You where right Shadow

Shadow - 05/10/99 13:00:06
My URL:/SoHo/Village/7064/main.html
My Email:the_shadow_003@geocities.com

Just wanted 2 say that "Help for Newbies..." is a great page. I guess that I'm a mix between finishipper and a noromo and friendshipper. Sounds a bit strange, doesn't it...

Shadow - 05/10/99 12:53:10
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/SoHo/Village/7064/main.html
My Email:the_shadow_003@geocities.com

*ROFL* hey, look what I just learned: ( <@>..<@> ) *LOL* That list just gets funnier and funnier every time you read it... May be I should read it again. You know that You're a X-phile when...

DATXF1013 - 04/26/99 02:35:05
My URL:http://angelfire.com/nc/cryoX/
My Email:theclassifiedX@hotmail.com

Hi Thanx for signing my G-book! A True Kick Butt Site! DAT

Eva James - 04/22/99 00:19:42
My URL:http://members.tripod.com/~evajames
My Email:ejxf@hptmail.com

Great site! I'm a phile and love Star Wars as well.

Shadow - 04/21/99 12:51:30
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/SoHo/Village/7064/
My Email:the_shadow_003@geocities.com

I love what I've seen so far on your site. Checked out the you know that you're a X-phile when... Very funny and good. (found signs on almost being a real x phile) I'm an XF-, SK-, Ql-, ans some other shows- fan. I'm working right now with the links to xf fan fic and found your URL in a guestbook. KEEP UP THE GOOD WORK!

wheelercr - 04/19/99 18:54:13
My Email:wheelercr@hotmail.com

keep up the good work cuzsis!

Kimi - 04/18/99 14:08:29
My URL:http://zap.to/xfparadise
My Email:xphila@yahoo.com

Coll site! But shipper's rule!!! Anyways, thatnk for signing my GB, so few do and I agree you can be a Trekkie and a Phile. Oh and the 'you know you're an X-phile when...' was SO funny *g*

G-woman - 04/16/99 15:41:12
My URL:http://www.bigfoot.com/~g-woman
My Email:g-woman@ACK!SPAMbigfoot.com

You have a terriffic page here! I found you in my guestbook, and popped over. I believe we share the same sense of humor. I particularly like the Mulder and Scully song to the tune of "Hakuna Matata" *raucous laughter*

MorganX - 04/01/99 22:30:06
My URL:http://come.to/morganX
My Email:sananMorganX03@Yahoo.com

lol...cute site!!! Just dropping in...
Click here for my X Files Site

MorganX - 04/01/99 22:29:21
My URL:http://come.to/morganX
My Email:sananMorganX03@Yahoo.com

lol...cute site!!! Just dropping in...
Click here for my X Files Site

Jenny - 02/24/99 21:54:22
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/TelevisionCity/Studio/2459
My Email:Mulder_Scully@webtv.net

Thanks so much for dropping by my site and signing my Guestbook.. you have a great site here.. ;-) Keep up the great work.. I will bookmark it and be back..:-)

adam mehlberg - 12/30/98 03:59:45
My Email:icandrive69@hotmail.com


Leia_Langly - 12/18/98 22:57:31
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Area51/Nebula/2090
My Email:lady_griddlebone@hotmail.com

hi! thanx for signing my guestbook! awesome page! love the lists! btw:: that isnt my real name. It's Syd, but close enough, right? ;-)

« Acid~Rain » - 12/18/98 02:12:16
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Area51/Zone/6270
My Email:subzero_62@hotmail.com

Heya! Thanks for visiting my page, appreciate it! Good on ya for become an X-Phile! There's always room for more! =o) Keep up the cool work on ya page, cya! « Acid~Rain »

Sarah - 12/14/98 23:10:52
My URL:http://members.aol.com/BelleElle7/index.html
My Email:BelleElle7@aol.com

Cute site, wanna link mine, and I'll link yours?

Me!! - 12/11/98 20:40:56
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Area51/Keep/5507

It's finally up and running!!

My Home Page | Visit Area51/Keep | Explore GeoCities | Get your own free homepage