T'was the night before Yavin and all through the 'Star,
Every creature was strirring expecially Da' Var.*
The lasers were all charged in the weapons with care
In hopes that the rebels would soon be there.
With Darth in his helmet and I in my cap
Had just sat down to the Emperors big map
Tomarrows the attack! He said with some glee
We'll wipe 'em out, blow 'em up, soon you'll see.
His voice filled the corridors with a metalicy sound
While my visions of promotions grew in mounds
Our attack the next day did not go as planned
Against that small rebel band
With one photon torpedo shot into our port
Darth was proved wise, for cutting his visit short
And I heard him exclaim as he spun out of sight
*Darth Vader was too long.
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