Disclaimer: I don't own Mulder, Scully, Skinner, Pendrell, Fowley, Spender, or Karter. But I do own Wilmore. In a manner of speaking. You comp. gamers out there know what I mean. Rating: G Gossamer rating: S, H, (story, humor) Summary: The FBI annual softball game... Spoilers: Um, a tiny mention to the “Unnatural” and I suppose “Two Father’s/One Son” and “Tempus Fugit” Archive: Go for it! Just let me know where! Author's Notes: I know it's been done about three or four times, but I couldn't help myself. I know both Pendrell and Spender are dead at this time but I needed the extra players, so live with it! Also for those of you who own the game and after reading this are going to say "Wilmore is a GUY!" hang on! In this case Wilmore is me. I just used the name of the computer character b/c A.) It's so close to my name. B.) he works where I live. and C.) It would be easier on the reader than making up a completely new character. It's also easier to write for myself than for a completely new character and thus having to think up how they are going to respond to different situations. Feedback: Questions? Comments? E-mail me! issaquah@mailexcite.com ****************************************************************************** Take Me Out to the Ball Game by: Happy Basement Office Monday 5-03-99 6:55am Fox Mulder walked into the office he shared with his partner. He plopped down at his desk and began sorting the mail. Among the various bills and urgent requests for completed field reports he came across the flyer for the annual Bureau softball game. Shrugging, (what did he ever do on Saturdays anyway?) he noted the place where to sign up and planned to hit it during morning break. A "ca-click" of the door handle and the tapping of high heels announced the arrival of his partner (sometimes in crime) Dana Scully. " 'Morning Mulder." she said as she walked in. "Good Morning Scully!" he said with characteristic exuberance. Scully's blue, green eyes narrowed slightly as she heard it. "How was your weekend?" she asked with just the slightest bit of suspicion in her voice. "Oh, the usual." said Mulder flippantly "Boring." "I see." said Scully, obviously not seeing at all. "But you want to know why I'm so full of energy?" asked Mulder reading her confused look. "Well, I doubt it's because you got a goodnight's sleep," said Scully "And we have a winner!" said Mulder "Why don't I tell you what you've won?" Scully's eyebrow arched. "Ms. Scully," said Mulder taking on the official tones of any game show announcer. "You have just won an all expenses paid trip to the Bureau Annual Softball game, including..." here he paused for dramatic effect "An official spot on the roster of the defending home team!" Scully's eyebrow looked like it was about to arch right off her head. "You can't be serious." she said "I'm very serious." said Mulder "Mulder, I don't know the first thing about baseball!" said Scully "That's okay, this is softball." said Mulder. She gave him *The Look.* "No, seriously though Scully. I thought it would be a lot of fun!" "Mulder..." said Scully warningly. "Com'on Scully, Skinner is even going to play. You can't let him show you up can you?" he was begging now. Scully looked at him and sighed. "Sure, where do I sign up?" ****************************************************************************** Memorial Ball Park Saturday 5-08-99 10:14am Mulder drove them to the ball park. The game started at 10:30 but he wanted to get there a little early so he could stretch out. He would never live it down if he pulled a muscle at a *softball* game. As he and Scully got out of the car they looked at all the people who had turned out to play. Skinner, Spender, Fowley, Colton, Pendrell, and two that he didn't recognize. He and Scully were greeted warmly and once everyone had stretched at bit they began to toss the ball around. Pendrell immediately picked out Scully and asked her if she had a throwing partner. They all paired up and threw for about 5 minutes. As soon as they were warm Skinner called them all over to announce field positions. "Scully, second base. Mulder, right field. Colton, third base, Fowley, left field, Spender, catcher, Pendrell, first base, Wilmore, center field, Karter, shortstop, I'll take pitcher." said Skinner "Oh, Agents Mulder and Scully meet Agents Wilmore and Karter. They're from the Seattle office." "Long way to come for a softball game." said Mulder as he shook their hands. First Agent Wilmore's, she was a brunette with an athletic build. Then Karter's, a guy who looked like he came from California with his blond hair and tan. "We're in town on a case." explained Wilmore "I couldn't help it. I love playing softball." "Okay you guys, take the field!" said Skinner. The first half of the inning passed reasonably well. The first batter ripped a shot out to Fowley. Turning and running she surprised everyone when she caught it back behind her at the last minute. The next batter struck out, and this being slow-pitch Mulder didn't expect to see many more of those. The third batter hit a ground ball to Scully (who as you will remember was at second base) she fielded it cleanly and made the toss to first. Mulder winced when he watched her throw. Okay, so maybe next time they played baseball he would teach her how to throw. They all gathered around Skinner as he announced the line-up. Spender, Wilmore, Mulder, Skinner, Scully, Karter, Fowley, and Pendrell. Spender stepped up to the plate and watched as the ball arced down towards him. *CRACK* he sent it sailing over the left fielder's head. Rounding first he stretched it into a double by running to second and sliding in just ahead of the tag. Next Wilmore stepped up. Mulder could've sworn she was right handed but there she was batting left. He mentally shrugged, she must be one of those ambidextrous people. She watched the first pitch go by to get a feel for it. Then she sat as the second one came by. At the last second she swung her bat. The first baseman barely had time to bring his glove up as the ball came whizzing at him. Thankfully he caught it before it went through his chest. Unfortunately that meant Wilmore was out. The usual, "nice hit," and "that was a lucky stab" were exchanged and Mulder stepped up. Noting how far the left fielder was backed up he placed it in the opposite field and backed the right fielder up a bit. With Mulder on first and Spender on third, Skinner walked up to the plate and sent one right past the pitcher. Mulder hustled to get to second but wasn't able to make it. Jogging back to the dugout he was greeted with a high five from Spender who had gotten home. "Nice hustle" said Karter as they came in. "Not much you could do about that." said Fowley. Wilmore nodded in agreement. But Mulder wasn't listening anymore. He had turned to watch Scully bat. "Alright Scully!" he shouted "You can do, just like I taught you!" Everyone in the dugout turned to look at him, but he hardly noticed. Pendrell looked hurt and Wilmore and Karter exchanged amused looks. With two strikes and no balls Scully hit a ground ball to the shortstop. He fielded it and put her out for three. The teams switched. The next inning was fairly uneventful. The batters were put out three up, three down with various plays. Karter then hit a long fly ball which was caught by the center fielder, Fowley hit one to the shortstop and was put out and Pendrell hit one right back to the pitcher. The teams switched again. Surprisingly enough the opposing team hadn't even batted around yet. Their 7th, 8th, and 9th batters went up and went right back down again with the 8th and 9th striking out. The score was still 1-0 when Spender went back up. The outfielders were playing practically on the moon and Spender took the opportunity to drop a fly ball between them and the infielders. Wilmore walked back up. Determined not to make the same mistake as last time she ripped a shot between first and second. Spender stretched it a bit and took third. The throw to third was off and Wilmore, seeing it ran to second. Mulder stepped up and laid down a bunt. All the runners advanced. Surprising the heck out of the other team Mulder put on the speed and beat-out the throw to first. Then Skinner got up. He watched the pitch go by and Mulder took a long lead off of first. A really big one! Seeing this the catcher snapped the ball to the first baseman. Mulder jogged off towards second keeping his eye on the first baseman. As he got close the ball was flipped to the shortstop. The shortstop ran back towards Mulder and Mulder ran back towards first. Suddenly both teams were screaming and yelling as Wilmore took off towards home. The shortstop looked up and took a moment to register the action. Then he fired the ball to the catcher. Wilmore slid into home well ahead of the ball and Mulder chose that moment to run to second, and when he saw they *still* weren't paying attention he ran to third. As Skinner got back up for his second pitch he decided to play a bit and laid down a bunt. The third baseman played it like he was supposed to and put Skinner out at first, but Mulder made it in. Scully got up and smacked one out to the left fielder. The left fielder, though, was asleep and got a late jump. The ball was traveling over his head by the time he thought to run. Scully took second standing up. Karter stepped up and hit a grounder to the third baseman. It was hard enough to cause a bit of trouble, but not hard enough to get him to first. Then Fowley hit a high pop-up to the left fielder. Not to be caught this time the left fielder ran under it and caught it easily. The fourth inning was a bit different for the home team as the other team had finally batted around. Skinner threw the ball and the next thing Mulder knew was that he was running forward as fast as he could to try to catch the fly ball. Scully at the same time was running backwards as fast as she could. As they got closer Mulder finally realized that they were going to collide if he didn't say something. "I GOT IT! I GOT IT!" he screamed. Scully heard him and skidded to a stop just then she heard the *plop* of a ball in the glove and felt the breeze as Mulder ran past just barely missing her. Jogging back to her spot she was surprised to find out that she had been in shallow right field. The second ball was driven in right center. Scully turned around and watched as both Wilmore and Mulder ran at it. As they ran Scully heard Wilmore call off Mulder. Mulder immediately shifted his angle so he would run behind her. They crossed paths neatly and Wilmore caught the ball. She threw it back to Scully who in turn threw it to Skinner. The third ball was a hard grounder that went skittering past Karter and out to Fowley. Runner on first. The next ball went to Colton. Scully took second and put out the runner, then turning she flung the ball at Pendrell. Startled Pendrell reached out and caught it just before the runner crossed the base. At the middle of the fourth inning it was 4-0 in favor of the home team. Pendrell got up and hit a single. Then Spender bunted and moved him to second. Wilmore walked up and hit a single to right field and moved Pendrell to third. Mulder hit one in the gap bringing in both Pendrell and Wilmore and giving himself a nice double. Skinner then hit a high pop-up to the right fielder that kept Mulder at second. Scully then picked up her bat and stopped a moment to study the field. The whole outfield had moved in for her at-bats. She turned to look at Mulder and he gave her a thumbs-up sign. Grinning she stepped up to the plate. *CRACK!!!!!* The ball was sailing high and clear over everyone's heads. Mulder dashed off the minute he heard it. He knew nobody was going to catch *that* ball! Upon reaching home he turned and watched as Scully rounded second. Then he looked out into the field. They were still running to the ball. "KEEP GOING SCULLY!" he yelled as she rounded third. They had reached the ball. "COME ON YOU GOT IT, YOU GOT IT!" he continued to yell as she came running in. The ball was just reaching the second baseman when she crossed the plate. The entire team came out to mob her as she walked back to the dugout. Still high after her homerun Scully watched as both Karter and Fowley hit doubles. Then Pendrell got up and hit a long fly ball. By this time the outfield was so far back that he had no chance of hitting it over them, but Fowley ran in and he received an RBI. A grounder by Spender to the third baseman ended the inning. With 10-0 going into the fifth and final inning Skinner called the team together. "This is it." he said "Let's hold 'em!" The team put their hands in for a cheer. "HOLD 'EM!" they shouted and sprinted out into the field. "FOURTH BATTER!" called Karter as the other team's strongest hitter came to the plate. The batter reared back and sent a screamer over Fowley's head. She hustled though, and was able to hold him to a double. The next batter hit one past Skinner and only a great play from Karter saved them from another base runner. The third batter laid down a bunt (obviously he thought the game was over and was trying to keep it from being a complete shut-out.) Spender picked it up and threw it to Pendrell for the out. With a runner on third and two outs the home team was just one out away from a 10-0 victory. The tension was high as Skinner threw the ball. The ball made solid contact with the bat and began to fly. It began to lift as it flew towards Scully. She saw it coming and, turning, started to run. Mulder began to run in, but in a second saw that he was never going to make it. Everything went into slow motion as the ball began to fly over Scully's head still rising. Just as it traveled over her Scully leaped forward letting her momentum carry her to the ball. There was a soft *thump* as the ball landed in her mitt. Then the ground was rushing up at her and she just had time to squeeze her eyes shut before she hit. "Oof!" her breath came out in a rush. She turned to glanced at her glove which was still closed tightly. Opening it she looked inside to find the softball. Grabbing it she jumped to her feet and held it above her head victoriously. Her teammates exploded in cheers and came rushing at her for the second time that game. If they had won the World Series the rejoicing could not have been greater. Even Skinner was smiling and thumping people on the back. They composed themselves long enough to clap hands with the other team and tell them "Good game." Then they rushed back to their gear, talking about where they were going to meet for the post-game celebration. As they were packing up they said good-bye to Wilmore and Karter who had to run back and shower before their flight. "Hey," said Wilmore "If any of you are ever up in Seattle feel free to drop in!" "We will's" followed them the two walked to their rental car. ************************************************************************ Jerry's BBQ That Night 5:00pm "Did you see the look on his face when Mulder was called "safe"?" asked Colton "I thought we were going to give him anti-shock treatment!" The whole table burst out laughing. "Yeah, and it was *his* ball that Scully caught at the very end too!" said Mulder Another round of laughter. As it began to die down Scully looked around the table. The feeling of camaraderie was so strong that even Spender and Fowley seem to radiate it. Pendrell looked as if he wouldn't want to be anywhere else in the world. Of course he was sitting right across from Scully, but still... Taking the moment, Scully tucked it back into her memory. She didn't know what was in store for any of them, but she did know that this moment, right now, was special, and no matter what happened to them in the future she wanted to remember it. Her gaze went over to Skinner, Colton, and finally settled on Mulder. He caught her eye and grinned. She smiled back. THE END Please send feedback!!! Would it help if I begged? Please??? issaquah@mailexcite.com