Disclaimer: Okay, okay. I'll admit it. These characters are not mine. They belong to George Lucas, Paramount Studios and Chris Carter and I promise to return them as soon as I'm done. Welllll, maybe not right away, but eventually I will.

Rating: PG mild violence. Nothing you wouldn't see on any of the shows. (no relationships in general. Sorry. Remember, if you are reading this, then you probably have a computer. Write your own! It's amazing what spell and grammar check can do!;-)}

Description: Take the character's from these shows and shove them all together on 20th century earth. You get the idea.

Spoilers: None that I know of, I only mention first contact, but don't say when, where, or how. Star Wars: 1 year or so after Endor, but before Courtship. Star Trek: Season before the "Generations" movie, but I threw Wesley in for fun. X-files: Hmmm, well to tell you the truth....(laugh "Well that was ironic.") I don't know, I have only recently become a "phile". I've seen the movie three times and watched about 5 episodes from all different seasons. So if I screw up on continuallity (is that a real word?) or make the character say something that they normally wouldn't say...PLEEAASSEE don't kill me, ohpleaseohpleaseohplease.

Whewww! That about does it. Enjoy the story.(oh yeah, one more thing: do not sue me, I am making no $$. Feel free to distribute as long as nothing is changed. Send all e-mail bombs, threats, letters, promises for a book deal. To: issaquah@mailexcite.com That's it, Thanks!!)

Time Zones


"We're in trouble!" said Han as yet another explosion rocked the ship


Chewbacca growled something Leia could only interpret as agreement. She felt a hand tap her on the shoulder. It was See-Threepio the droid.

"Mistress Leia, I'm sorry, but this cannot wait another minute."

"What?" she asked.

He motioned her to look at the navigational screen on the side of her. Between the different blips that represented the Imperials and the four rebellion ships she saw a colorful spot that seemed to pulse with slow even rhythms.

"What is that?!" she asked.

"I believe it is some sort of tear in the fabric of space, " 3-P O began then struggled to retain his balance as another explosion sent the ship reeling.

"What is?" called Han over his shoulder to her.

"This," said 3-P O motioning again to the screen.

Han risked a quick glance over his shoulder to the screen. Chewie growled something and Han turned back. Flipping a few controls he opened a channel to the ship on his right.

"Lando, old buddy," he said " Do you see it?"

"I see it, but I don't believe it." came the reply.

"Am I missing something?" asked Leia.

"That wormhole could be our ticket out of here, sweetheart." said Han "It's a kind of natural short cut. Once entered it can take you lightyears from your starting point. But the reason they aren't recommended for holiday travel is that they are very unstable."

"Great," said Leia adjusting her short sleeve maroon dress with white vest "but I'm guessing we don't have much of a choice."

"Not unless you want to try getting through a mess of fighters, three star destroyers, and a Interdictor Cruiser."

"The Cruiser won't affect us ?" she asked disbelievingly. The Cruiser had been the whole reason they were in this mess in the first place. It had pulled them out of hyperspace on their way to Enchonis 3 with it's gravity well, and was now the reason they couldn't escape. When they got back they would have to find out who leaked the information of their route to the Imperials.

"Shouldn't" said Han "Actually I've never gone through one."

Han flipped another switch and got Luke and Wedge on also. They were flying escort in X-wings along side and so far had been able to keep up despite the constant dogfighting.

"Luke, Wedge you guys there?" he said into the mike.

"Yes." came Luke's voice

"Right here." said Wedge.

"I think I found us a way out, I'll be transferring the coordinates in a few seconds." he leaned over to the navigation counsel where Leia was sitting.

"You mean the wormhole over there." said Luke not wanting to give the coordinates over the radio for possible Imperials to listen in on. Although it was big enough that he doubted they had missed it.

"Yeah," said Han sounding kind of surprised.

"I see it," came Wedge again "Shall we ditch this party?"

"Sounds good to me," said Lando.

The four Rebel ships zoomed off with a hoard of tie fighters in pursuit. Apparently they hadn't gotten off any bombers or interceptors, but nobody wanted to stick around to find out how long it would take them.

On board the Cruiser Punisher Admiral Jarton studied the rebel's course. His fleet had been one of the few that hadn't fought at Endor. He had, however, followed the battle very closely. When he'd heard of the defeat he had vowed vengeance. He had kept track of the Rebellion since then, planning the perfect strike. The opportunity had come when his spy in the Rebellion had told him about the mission to Enchonis 3. It was pay back time.

"Call back our fighters Ensign, and lay in a pursuit course." he said.

"Sir, the gravity well projectors might cause the hole to destabilize and collapse if we try to go through. I recommend we disengage them." said the officer a little nervously, one did not get promoted by disagreeing with a higher ranking officer.

"You may disengage them once the rebels have gone through" he said "I do not want them hypering out at the last minute."

"Yes sir." said the officer.

"Oh, and Ensign."

"Yes sir?"

"Open a channel to the rest of the fleet." said Jarton

"Aye, sir."

"Imperial fleet, this is Admiral Jarton. The rebels are attempting to escape through the wormhole. Call back all fighters and lay in a pursuit course."

Jarton settled back into his chair to contemplate as the fighters began to circle back. For all he knew he had the only surviving ships of the once great Imperial fleet. He had found what was left of the fleet when he had rushed to Endor, worried that the death of the Emperor would throw the fleet into disarray. He had learned of his death by listening in on the radio transmissions. However he had lost them shortly after receiving the message. He didn't find out why until he got there. He had gone back to restore order, and take charge of the rounding up of prisoners. Finding the rebel fleet there had been quite a shock. He shot up some of their fighters in anger and had hypered right back out again. At that point he noticed that the three star destroyers had turned about and were now facing him instead of flanking him.

"What the..." he muttered to himself.

As the rebel ships flew into the wormhole there was a quick exceleration that slammed everybody into their seats and 3-P O (who was still standing next to Leia) flying backwards into the corridor. The crew of the Falcon watched in amazement as the colors and pure energy exploded in front of the windows.

"Follow me everybody" said Han taking the Falcon into the lead.

"Umm, General?" came Wedge "If you don't mind, we were ordered to escort you. It wouldn't do for the Alliance to let you risk yourself like this."

"Sorry Wedge, " said Han "but I'm countermanding that order."

Han swung the Falcon in a tight right hand turn to avoid an energy blast. This sent Threepio (who had finally managed to make his way back into the cockpit) right into Leia's lap. She managed to get him back up after only a bit of trouble.

"May I suggest you find a seat 3-P O," she said a little annoyed "One that's not in use."

"I heartily agree Mistress Leia." he said taking the seat behind Chewbacca.

Before anyone could say anything else a whole volley of energy blasts ripped through the wormhole. There were so many in the small tunnel that it was a scientific impossibility to avoid them with the bulky ships. Everyone was surrounded in a bright, white light and then it all went black.

Everything was quiet on the Enterprise. The crew had just gotten done with a tough diplomatic assignment in the Melkar system and starfleet had granted them much needed shoreleave. They were headed to Risa, but it would still be a few days before they got there. Captain Jean-Luc Picard sat in his ready room reading an archeological text. Suddenly there was a bright flash and Q appeared sitting on his desk. He was fiddling with a long cylinder shaped object and muttering to himself.

"Q!" said Picard rising out of his chair.

Q looked up. His annoyed expression being replaced by that smirk Picard knew all too well.

"Greetings Mon Capitan," he said brightly "I was just passing by and thought I'd check up on all of you little devoted people."

"Why are you here?" asked Picard through clenched teeth.

Q's smirk faded slightly.

"Oh, your little history has been botched up again," he said flippantly "The Continuum wanted me to change it back, but I said..." here he paused to let his words sink in "It's your history. You should change it. I'll just give you the means."

Picard looked confused.

"What are you talking about Q?" he asked

Q gave Picard an exasperated look.

"Oh please," he said "You are such narrow minded little people. Here, I'll spell it out for you: History has been altered by a freak accident. I am sending you and your crew back to change it."

Picard still did not understand. History had not changed. Well, it must have. Q could be a pain, but he wasn't an out and out liar. Changing the subject he pointed to the object in Q's hand.

"What's that?" he asked.

"This, my dear captain," said Q "is a lightsaber. I borrowed it from one of the people who helped screw up your history." he turned it on with a snap-hiss and a emerald green blade sprang forth "It really is an interesting little machine. Primitive, but interesting." he gave it to Picard who turned it off.

"Well enough of this chit-chat," said Q hopping lightly off the desk "Are you ready to go save history?" he asked brightly


Picard knew he was going whether he wanted to or not.

"It doesn't look like I have much of a choice," he said "But you could at least tell me what I'm supposed to do."

"I could," said Q and disappeared in a flash of light.

Immediately the ship was rocked and Picard had to grab onto his desk for support.

On the bridge Riker gripped the sides of his chair as the ship rocked back and forth.

"Mr. Data," he yelled "Report!"

"It would appear sir," said Data as the disturbances subsided and stopped "That an unknown force has just knocked us off course."

"So where are we?" asked Wesley.

"Actually," said Picard stepping onto the bridge "I think the correct question is; when are we."

"Sir?" asked Riker.

"I was just talking with Q" said Picard "He mentioned changing history."

"How?" asked Riker again.

"Oh, you know Q" said Picard "he didn't tell me anything."

"Sir," said Data "According to the sensors we are near Jupiter. Judging by the radio waves from earth I'd say we are in the early 1990's"

"The 1990's" mussed Picard "The decade of first contact."

"Maybe Guinean would know," said Deanna thoughtfully.

"Good idea counselor," said Picard getting up. Just then there was a beep.

"Bridge?" came a disembodied voice "This is Guinean. Captain, may I have a word with you?"

"Yes, Guinean," said Picard " I was just on my way to see you." He strode onto the trubolift.

Reaching Ten-forward he walked to the bar and sat down. Guinean walked over.

"Something's not right," she said.

"Well Q just sent us back to the 20th century," he said.

"No," said Guinean "With your history. First Contact, it's too soon. Those strangers shouldn't be there."

"I wonder what the "freak accident" was," said Picard

"You have to keep those people from being seen by too many civilians," she continued "As long as they can't prove it, you'll be fine."

"Thank you Guinean," said Picard standing up "At least I know what I'm supposed to do know."

He headed back to the bridge. Later he called a staff meeting and told the senior officers what he had learned


"Mr. Laforge," Picard said "We are going to need some sort of cloaking device so we can get within transporter range."

"Aye, sir," said Geordi "I'll see what I can do."

"According to history," said Riker "The intruders were spotted in the Western half of Montana. Mr. Data I want you to start a sensor sweep, look for anything suspicious."

Data nods.

"Alright then," said Picard "You are all dismissed."

The group came out of hyperspace next to a small blue and green planet. Luke awoke first. Blinking his eyes a few times he reached out to find his sister's presence. There she was, unconscious, but uninjured. He nudged her awake.

Inside the Falcon Han groggily sat up, immediately he looked behind him at where Leia was sitting. She was tilted precariously forward with her forehead on the back of his head rest. She seemed to be coming around. He glanced at Chewie, he was slumped over the controls in much the same way Han had been. Realizing it was awfully quiet he looked back to 3-PO, he was deactivated. Turning around he opened communications between the ships only to find Lando and Wedge asking if they were all right.

"Yeah," he said "We're fine. Where's Luke?'

"I'm here," said Luke's voice.

At that point a flashing light caught his attention. Han swore.

"Guys, I have a problem," he said noting that Chewie and Leia had finally come to.

"What's wrong?" asked Lando

"I'm losing life support," said Han flipping some switches "The energy blast must've shorted it."

Chewie growled out a question.

"I don't care where you land," said Han "But if we aren't on that planet in 15 seconds we're all going to be holding our breaths."

"Great Chewie," said Han surveying the landing site. They were in the middle of nowhere. Mountains rose up around them and in front, towards the horizon a long flat plain began. "Just great."

Leia came out of the ship behind them, took a look, and groaned.

"I hope the life support doesn't need any new parts," she said at last.

"Yeah," said Han "Me too."

Date: October 13, 1996 Time: 5:38pm. It had to be the most boring day yet. Mulder sat at his desk eating sunflower seeds and playing solitaire while Scully flipped through some files. The only thing that had happened that day was a wrong number. From the sounds at the other end Mulder had guessed that a little kid had gotten caught playing with the phone for the eight hundredth time. Maybe he would go home early today. The thought cheered him. Just then the phone rang. Scully answered it. There were a few yes's and ok's and she wrote a few things down on a piece of paper, then she hung up.

"We have an assignment," she said.

"So much for going home early," he said as he beat the game.

"There was a strange blip on the radar this morning," she said "It landed somewhere in Western Montana according to a local resident. Here are the coordinates." she handed him the paper.

"Great," said Mulder glancing at it "a meteor hunt."

"It wasn't a meteor," said Scully "It slowed up considerably during it's decent."

"It wasn't an airplane making an emergency landing," said Mulder as he put the cards away.

"No," said Scully looking straight at him and speaking slowly "Reports show it came from deep space."

Mulder looked up, his cards forgotten.

"Did they question the person?" he asked

"No unfortunately," said Scully "The MIB arrived and they weren't able to."

With this Mulder grabbed his jacket and headed out the door. Scully followed right behind him.

Eight hours later their plane touched down in Butte. They climbed out of the little two engine and walk across the street to the car rental building. Throwing their bags in the trunk of the Ford Explorer they climbed in and headed off towards the Rockies.

With her new cloaking device engaged the Enterprise came into an orbit around earth. They found to their surprise three other ships also in orbit.

"Sir," said Data "Sensors indicate one life form per vessel. They are armed, but I calculate the total damage of their warheads would not lower our shields anymore than 20%. Multiple laser emplacements.

"Open a channel," said Picard

"Captain," said Worf after he tried unsuccessfully "It is not possible to open a channel while we are cloaked."

"Mr. Data," said Picard "lock on a tractor beam and bring them under our cloak."

"Sir!" said Riker "That would bring them under our shields!"

"And if they attempt to fire," said Picard ignoring his second in command "Beam them aboard."

A tremor in the force warned Luke of the impending tractor beam moments before it locked on his ship. He heard Artoo's scream of alarm. Over the comlink he heard Lando and Wedge shout out in alarm as their ships were dragged towards the unknown source. He reached out to bring his weapons on-line when he heard a familiar voice, "Luke, stop." was all the Kenobi voice said. And he did without thinking. Looking out the cockpit window he saw space shimmer and dissolve to reveal a ship the size of a Star Destroyer. His sensors read that Lando and Wedge were bringing their weapons online.

"Guys, wait a second," said Luke urgently

Surprised replies were his answer.

"Trust me," he said.

"Umm, okay Luke," said Wedge "We trust you, but what exactly are you planning?"

What indeed, thought Luke.

"Try hailing them again Mr. Worf," said Picard

"Coming in sir," said Worf "Audio only."

"This is Lando Calrissian on the Lady Luck," said a male voice "Why have you taken my friends and me hostage?"

"This is Captain Jean-Luc Picard of the starship Enterprise," said Picard "We are sorry for the intrusion, Mr. Calrissian, but we have a very unusual situation here. If you will allow us to beam you aboard my officers and I will explain it to you."

Lando sat back in his chair. Right, he thought, we'll explain it to you if you become our prisoners. Why on Corellia had Luke told them to power down?! He thought about it. He knew Luke and Wedge's skills as well as his own and guessed they could probably be able to fight their way out if they had to. But where would that leave Han? If his life support needed new parts it wouldn't be a good idea to alienate possible hosts. He had three choices; stall (of which he couldn't do much longer), fight (which would leave Han stranded), or accept the invitation which would make them all prisoners in a sense. He chose the logical one.

"Enterprise," he said his voice betraying some of his tension "We accept."

"We look forward to seeing you," said Picard.

Then he, Riker, and Deanna headed for the turbolift.

Back on the planet Han was tearing into the life support trying to figure out what was wrong with it, while Chewie tried to get 3-PO working. Leia was on lookout duty. There was a crash and Leia and Chewie rushed into where Han was. He was holding something the size of a head and glaring at it.

"The exchanger's busted," he told them "I'll need a new one."

Chewie sighed and leaned against the bulkhead.

"Isn't there anyway you can fix it?" asked Leia although she knew the answer.

Han shook his head. Without the air exchanger to turn the Carbondioxide back into Oxygen they couldn't go anywhere unless they left a window open. Not a good idea in space. Suddenly the proximity alarms went off. Who ever it was they were about ten klicks away. Chewie glanced at the sensors and barked at Han.

"Maybe it's a landspeeder," said Han

Chewie growled a "no".

"Do you think they could help us?" asked Leia

Chewie shrugged.

"I'd like to know what they are doing way the heck out here first," said Han striding towards the hatch "You two stay here."

Chewie and Leia exchanged a look, then followed him. When they reached the hatch Han turned around.

"At least one of you needs to cover the door," he said "In case they mean business."

After a brief argument it was decided that Chewie would stay hidden and guard the door. He didn't like it and said so.

"Come on Chewie," said Han "You know you're the better shot."

"Oh, thanks," said Leia sarcastically.

Han gave her a look, then opened the hatch.

The car bounced none too gently over the road. Actually, thought Scully, you couldn't really call it a road. It technically had left that term over two hours ago. Mulder was scanning the horizon looking for the ship, or whatever it was supposed to be. She had to admit it was a good place to put one. There was nobody around for miles and in the mountains it was difficult to see very far. She glanced at their tracker, just about there, another mile or so.....BLAM!!! The explosion was close enough to make her ears ring and for a moment she thought they were being shot at. Mulder brought the car to a screeching halt and they both hopped out with guns drawn. The first thing Scully noticed was the front tire, it was a shredded mess.

"Blowout," she told Mulder as she holstered her weapon.

He walked over, took a look, and sighed.

"Maybe there's a spare in the trunk," he said

A search of the trunk and car produced nothing.

"Now what?" asked Scully

"We walk," said Mulder grabbing the tracker, a couple flashlights, a bag of sunflower seeds, and stuffing them into a duffel bag. Then proceeded towards the big mountain on the right.

"Mulder!" said Scully running after him "We're out in the middle of nowhere with no supplies!"

"It's less than a mile away Scully!" he said turning towards her "I haven't just bounced over a non existent road for the last two hours to be stopped by this." He turned around and started walking again.

"Okay," said Scully resigning "Just give me a minute so I can lock the doors."

"Who's here to steal it?" he asked with a slightly bemused look "How are they going to steal it?"

Scully ignored this, grabbed her cell phone and hurried past him. About fifteen minutes later they came upon a man. He was wearing a white shirt with a black vest. His pants were black with a yellow stripe running down the outside of its legs. He had brown hair. Behind him stood a woman wearing a maroon dress with a white knit vest. Her brown hair was done up in an intricate braid. Behind her was a piece of junk.

Lando, Wedge, and Luke materialized on a platform in a small room. The effects of the transporter left them all with a tingly feeling. Off the platform and to the right by a double door stood three people. The first was bald, the second had brown hair and beard, and the third was a woman with dark brown hair. The bald man stepped forward.

"I'm Captain Jean-Luc Picard of the starship Enterprise, these are my officers. Second in command William Riker and councilor Deanna Troi." he said "Welcome aboard."

"I'm Lando Calrissian," said Lando stepping down "These are my friends; Luke Skywalker and Wedge Antillies."

"If you'll follow me," said Riker "I'll show you to the conference room."

The group walked out the doors and headed to the right. Luke checked his belt and was surprised to find his lightsaber missing.

"Hey Wedge," he whispered "Have you seen my lightsaber?"

"No," whispered Wedge "Want to borrow my blaster?"

"That's okay," said Luke

They reached the conference room and walked inside. Next they were introduced to Dr. Beverly Crusher, Lt. Worf, Cmdr Data, Lt. Cmdr. Geordi LaForge. Once they were all seated Picard began.

"Now I know this is going to sound hard to believe when I tell you this," he said "but I would like you to keep an open mind. We are from the future. We have been sent back in time to stop first contact. Supposedly it is not supposed to happen for a while yet."

"Please excuse me," said Wedge "but what is first contact?"

"It was when earth was first visited be extra terrestrials," said Data "That we know of."

"Who were these E.T.s?" asked Lando

"Well to be honest," said Picard "You were, but now that we have stopped that and warned you. I guess our job is done."

"I wouldn't say that yet," said Luke respectfully "You see, one of our ships lost life support and was forced to land."

"Do you know where?" asked Riker.

"The 'Luck has their coordinates in her computer," said Lando

"Very well," said Picard "We will bring your ships into our docking bay. If you would be so kind as to tell us where they landed we will see what we can do about getting their life support fixed before they are seen by too many people. Number One, if you would show our guests to the docking bay?"

"Yes, sir" said Riker

"You are all dismissed," said Picard "Mr. Skywalker? May I speak with you for a moment?"

"Sure," said Luke easily. He sensed no betrayal in this man. Or in all the crew for that matter.

Picard waited until everyone had left.

"The being that sent us back," he said noting Luke's raised eyebrows at the mention of a being, "Gave me a lightsaber, saying it belonged to one of you." He then handed Luke his lightsaber back to him.

"Thank you," said Luke then decided to be as honest as the captain "I was wondering where it went."

"What's it used for?" asked Picard as they walked towards the docking bay.

"It is used by Jedi Knights," said Luke "Where I come from we have this thing called the force..."

"Good afternoon," said Mulder as he and Scully walked up.

"Good afternoon," said the man

"I'm Agent Mulder from the FBI," he said showing his badge "and this is Agent Scully."

"I'm Han Solo," said the man "and this is Leia Organa." He didn't want to give it away that she was a princess just yet. Leia stepped forward so that she was even with Han. Both parties eyed each other.

"You guys just get here?" asked Scully

"Yeah," said Han

"Do you know what that is?" asked Mulder indicating the Falcon nestled in the foliage.

Han looked confused.

"Yesss," he said slowly

"Care to tell us?" asked Scully

"That's my ship," said Han still confused, but looking Mulder right in the eye.

Even though he knew he wasn't supposed to show visible signs of emotion when questioning. Mulder felt his eyebrows rise in surprise. He noticed Scully's eyebrows furrow just the slightest in skepticism. Scully looked at Han, the man was looking Mulder right in the eye. His pupils weren't dilated nor was he swallowing excessively, these were the symptoms of lying that agents were told to look for. The only reason you wouldn't see it on somebody was if they were psycho or telling the truth. She studied the woman. Psychos normally didn't work with other people, they couldn't. Was it possible this man was telling the truth?

"Where are you from?" she asked, not that she cared, but to release the tension that hung heavily in the air.

"I'm from Corellia," stated Han

"And you?" asked Mulder turning to Leia

"Alderaan," she said also looking him in the eye.

"Mind if we take a look at you ship?" asked Scully

"Not at all," said Han, actually he minded very much. These folks were too smooth for his liking. Not con smooth, but government smooth. He had no doubt that they were people used to asking the right questions and getting answers. Investigators maybe. He led them to the ramp.

By the time Picard and Luke reached the docking bay the ships were in and Lando was giving the coordinates to Riker. The away team consisted of Riker, Dr. Crusher, Data, Geordi, and two security officers. Worf would not be going on this one. Lando was in the process of asking if he and his friends could go when they walked up.

"I don't know," said Riker "What do you think sir?"

Picard stood for a moment before answering. They were human according to Dr. Crusher and it was their friends that were down there. He nodded.

"Make it so," he said

Riker and crew headed to the turbo lift.

"We'll have to leave the hatch down," said Han as he walked in. Mulder and Scully followed behind while Leia brought up the rear. Han went passed Chewbacca without giving him a second glance, but the agents sure did. Mulder tried to keep his expression neutral, but by the elbow that Scully placed in his side knew he was failing miserably. He tried looking around the ship instead. The air had a stale feel to it and he could smell some sort of lubricant. Han led them to the cockpit, cargo hold, and finally the general living area. If he had a cabin, he didn't show it.

"Do you guys know of a good spaceport 'round here?" asked Han "The exchanger's busted and I need to get a new one."

"Mind if I take a look at it?" asked Scully

"Be my guest," said Han reaching onto a table that looked like a round chess board for a piece of machinery the size of a head. He casually tossed it to Scully. She caught it neatly. Where'd she learn that? Wondered Mulder. She lost her flashlight 'bout as much as he lost his gun. He watched as Scully studied it.

"As you can see," said Han "A strong electric charge fried every wire. If you look closely you'll see that the board is completely melted inside."

Scully agreed "Not much left." she said giving it to Mulder. He looked at it and passed it back to Han mumbling his agreement. He had no idea what he was looking at and didn't know how she did. The large hairy anthropoid growled something. Much like a dog would, thought Mulder tensing ever so slightly in case of attack.

"I'm sorry," said Han "I forgot to introduce Chewbacca here." he nodded towards the hairy thing.

Looks like a walking carpet, thought Scully. She wondered if it was all just a costume.

Chewbacca growled again and motioned with his hand.

"He wants to know if you'll drive us down to the space port so we can find a new exchanger," said Han

What?! Thought Scully, that one growl said all that?!

"Wellll," said Mulder what do you say to an alien (who looks human) and is looking for a space port you don't have? Suddenly he remembered Cape Kennedy in Florida. "We'll there's Cape Kennedy." he said. Scully gave him a warning look, luckily no one was paying attention. "but one of our tires blew out on the way up here." he finished. Suddenly the proximity alarms went off again.

Leia checked them "Han!" she snapped "They're only 100 meters away!"

"What?! That's impossible!" he said

He headed for the hatch with Chewie right on his heels. Everyone else followed. Outside he saw 9 people approaching, three he recognized instantly. "LUKE! LANDO! WEDGE!" he shouted wondering how they got here and evaded his sensors.

"Hey Han." said Lando "We heard you had some trouble so we thought we'd bring some help." He motioned towards the group of uniformed people.

"Uhhh, thanks," said Han not knowing what to make of it.

Meanwhile the others had come out behind him. Mulder and Scully took one look at the group and automatically put their hands on their guns. The security guards noticed this and put their hands on their phasers. They looked at each other.

"At ease," said Riker to the security guards

They complied as did Mulder and Scully. This man had a military bearing about him, thought Mulder, too young, though, to have been mixed up in Rosewood. Lando proceeded to introduce everybody. Then Han introduced the agents. Riker looked at them. Is it me, wondered Mulder, or does he wish we weren't here?

"It's the exchanger," said Han to relieve the tension "The jump baked it then fried it."

Jump? Thought Scully.

"Do you guys know where we can get a new one?" asked Lando to Riker

"Well," said Geordi "We might be able to replicate one. Can I see it?"

"Sure," said Han looking at Chewie who ran to get it.

"How'd you guys get here?" asked Scully as they waited. She had talked to Leia and found out what the proximity alarm was supposed to do.

"We just flew on in," said Lando slightly joking yet serious.

"Must have some sort of cloaking device," said Han

"Oh, yeah" said Lando "Top o' the line too."

Han smiled, most likely off the black market, he thought. Chewie came back with the exchanger. Geordi looked at it.

"Man," he breathed "This thing sure took a hit. With your permission sir?"

Riker nodded and Geordi walked off to see what he could do with it. Once he was out of sight he beamed up. The group sat in silence for a moment. That's when Mulder realized the shadows were getting long. Mountain sunsets didn't last as long as prairie ones, it would be dark really soon. They were going to have to spend the night here.

"Well," said Riker also noting the nearing darkness "We'd better get going. You guys have a place to stay?" he asked looking at the agents

Mulder shook his head.

"Don't worry," said Han "There's plenty of room in the Falcon."

They split it up so the guys got the bunks out in the living area and the girls got the cabins.

The wispy blue smoke circled slowly to the ceiling where it gathered in a heavy cloud. The grey haired man took another long draw and slowly let it out.

"Did your men check the "meteorite" that hit in Montana?" he asked the man next to him.

"Umm," gulped the nervous underling "They were unable to establish the exact location of it, but we did neutralize the witnesses."


The underling did not meet his gaze. The older man flicked his cigarette.

"Never mind," said the man "I'll deal with them myself. I hold a special interest in one of the agents that was sent out there."

Late that night Chewie got up. He was having trouble sleeping due to the snoring of his captain and thought a little fresh air would help. Using his keen sense of direction he headed towards the valley he had spotted when they landed. Climbing a Douglas fir he sat and looked out across the valley. In it he saw a lonely little ranch. Suddenly a sound reached his ears. It was somebody softly crying. He judged it to be a young child. Making his way slowly from tree to tree he came to a young boy sitting by a large rock. His eyes were better than the boys and he could see that the child carried a backpack and flashlight. It appeared the flashlight had run out of batteries. He made his way quietly down the tree and stole softly as a shadow to the bushes in front of the boy. He stepped out into the small clearing made by the rock. The child looked up. His tear streaked face looking almost white in the moonlight. Chewie cocked his head and uttered a low crooning note. The child's intense brown eyes studied him. Squatting down so as not to appear so threatening Chewie motioned to the child. Getting up slowly the child walked cautiously over to him. Chewie offered a paw and the child took it. Making his way carefully down the mountain Chewie headed towards the ranch he had seen. The child followed noiselessly beside him. When they reached the house the child took over and led him to a window that was open. Chewie then boosted him up so he could climb inside. Once inside the child turned to look at the Wookiee whose chin just cleared the sill.

"Thank you bigfoot," he whispered seriously. Then he disappeared into the dark confines of the room.

Chewie nodded in satisfaction. Chuckling lightly at the obscure name the child had given him, he made his way back to the Falcon.

Scully rolled over and cleared the sleep from her eyes. She glanced at her watch, 11:21am. Frowning, she listened. Only light snoring reached her ears. She sat up and headed toward, (what had they called it?) the 'fresher? Looks like a bathroom to me, she thought. She washed her face and did some general freshening up. Then she stepped outside. The "Wookiee" slept on one the floor near the bottom bunk. On the bottom bunk slept Han. She guessed the lump on the top bunk was Mulder. The light snoring had come from Captain Solo. She walked out of the open hatch. She was slightly surprised to find the woman up as well. Leia turned towards her.

"Morning," she said

"Just barely," said Scully. Leia smiled

"How was your sleep?" she asked

"Pretty good," said Scully "You just get up?"

Leia shook her head. They stood there in silence a moment. Presently Leia asked,

"So you two work for the local government?"


"There was no "spaceport" was there." she said

Scully shook her head.

"No," she said "It's there, but not the type you would be looking for." I can't believe I just said that!

Leia reached out with the force. She could sense this woman's dedication and wasn't to surprised at the next question.

"Where are you guys from anyway?"

"According to the star charts," said Leia smiling slightly "A galaxy far, far away."

Scully didn't quite know what to make of this. Just then Chewie came flying out of the cabin. He growled something as he raced pass and headed down the mountain. Running inside they found Han looking at the sensors. Warning alarms blared throughout the ship.

"Could you turn those down a bit?" asked Scully as she looked at the sensors and noticed four cars less than a two kilometers away.

"Would kind of defeat the purpose," said Mulder coming up behind them.

"Let's go," said Solo checking his blaster and tossing Leia one. "I've gotta get that thing fixed," he mumbled. They all headed out the hatch a ran straight into the Enterprise away team.

"Looks like your getting some company," said Riker "Thought we'd help."

How do they do that, wondered Mulder as they ran down the mountain.

Inside the black Towncar the grey haired man spoke to the driver.

"The boy said he saw it land up this way,"

"Think he really saw bigfoot?" asked the driver

The man shrugged and lit a cigarette. "Nobody'll believe him."

"Why would "they" do this anyway," asked the driver "What did we do wrong?"

"I don't believe this is "their" doing," said the man. "I want the man who was in charge of "neutralizing" the witnesses taken care of." Such a mistake would not be tolerated. The four cars made their way towards the mountain each carrying an assault team.

"Captain Solo!" called Geordi as they ran "I was able to replicate an air exchanger for you,"

"Great!" said Solo "As soon as we get rid of these unwelcome guests I'll show you how we install it." They all took up sniper positions and waited.

"I want this entire area swept," said the cigarette smoking man "We cannot let this get out!" The 15 men spread out in a fan formation and began searching. The cigarette man followed behind.

"Data," whispered Riker "How many do you see?"

"Sixteen sir," said Data "With our phasers we should be able to stun them each of us taking two. I'll cover the extra three."

"Okay," said Riker "Inform the others I don't want to have to kill anybody."

"Yes, sir"

As the men made their way up the mountain a flash of orange energy hit the man in front and he went down.

"It's an ambush!!" yelled the man. During the time he took to say that four more men went down. He looked up and saw a uniformed body in a tree. Snapping out his gun he fired. The man fell screaming to the ground. More of his men went down. He dove for cover. Just as he reached it he felt a sharp pain on his bottom, then he lost consciousness.

Everyone walked out from their spots.

"Man down!" yelled Geordi examining the fallen security officer. Dr. Beverly Crusher ran over.

"We got to get him back to the Enterprise," she said examining the wound. She took a quick look around, then tapped her combadge. "Crusher to Enterprise," she said "Two to beam up." She felt a hand on her shoulder.

Once in the Enterprise's sickbay she looked behind her. Scully had ran over to see if she could help and now stood behind her.

"Hey Geordi," said Mulder "Have you seen Scully?"

"Uhh, yeah," said Geordi "She and Dr. Crusher are attending to one of our men that got shot."

"Where are they?" he asked looking around. Thankfully before Geordi had to say anything Riker called everyone over.

"Okay," he said "We got all sixteen people. We've got to wipe their memory then return them and we have to do it fast! Geordi, I want you and Captain Solo here to install that exchanger. Agent Mulder." Mulder looked up "Check these guy's cars, see if they have a spare for you." He nodded. "Okay, let's go!" said Riker

Mulder headed off to check the cars. Sure enough they all had spares. Grabbing one he made his way over the mountain to where he and Scully had left the Explorer.

"Now that he's gone," said Riker "Contact Dr. Crusher and have her send that serum down."

Back on the Enterprise Scully was shocked to find out where she was. The doctor looked up.

"Hey," she said "You going to help me with this guy or not." Scully walked over to the medical bed. The best thing to do, thought Beverly, was to keep her busy. Less likely she would ask questions. At that moment the captain walked in. Uh oh, she thought, now I'm in for it.

Picard stopped. By Dr. Crusher there was another woman. She had been described as one of the agents. What the devil was she doing up here!?

"Dr. Crusher," he said "May I see you a moment?"

The Doctor gave a few instructions to the agent then walked over.

"Before you say anything Jean-Luc," she said "I want you to know that I did not bring her up here on purpose."

"In the future," said Picard "I advise you to check your surroundings before beaming."

She nodded and motioned him over to the patient.

"He took a shot wound to the stomach," she said "I've given him some pain relievers, he should make it." They all stood awkwardly for a moment till Picard said.

"You must be one of the agents,"

"Yes," said Scully "I'm special agent Dana Scully." At that moment Dr. Crusher came up behind her and injected a hypospray. Scully collapsed to the deck.

"Make sure she and that other agent are also given the serum," said Picard "I came to tell you that the away team is ready for it to be beamed down."

"Okay," said Deanna as the man with the cigarette was injected "I think that about does it. They shouldn't remember a thing." Beverly came up behind her.

"Only two to go," she said motioning to the unconscious Scully by the tree. Deanna walked over and injected the serum.

"Why are you doing this?" asked Han

"They're from the future," said Luke "At this point in time their society is not ready for the possibility of alien life." He looked over and noticed that Mulder had come back. He walked over. Mulder looked around and noticed Scully at the base of the tree.

"What did you do to her?" he asked angrily. At the tree Deanna braced herself as the emotions of paranoia and anger swept over her.

"She's okay," said Luke "We just injected her with a serum so she wouldn't remember all of this." They were going to do it to him too, so he figured it didn't hurt to tell him. It would keep him in one place till they could inject him.

Mulder blanched

"And is that what you did to these men too!" it wasn't a question. Luke nodded. Suddenly it all made sense. These aliens had been playing him all along and now intended to inject him too! He looked around, they were all staring at him. There was no way out. He had only one question.

"Where's my sister." he said accussingly.

Luke looked puzzled.

"This is the first time we've all been here" he explained "It was an accident. I didn't even know you had a sister."

"What about them?" he said gesturing towards Riker "You said they came from the future."

"We do," said Riker "The 24th century to be exact, but this is the first time I've heard of you. None of us knew you had a sister."

"Have," said Mulder. He knew now. These aliens in their human disguises, he didn't believe them. "Before you go," he said hopping they would forget to inject him "Could you tell me the truth?"

"We have told you the truth," said Data

Mulder shook his head.

Data cocked his head. "You mean about the "little green men"?" he asked

"Whatever," said Mulder he didn't feel like explaining about the grey skin "Just the truth."

"I am sorry," said Data "But your society cannot handle the truth."

"What!?" said Mulder not knowing whether to laugh or get mad. Then he felt something in his neck and sank into unconsciousness.

Back on the Enterprise the two parties got ready for the "slingshot". Picking up speed they headed towards the sun at the last minute they pulled out. When everyone came to they found themselves back in the 24th century. The plan was; to take the group to the Barzan wormhole. It was unstable at the end, but they would only be going half way through it. Once inside they would send off the torpedo Geordi had made. In theory it would open a path back to their own galaxy. In theory.

"Well," said Picard over the comm to the four ships "I guess this is it. Good luck!"

"Thank you captain," said Han "Alright Chewie, punch it!"

The four ships zoomed off towards the wormhole it opened up and in they flew.

Back at his desk Mulder read the newspaper.

"Hey, Scully!" he said "Listen to this; Blackwood, MT. Local resident claims to have seen bigfoot! Charlie Blake of Blackwood, MT claims he saw bigfoot two nights ago. He said "I was lost in the woods. When I looked up bigfoot was standing in front of me. He led me back home." The boy's mother denies knowledge of such an event saying "I don't know where he comes up with these stories. I think one days he will be a good writer."

Scully looked up "Looks like we're not the only ones having a slow day," she said.

"Hey," said Mulder still reading "Look at this, The U.S.S. Enterprise CVN 65 is coming up here. They're going to conduct tours!"

Scully looks disturbed. "No, thanks" she says and goes on to her files.

"Stand by Chewie," said Han "Okaaayyy, disengage hyperdrive!" The ships came out of hyperspace. In front of them loomed three Star Destroyers. There was a fire fight going on.

On the Punisher Captain Jarton desperately tried to keep order. Smoke poured out of every station. Half of his crew was dead or unconscious. One of his aids rushed up.

"Captain!" he said "They are asking for our surrender!"

"No!" coughed Jarton

"But sir!" shrieked the aid "Our shields are down! They have captured our fighters!"

"I said NO!" rasped Jarton staggering to the communications station "DO YOU HEAR ME?! I WILL NOT SURRENDER!! LONG LIVE THE EMPIRE!" He felt his ship shudder as more hits struck home. Then with a final bolt from the communications board that killed his aid the whole ship exploded.

Inside the Falcon everyone threw up their arms to block the intense light.

"What the heck just happened?" Han voiced the collective question. The comm bleeped. Han flipped the switch.

"Alliance vessels," came a voice "This is Captain Garshon of the Star Destroyer Tremor. I am speaking on behalf of all of us when I say; We wish to defect."

Han looked at Leia "Well your highness?" Leia reached out. Even with her untrained mind she could sense the sincerity of these officers.

"Call Mon Mothma," she said "Tell her we have three new additions to the fleet."

"Captain's log stardate 48142.5: The..."

"Why hello Jean-Luc," said Q once again appearing on Picard's desk. Picard looked up from the PADD he was holding.

"Hello Q," he said through tightened lips.

"Why my dear captain," said Q in mock sorrow "I'm hurt. Here I give you the chance to go back and right the wrongs of history and that's all you can say!?"

"Thank you Q" said Picard barely civil.

"Honestly Jean-Luc," said Q sighing "I really don't know what you would do without me."

"Now wait just a minute!" said Picard "You didn't help us at all."

"Really Jean-Luc," said Q "Who was the one who told you something must be done. Who was the one who got you back so you could do it. Without me," he sighed sadly "You and your pitiful race would never make it."

"We'll see," said Picard

"Careful Jean-Luc," said Q "I would absolutely hate to have to teach you another lesson about humility." He vanished.

"Look whose talking," muttered Picard to himself

"I heard that," said the voice of Q

"Q!" said Picard

Q's laughter echoed and finally faded away.