Disclaimer: Personally I think that if Chris and Co. ever read this I will have more to worry about than the causual borrowing of characters. But at least it's G rated! Rating: G Summary: Too short, just read it. Authors Note: I saw a commercial for the new X-Files ep this Thursday and when I heard CSM say "I am your father." well, okay I'll admit it was a clip and he could've been talking to *anyone*, it sounded like he was talking to Mulder. I was laughing so hard! I wanted to call my best friend and tell her but it was a bit late for calls. So I worked out my frustrations on a fanfic. Enjoy! Right! by: Happy "Please Fox, take my hand. I am your father." David looked up at William with a mixture of disbelief and horror written on his face. Slowly he reached up. Suddenly laughter exploded from the side. "Cut!" yelled Carter. Everyone turned to look at Gillian who was doubling over. "Gill, your ruining the moment." said David as he looked over to his co-star. "I'm sorry," said Gillian trying to control herself "But this is just too much!" "What do you mean?" asked Carter looking at her in complete bewilderment. "Com'on Chris, you've been on-line. This whole Mulder CSM relationship...everyone's been talking about it since that one episode." said Gillian shaking her head in amusement. "Gill, this is just part of it." said Carter with a world weary sigh "You'll understand what I'm doing as the season wears on." "Chris," said Gillian "Any X-Philer who hasn't guessed at this possibility yet should go crawl back under the rock which they've been living. Yes, I know it worked for Star Wars, but..." "Gill, you'll just have to trust me on this one." said Carter "Trust no one Gill." said William with a tiny smile unable to resist it. David sighed and fell backwards until he was laying on his back. After a slight chuckle he hauled himself back up to his feet. "Chris I'm a little thirsty, why don't we take five, come back and pick it up later." he offered. "Yeah go ahead," said Carter. David walked back to his trailer, looked in the fridge and pulled out an iced tea. Twisting off the cap and taking a swig he headed back to the group. He could hear them talking and as he got closer he could make out Gillian's voice. "Right," she said in amusement "Next you're going to tell me that Scully's his sister." David repressed the smile as he walked up and took a drink. "How did you know?" asked Carter completely crestfallen. David spit the iced tea out so fast he hardly realized it happened. "What the..?" said Gillian turning around "Oh, gross. David you might want to get a napkin for that." David looked down to see his shoes covered in iced tea. "I swear," said Williams "This show goes through more shoes, if it's not alien goo it's iced tea." "Don't forget the rootbeer episode." said Gillian "Don't remind me." grumbled Williams "I've never seen liquid hurrled with such accuracy." "How...did...you...know?" repeated Carter "Frankly?" said Gillian "I didn't. But that's the way it works right? The arch-villian announces himself as the hero's father. Hero throws himself down bottomless shaft. Hero is rescued by the beautiful herione who happens to be his secret sister..." "I guess..." said Carter slightly downcast "Buck up Chris," said David cheerfully "I mean, how many people are going to think about that? Just look at all those romantics out there. Heck, look at my episode!" "Yeah, I suppose you're right," said Carter glancing at them. "I can't wait to get on those chat lines at the end of the series!" "Is this why you never really cracked down on the fanfic?" asked Gillian "Yup, I figured I'd save myself the effort. You know almost 85% of the stories out there are MSR." he said michevously "I wonder what it's going to be like to see the internet implode." remarked David deadpan. "I don't know..." said Gillian then she shook her head. "and they were worried about Y2K." ** I know, I've seen the reports about Nov. 28, I just couldn't help myself. Please e-mail me and let me know what you thought: issaquah@mailexcite.com