PERL "if-else" Statement  Debugger 

if else prog image.jpg (35887 bytes)


21.8 kb

This Application is designed to debug a program segment code in PERL language that uses if and else statement.  





PERL "for" Statement  Debugger 

for prog image.jpg (12402 bytes)


17.9 kb

This Application is designed to debug a program segment code in PERL language that uses for statement.  




PERL "while" Statement  Debugger 

while prog image.jpg (17063 bytes)


3.9 kb

This Application is designed to debug a program segment code in PERL language that uses while statement.  




Mapping Function Application

mapping func prog image.jpg (25706 bytes)mapping function.htm

18.4 kb

This program is an application to the concept of mapping function between the main memory and the cache. 




Logic Gates Illustrator

logicgate prog image.jpg (39044 bytes)



7.14 kb

This program draws the logic gate representation by inputting a function



Karnaugh Map (K-Map) Application

kmap prog image.jpg (24468 bytes)


20.9 kb



17.9 kb

These applications simplify a function using the concept of Karnaugh Map (K-Map).




Auxiliary Transportation Request Form

auxiliary prog image.jpg (32214 bytes)


13.2 kb

This for is used for the transaction of requesting a tranportation in the Auxilary Office of the Ateneo de Zamboanga