<BGSOUND SRC="openinetenchimuyo.mid" LOOP=INFINITE>

AWW.. Now doesn't that just STINK?!


Sorry peeps, but apparently Sparkle's Glacial Temple has closed. Thousands of aliens from mars came and destroyed the place, then evil pink bunnies with bad diseases came and tranquilized Mystic with chlorpromazine. Suddenly potatoes came from nowhere and took her away, and soon Sparkle followed right after. The next thing we knew, the whole Ice Temple was destroyed by a man named "MaryJimJoeBob". If you enjoy corn on a cob, please find MaryJimJoeBob and steal it from him. Have I ever told you that I always wanted a peice of cornbread shaped like Nixon's head ever since I was a little turtle? Yes? Well that's good. I'll be going now to torture everyone with my rambling, and you may go away. =P Acutally, if you REEAAALLLY miss my art, Luna Yoshi was kind enough to spare some space on her site for my artwork. ^.^ So if you wanna go check out more art, go to Luna Yoshi's Santuary! Mystic and I are still alive, so just.. Dude, just go the heck away. Leave me alone. GO AWAYYYYYY!!! GOOO!! LEAAAAVE! i'm nice, aren't I?

You were just curious what was down here, huh? Well.. are you satisfied?