Last updated July 31/2002
Hi every body, for calendar information as to where and when i will be performing
live please refer to the Upcoming Live Dates page by clicking on the above
graphic. on this page I will be updating news and details of forthcoming projects.Firstly
I would like to mention that quicktime movies of some of my Commercials are
now available on demand on the Commercials
page,if you
care to check them out, just added is the
Gatorade 'Raptor' commercial
featuring Vince Clarke of the Raptors playing ball with
real live Raptors from Jurrassic park, I'am proud to say the spot was voted
best national commercial recently.
Check out
Media site
in which will be posted assorted movie creations, Also
Desert Sky Music now has two webcams running on average 12 hrs a day .click
here if
you would like to check it out, ill try to make it interesting from time to
time, e-mail me if you have any suggestions or comments
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The First CC Tribal gig was a resounding success last Sat 27th July. Carl and I received a wonderful response to our endeavors towards a fresh new approach to Joshua Tree Coffee house music,Thank you all our friends for their support, The music is very K.C.R.W. with ethnic, jazzy, trance and triphop influences. I got a kick out of the fact a couple of people didnt recognize me! amazing what a hat and neck chain can do. Carl and I have a CD which is reperesentive of the quieter more ambient material we perform, it is designed for listening during quiet times, and is entitled apropriately 'Quiet Music'. Some of the album was recorded at that Integretron again (see this page)click here to see CD info, it is available for sale at CD street BUY NOW at CD
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Whats this apicture of mine about then?...lets hope we dont find out next spring, email me if you have any thoughts. or know how to dig very deep holes! |
Chris Hardison 'Natural Blend' |
Top of my current list of priorities is the completion of the album 'Pitch Black' the collaboration with Chris Hardison/ Naturalblend a taented rapper from Pittsburg, there is currenlty a buzz developing from tracks which have been completed. 'The Club' has been played extensively in East Coast Hip Hop Clubs and radio is about ready to run with the ball, the music has received accolades for its unique sound, and just as a predicted the stardom of Montell Jordan, I am equally confident about the success of this artist , for Information, current news , Video and mp3s visit by Clicking Here |
In other news'The Daily Blues has a live CD released visit the web site for Details and the Joshua Tree Didgeridoo festival 2000 CD is out email here if you would like details on purchasing a copy, please mention the title in your subject
Peter Spoecker local Didge man /eccentric visionary and I kicked off the first of many possible performances in the legendary Integratron, a dome shaped structure designed and built by Mr. Van Tassle during the 50's and 60's to attract extra terrestrial traffic!... Well Peter and I were the featured aliens last Sunday Nov. 5, and we plan to do a fly by on the 26 November. It was a moving experience playing there. The acoustics of the wooden dome are transcendental, imagine playing a concert in the sound box of an acoustic guitar I played ebo guitar synth and acoustic electric slide with an echoplex , Peter played didge, crystal bowl , voice harmonics, and operated the sampled rhythm tracks. The music switched between ambient dreamy landscapes of sound and trance/ rave/ techno .beats
this 'Sound Bath' excited all of us , although attendance was low the potential for the future blew our minds, it is a perfect venue for this kind of music experience.Peter will be adding a video interactive performance in the future, which from the previews I have witnessed will be breathtaking. I urge all of you to make the effort to attend the next performance, for more integratron info go to
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The Integratron, Landers CA. -----Peter Spoeckers Video Art
Peters Spoeckers website is at look out there for news of the upcoming Joshua Tree Didgeridoo album featuring tracks written and produced by Clive Wright
the Daily Blues appearing every Thursday at Pappy and Harriets located in Pioneertown Showtime is 7pm
rumor has it the band will be going to Australia to play at the national blues festival !. i'll let you know.
'the Daily Blues' features John Herzog on Drum and Kenny Brown on Bass, these guys are the finest rhythm section in the Hi Desert and are the foundation of 'The Palace players' the weekend house band at Pappy and Harriets, also we have 'Rasta Rogerman'Arnold performing his unique blend of Blues, Reggae and R&B, and the truly spectacular Sand Blasting Raunchy vocals of Mr Buzz Gamble, if you like Joe Cocker youll love Buzz. Last but not leastyouv'e got Clive Wright live on Guitar ready to take all your heroes on.
Go to the Daily Blues website by Clicking on the pic below to see live Real Video of the band.
If you are a Cock Robin fan you can download a previously unheard and unreleased track here. Cock Robin Archives
.'Clive Solo' Triphop, Techno and ambient trance night at 'The Water Canyon Cafe' every other Friday ,, showtime at 7.30, best call the Café at 365-7771 to confirm schedules.
This show is still in it's infancy but it features the more contemporary genres of Clive's music lot's of Electronica and Synth guitar, come check out sounds you don't hear everyday coming from a guitar.And from time to time others will join Clive in attacking the Silence
Download a Real Video of a Sunset at Joshua Tree's Desert Sky Studios by clicking on the pic below. If you would like to hear the accompanying music track'Queen Of Cydonia' in it's entirety please visit , CDs are now available at this address.
Animated gif by 'AWAVE' Graphic design
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