Ok Mice....little furry critters who in my opinion have to much hair, what this world really needs ore more bald mice or rats because if they were bigger it would just be kewler sorta like big white shoes running around because of the long tails that would look like shoelaces. Funny how my mind always seems to work no matter what I'm talking about or what my current psychological situation is, maybe (no not maybe, definatly) I'm just strange like that a lot like mice, I think the truth is that mice are the ones that are really in charge of the world....ever read "so long and thanks for all the fish" its a good book about space travelers who find out that the planet earth is really owned by mice. But anyways, Mice would make uhm good doorstops, and they would make those bells shopkeepers hang outside there doors obselete because anytime anyone open the door the mice would go "SQUEEEEEEEK!!!!!!" really loud so the shopkeeper would know that someone just slammed a mouse across the room by opening the door too quickly, and then the other mice would run around and hold the door for everyone else with thier small furry (or not so furry in the case of improved mice) bodies and the really furry ones could offer themselves and like mud-rubber-off-ers, like after it's been raining and the ground is all muddy and the shop happens to have a nice persian rug and the shoppkeeper doesn't want it all messed up then he (or possibly she depending on the type of shop, but then again what type of shop has persian rugs and mice that keep doors open and offer themselves and mud-rubber-off-ers) then the mice could just carry the people around by having them climb onto little pull things and the mice would drag them around the shop on a little pull thing and the mice get all harnessed up and pull the impatient (customers are always impatient) customers around so that the persian rugs don't get messed up. and that was my dream and fortunately I was able to save it from being lost to the clutches of time by typing it down or rather having my slave mice do it for me se what I do is I have a mouse for each key on the keyboard and that mouse pushes the key in with it's tail, and to get them to push their tail I have to do all sort of terrible horrible things to them so I think I'll just let them go right now so that nobody calls the humane society on my ass.

Think about it tens of thousands of mice punching keyboards with their tails, it reminds me of monkeys, monkeys writing the works of shakespeare (that is how you spell it right sha-ache-spa-ear), and then the mice will type up the works of oh say stepen king because there are more of them and in my expert opinion they aren't as good so by employing mice instead of monkeys I can get quantity over quality which is better because only like half of stephen kings books have been turned into movies and none have been put on stage while all of sha-ache-spa-ear's plays have been put on stage (god knows why, who would ever think of that) and like all of them have been made into movies. I'll just sell the movie rights and try to edge myself into the merchandising and then I'll be the richest man in the world because I also have a brigade of hamsters working on an operating system to take out microsoft and crush Bill Gates into a spam can, and float him off to the last Hawaiian Island (inside joke).

So until next time (when I'm rich and not so famous because all my money will be put into offshore accounts and into buying small tropcal islands and yachts) this is Matt Greenfield sitting quietly at his keyboard not signing off because I'm not on freakin television yet.......