yes these little buggers come in many shapes, sizes, and colors. some are raised for their legs, (yea well I haven't tried this yet but hmmm I've heard they taste like chicken).
Chicken Frogs: little green feathered amphibians, mostly pretty pissed off because well they jump into the water, and unlike peguins and ducks the water doesn't just roll off thier backs. No these Chicken-Frogs have to jump back out of the water and grab their little miniture towels and wipe off all of the water from their tiny green feathers. And once they get all dried off and peck around in the dirt for a while looking for tiny grubs they jump back into the water because well how smart can a cross between chickens and frogs be? so they jump back into the water and swim around for a while, well maybe not swim, more like kick wildly while flapping wings. So imagine this... a dozen chicken-frogs (yes a dozen, they hatch out of eggs and everyone knows eggs come in dozens) all flapping wildly in a small enclosure with a scummy little pond. twenty-four green wings covered in pond filth, wet feathers flying everywhere. Then a sudden crazed hopping out of the pond onto the towels lined up carefully in the dirt. Then they all dry off and peck the green slime off of each other because "hey, slime is slime." Once the slime is all gone (yum) they towel off using their special bunny towels, yes these are regular bunnies. White fluffy bunnies with quivering noses and pink eyes. The bunnies are soon covered in little wet chicken-frog things, trying desperately to dry themselves off. since the bunnies are oh so much bigger than the chicken-frogs, about 4 can be on a bunny at once. Well just how long can a small white furry animal put up with this? And the bunnies take off, the Chicken-frogs desperately clinging on to whatever they can so that they don't fly (scratch that plop chickens don't fly, neither do frogs) off. so the three bunnies (yes three, 12 chicken-frogs 4 chicken-frogs per bunny, do the math) go scurrying off into the grass jumping back and foth trying to throw the little feathery green things off of their backs so they can eat their cadbury eggs in peace.
Well enough of that, we all know that Chicken-frogs don?t really eat slime, that was just silly and on with the frogs,think about it, hopping around living in pools and eating VW bugs. These gigantic beasts are throwbacks from a bygone age, when large stupid creatures roamed the earth and got killed by big chunks of space rock that they could have easily shot out of the sky using a complicated system of oil drillers in space-ships sent to the big hunks of rock and blowing them apart. well I don?t know how they survived those space rocks, but they have been living in large bodies of fresh water ever since. Loch Ness? Yup that?s a gigantic Frog, Lake champliagn monster guess what? well it?s a Gigantic Frog too... and the thing in the resevoir that makes the water taste funny, well that?s not a frog it?s a bunch of homeless people in a Jabba the Hutt suit. and it works on most gigantic frog experts but no sir not me, I know the difference between a giant frog and homeless people in a jabba the hutt suit. Well anyways the normal day of one of these gigantic frogs is to go hopping around early in the morning down the streets making pot-holes for city workers to fix (they keep the workers with a job, thank those frogs people) then depopulate the city of the new volkswagon bugs to a resonably level you know just a few hundred thousand, but they make sure to get all the orange bugs (hehe, stupid freshmen). Then those frogs go jump into a pool or fountain and just sit there untill something interesting happens. wonder why you never see the gigantic frogs sitting in pools or fountains? well maybe you just don?t look closely enough... or maybe those big lumbering beasts are too fast.
but it could just be because a french chef saw them and decided that he could make a killing.