Ever stopped to think
just how much Drug Dealers and Software Developers have in common...?? |
Refer to their clients as "users". |
Refer to their clients as "users". |
"The first one's free!" |
"Download a free trial version..." |
Have important Asian connections. |
Have important Asian connections. |
Strange jargon:
"Hit (LSD)"
"The Pigs" |
Strange jargon:
"Hit (WWW)"
"Microsoft" |
Realise that there's tons of cash in the 14-
to 25-year-old market. |
Realise that there's tons of cash in the 14-
to 25-year-old market. |
Clients really like your stuff when it works.
When it doesn't work they want to kill you. |
Clients really like your stuff when it works.
When it doesn't work they want to kill you. |
Job is assisted by the industry's producing
newer, more potent product. |
Job is assisted by the industry's producing
newer, more potent product. |
Often seen in the company of pimps, hustlers and low-lifes. |
Often seen in the company of marketing people,
venture capitalists and fund managers. |
When things go wrong, a "fix" is
just a phone call away, but may be expensive. |
When things go wrong, a "fix" is
just a phone call away, but may be expensive. |
A lot of people are getting rich while still
teenagers. |
A lot of people are getting rich while still
teenagers. |
Product causes unhealthy addictions. |
DOOM, Quake, SimCity, Duke Nukem 3D,IRC... |
Do your job well and you can sleep with sexy
movie stars who depend on you. |
damn! Damn!! DAMN!!! |