Lets see what is there that I can say about Blenders.
1. Blenders are good that is all.

I was thinking about these things (Blenders), for some silly reason (You made me), and trying to figure out why they are just soooooooooo kewl. I decided blenders are kewl because you can do things like make milkshakes and uhm smoothies and other liquid/solid drinks. lol solid drinks made with a blender, you liquify it enough and the solid stuff becomes liquid like if you stick a bannana and some blueberries into a blender and hit frappe (I don't actualy know if you can hit Frappe but it just sounds kewl doesn't it?), and wow!!!(need more exclamation points)!!!!!!! you have a slop of blue colored goo because you didn't put any milk in, but if you put milk into the goo and hit Frappe then you have a mess because you forgot to put the top on the blender and now you have blue/purple goo on the walls and slowly making it's way down the refridgerator.

compared to refriderators blenders are a close second I mean you can keep food in refridgerators but I wouldn't do that in a blender, I mean you stick some cheese in it and somebody comes along (do dee doo bee do they say as they walk on by) and they see this cheese in the blender and what are they going to do, yup that's right they hit Frappe, and now not only do you have bluish purpleish goo on your walls but also chunks of cheese that got flung into the high corners of your ceiling after getting chopped up in the blender and turning into the dreaded processed cheese!!!!! dum dum dum!!!!! oh no we have to stop the processed cheese someone please stop the cheese.

If I ever lost an arm you know what i would do.....I'll give you a few guesses......1......2......a few........ok well I would make my lost hand into a hand blender you know one of those hand held things that you can stick into a glass that has milkshake ingredients in it or smoothie ingredients and push the little button...(no you can't hit Frappe, damn) and then it spins around like nothing you've ever seen and blends that sucker right up, yup and think about it you would never get robbed again, because the thieves would see that you have a blender for a hand and think once (not even twice only once) and run the other direction because well you have a few spinning blades on your hand. Yup that would freak me out I would never tangle with someone who had a blender for a hand.....but I digress....or maybe I don't I guess I can't digress if I'm not really talking about anything anyways. of course you understand this right I mean I can't digress if I'm not talking about anything really at all, It's like worrying about falling off a cliff when you're standing in Iowa (which by a strange chance smells like cows), I don't like Iowa, but wait I'm not talking about blenders you say, ha you're wrong this has everything to do with blenders, because you see the blender was invented in Iowa (or so my informants say), at least that's what I would like to think because it makes this a whole lot easier if I'm thinking that the blender was invented in Iowa and since I'm talking about blenders.

ok enough of that, I say there need to be more uses for blenders like a blender crusade that tell people what they can do with their own household blender or a handheld blender or a commercial blender or a buisiness class blender (if they make any of these of course), and then the crusaders rush in and they say "YOU STOP (yes crusaders talk in all caps) DON'T USE YOUR BLENDER FOR THAT, USE IT FOR THIS....OR THIS......OR THIS.....OR THIS....BUT NOT THAT!!!!!!(followed by lots of little exclamation points like this)!!!!!!!!!!!" Well I think that's enough to say about blenders, oh of course theres more but I mean I'll let some other brave soul try to do it.

-Matt Greenfield- honorable king of blender crusaders