Ok so I would seem to be the proud owner of this little piece of the web, joy...

and this would be me

Here are some quotes that I like, hope you enjoy them. Some are famous and others are...well not so famous. I really ought to add the poems that I've memorized. (I did one, The Nightmare Song maybe I'll do the Raven soon) I'll get around to it sometime, maybe, we all should know exactly how often I update my little piece of the web.

A little test to see if you could pass for me, try it out loads of fun for everyone

Here is my Booklist

I think I'll add a picture page here when I have the patience

want to know the difference between software developers and drug dealers

Whittie pictures
and some more Links to friends pages and pages that I just sorta like

Are Bugs in your Diet? they seem to be in mine and I don't worry about it, check it out it's fun.

and these are some of the rambles that I did during freshman and sophmore year