Hi, My name is Joshua Gift |
I signed up on 12/04/98 00:17:50, and still my setup is not yet finished. I'm still slowly adding to this, and probably will never be truly finished. |
My interests are: |
Horses and horse related stuff, sci-fi/fantasy, doing artwork, reading, grease weaseling, mechanical stuff, guitar tablature, classic rock&roll and old heavy metal, roleplay, and making chainmail jewelry. |
The description of my page is: |
Personal stuff; Humor; Roleplay stuff for some of my online stuff; artwork, both my own from start to finish, images I turned from sketches or black-and-whites by other people into full color works, and some works entirely by other people; online storage for images; and a brand new page that has some writings of memories from the best time of my life. Basically, there is a bit of everything here.
E-mail me at aubri_ketalnae@hotmail.com or aubri_ketalnae@yahoo.com I am on the lookout for amusing images, soundbytes, video clips, and humorous literature like joke lists and stuff. If anyone has a suggestion on a good deal on a high-end, high resolution color scanner, let me know I have got to get some photos up and some of my color artworks. Other things I'm always on the lookout for is horse stuff, ranches that need an experienced horseman. For images for my Roleplay and charachter sheet section and index page of my site, I'm looking for mainly black and white images of non-stylized gryphons in various poses that I can add my own touches to, and any images of English Tudor architecture.
I'm always under construction and always appriciate any form of feedback. Criticism is welcome, especially on the artwork that I've modified or is my own work. Speak your mind on this. I want to know if it's well done, is pretty good, or if it's a waste of time and webspace and if you have any suggestions to make it worthwhile. I need the suggestions so I can make my stuff better. and will always reply... Eventually. . Please come back soon and visit me.
Joshua Eugene Gift A.K.A Aubri Ke'Talnae |
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