




Sea Shanties



Ports O'Call

Art Gallery




      Over the centuries, pirates have been portrayed as both admirable rogues and bloodthirsty devils. Many a tall tale has been told about their bold or wicked deeds. This site explores the reality, myth, and romance of those adventurous souls mainly from the Golden Age of Piracy. Which refers to a time around the late 17th to early 18th centuries. It contains information regarding pirate facts and fiction, with biographies of some of the most famous pirates from this era. You will also find pages devoted to piracy in general, pirate ships, pirate flags, pirate weapons, pirate books, pirate games, pirate images and nautical treasure. There is a movie list for swashbuckler fans, and even a nautical dictionary for all ye scurvy landlubbers as well.

      The Ports O'Call area is a list of links to most of my favorite seafarin' and pirate related websites. Many of these sites were used as sources of information and inspiration on the subject. I have received many e-mail requests over the years from buggers looking to buy various pirate items. Since I don't sell anything on this site I have added to the bottom of Ports O'Call a section of links to websites that sell pirate and nautical plunder. Buyer beware.. I have not personally dealt with all of these smugglers sites and have no control over their bloody business practices.

      Finally their is a page about sea shanties. These were the work songs used on many of the large sailing ships in the 18th and 19th centuries. Although the majority of these were used after the Golden Age of Piracy. Some are based on songs and melodies of that time period. They have been added to give visitors a sense of life aboard a tall sailing vessel. Check back here often, as I plan to build on and update this site frequently. In the meantime gather round a keg of rum and enjoy your stay... but you better keep a weather eye open.. for there be treacherous waters ahead... watch your step around here matey... least ye meet yer doom.

Brethren of the Coast is a non-profit site which was created
solely for those interested in 'Piracy of Old' on the high seas.
It is NOT associated with any organization or reinactment group
by the same name. Tis just me personal website on the subject.

Victims Since
JAN 2000

Brethren of the Coast
is a member of
The Pirate Ring
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