Skikyo Frontier
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The Shikyo Maya Coloninal Fleet

The 10th Long Range Colonial Fleet
of the Anipax Remnant
Fleet Stats | Ships of the Fleet | Fighters | Colonists | Government
Technology | The Demon-Planets | Morningstar ISA
Noteworhty Colonists | Contact


=The Tower and Fantar=

In the After Exodus Year of 4378, an ancient artifact known simply as the "Tower" was discovered on the ice-covered world of Marikoba.
Research teams from the Anipax Union, the nation is with Marikoba resided, would investigate the Tower and ultimately make a wondrous discovery: The Tower was a remnant of the Macray, a civilization of ultra- advanced technocrats who once dominated that region of space, yet mysteriously disappeared 500,000 years ago. As to true purpose and role of the Tower, however, no one could find out for sure, until one fateful day...

Quite by accident, a young researcher was able to decipher ancient texts found in the Tower which finally shed light on its function - it was an immense, inter-dimensional portal generator. Much like the control tower of an airport, the Tower coordinated dimensional traffic in and out of Marikoban airpace. Marikoba itself had apparently once been a giant hub for such trans-realm travel. This discovery was amazing, yet tragic at the same time, as the researcher would trigger a series of events which world answer the question of the Macray's disappearance, as well as change the course Anipax history forever.

The Tower of Marikoba was reactivated, opening a dimensional rift that allowed the ancient evil that destroyed the Macrcay to once again pass into our universe.

The Fantar had returned.

Driven by a perverse religious crusade to enslave all other races and act as their gods, the Fantar were a powerful and advanced species from another realm. Possessing both great powers of the mind and technological might that that would make the wonders of the Anipax's own Venterren mentallists and Technocrat Union seem trite, they wasted no time in escaping their interdimensional prisons (the Macray were able to seal them away before the end) and wreaking havoc upon the Union and its people. All within the period of twenty-four hours, The Anipax came under a savage surprise attack and found itself unable to retialiate. Exactly one day after the rift opened, the Anipax was broken and defeated. For the first time in its thousand year history, the Anipax Union had been conquered.

The Fantar occupation would last for four brutal and bloody years.

Of the seven nations that made up the Anipax, three would be driven to the brink of extinction while another would evolve to a higher plane of existence in order to escape the occupation.  In the end however, the Fantar would be beaten and driven back before they could spread their evil to the rest of the galaxy. It would not come without great cost however. For as the Fantar were forced to retreat, they would leave the victorious Anipax and its allies with a never-ending nightmare...

=Baal, Desolation, and Iblis, the Demon-Planets=

Baal, Desolation, and Iblis are the names given to what were once the homeworlds of now extinct Anipax-races. Transformed by the Fantar into planetary strongholds, the true extent of the Fantar's treachery would not be realized until these worlds "awakened." Mere weeks after the Fantar were forced back to their own realm and the Tower was finally deactivated, "Desolation" awoke. Once Onoska, the home of the winged Quayla Nus, the planet actually began to slowly move out of its physial orbit. As it did, corpses of the dead, be they Anipax or Fantar, began to be reanimated and used as minions of that world. One in particlar would be chosen to serve as a mouthpiece  in order to communicate with whatever people it enountered - and even if only to tell them that their world was about to be destroyed.

Nothing could stop Desolation. Powered by the mind boggling technologies of the Fantar, the plaent was alive and completely self-aware. Its purpose above all else: self preservation. For the Fantar created Desolation and its comrades with one deliberate flaw: the need to devour the energy and materiel of other worlds in order to remain 'alive.' If the planet does not feed, its intelligene will dies. So no matter the cost, Desolation and its fellows will feed, and heaven help those that try to get in their way.

Desolation would devour Tiranus II first, the homeworld of the Tirani Kyph. Without warning the entire planet jumped from its orbit and into Tirani space. The sudden appearance of the planet so close to the Tirani homeworld caused immense geological and gravimetric disturbences which ended up killing the majority of the planetary population. Tiranus II then began to break apart and be sucked into a great maw that opened on Desolation's surface. Despite the efforts of the Tirani Naval Forces and what little remained of the Anipax navy after the Fantar War, Tiranus II was destroyed in a matter of hours. Nothing the Anipax had left could stand against the monster-planet.

The shocked people of the Anipax had no idea what truly had happened until Desolation's mouthpiece contacted the survivors and introduced itself. The mouthpiece told the Anipax to abandon its old territory, as it would all be devoured as punishment for defying the Fantar. The planet then jumped from Tiranus to Maca'jha, the homeworld of the Macaian Empire, and proceeded to devour it. At the same time, the dead worlds of Venterra Prime and Chivon awakened and became Baal and Iblis. Baal would join Desolation is destroying the worlds of the Anipax, while Iblis jumped to the far-flung colonies that had escaped the war altogether. The first colony that fell was Sluz Vaughn. And while colonists from the next colony world of Bengora tried to flee, Iblis launched a fleet of warships crewed by reanimated minions in order to capture as many refugees as possible. Those captured by the minions of the Planet-Eaters would be killed, only to have their corpses revived and attached to the central intelligence of the planet itself. They would become mindless drones in a hive of undead automatons.

In a last ditch effort to destroy the Planet-Eaters, Anipax forces induce a star to go nova, hoping it will take out Desolation and Baal. In the wake of the nova's blast however, both planets survived unscathed.

The people of the Anipax are left with little option but to abandon their worlds before they are devoured by the demon-planets. In a chilling warning to the survivors who will make up the "Anipax Remnant," mouthpieces of the three planets tell them that they will come and destroy any new world where the refugees attempt to colonize or find shelter, thus sentencing them to an seemingly never-ending existence as galactic nomads. After the warning is issued, all three planets make warp-jumps for parts unknown.

=Launch of the Long Range Colonial Fleets=

Before the Fantar War and Demon-planets, the Anipax Union's overall population was approaching that of seventy billion. At the end of it all, the people of the Anipax number a mere thirty million. Unable to find a new homeworld for fear of the Demon-planets' return, the remaining resources of the Anipax Remnant are pooled together to create the "Long Range Colonial Fleet Project." Contracting with the Anipax-friendly corporations of  Hayant Industries and ArkNova Enterprises, the first five of twelve colony fleets are built and successfully launched in AE 4384. Consisting of 2,500,000 refugees each, the colonial fleets are sent out in many different directions. Should one of the fleets happen to fall on misfortune or be destroyed, not having the entirety of the Remnant together with them guarantees that a part of the Anipax continue on, somewhere in the galaxy...

In early 4385, the Tenth Long Range Colonial Fleet, the Shikyo Maya, is launched.

Welcome aboard!

Fleet Stats | Ships of the Fleet | Fighters | Colonists | Government
Technology | The Demon-Planets | Morningstar ISA
Noteworhty Colonists | Contact

Star Trek, SDF Macross, Tekkaman Blade, Star Wars, Robotech, Mobile Suit Gundam Solty Rei, Elven Lied, and any other creation not originally mine are copywrite of thier respective owners
The Anipax Remnant and all associated with it though, is copywrite to this site, 2008.
Thenk you, now go have a cookie.