In 1991, my first attempt at Baptism; I could not complete the Babtisim because an employer did not allow me the time off work, [I did not fail my Baptism] After a lifetime of experiencing, and searching for my own roots in spirituality. In answer to some life questions I decided for me, the Roman Catholic Church, would be where I put my roots, and continue from my father before me, and his father before him. During my Catechism, I was told on several occasions, that every person, who gets Baptized under Jesus Christ, receives a gift from god himself, we are cleansed of all sin before us and begin again as new children born unto god, My thoughts somehow regressed to the the large women at The Misty Moon, and what she said about my gift. I believed with patients and faith, I would receive my gift, and It would be a women, so I then reasoned; I would try deny all for the love of my gift, therefore I would remain clean, and not defile myself, after my baptism for her. I believed it would show respect. The question for me was How long would I have to wait? I remembered nothing of what I was told about my future by the woman at the bar years earlier.
What I did remember was some time in my life I will meet a woman, and I will help her to become a very rich and powerful person, I guess, we were to live happy ever after, and something terrible that was on the horizon would not happen for another 200 years. I remember telling the
owner of the place I hang around what I could remember of the story the woman told me years ago. he was practically the only sane person I've met in along time.
During my Study of the Catholic faith, Still living in a shit hole, I got employment working at a restaurant downstairs. In this place were a few charecters one in particular a waiter who I shall call the Tempter, the destroyer of lives. What ever came out of his mouth seemed to be a perversion of the truth, he would always interrogate in a nice friendly manner. after his questioning me he would suddenly about face and become very rude and make statements that were beyond normal - "My beliefs, were a symptom of having a problem that I'm not dealing with", "People who believe in the power of Christ, are weak, and just ready to be taken", "Anybody that joined a religious organization was gay, especially the Catholic church, they're ALL gay", If you stalk and harass somebody long enough, they will eventually come out of the closet, He mentioned to me that if you go around and spread lies about someone, The more people who believe it, Then it becomes true; whether the person knows it or not; that is how a bar named "Rumors" got it's name. Because I Just broke up with my girlfriend and
was not in a sexual relationship with another woman, He interagated me and putting me on the defensive, I informed him I Was waiting for a someone who god thinks is secial for me. He informed me that i was waiting for an imaginary person, It will never happen; it's just an excuse, I just proved that I was hiding something. It was constant insinuation and innuendo.
After a couple weeks of this, I felt there was something seriously wrong with him. I then started to avoid his questioning, to this end, he just then told me I was hiding something, then inquired my business further. Always putting me on the spot, or trying to force me to defend myself. I saw him as a true monster, usings over dramatical acting to fool and con the people around him. What I thouth was scary. He had a differnt act for everybody, I could not beleive how everybody fell for his acts. He is really, really good. I'v never seen anything like it since I was in the home growing up with Moriarty, Two people in the world who were exacty the same, but were different people. their behaviour is like they learned how to act from the show Another World.
In one instance The tempter was bragging about how he could remove a Hyam with his fingers without any sign of blood, then laughed, while he stated, They don't even know it's gone. Ater the Idiot left the Kitchen I made a wise crack to the to the dog faced boy that maybe he was saving them as trophys.
I was working in this bar as the pizza cook, the chef ask me to bring my girlfriend to his house and we would have some drinks together, I knew he was gay but he is a good guy, I brought my girlfriend to the chefs place and he had no furniture so we sat on 3 different chairs, he posibly found in the garbage, the chef only had half a bottle left of his alcohol, while we were sitting there the fag starts feeling up my girlfriend, I got up wacked him in the side of the head, knocked him right out of the chair, he did two twicthes before he woke up, Thought he had too much to drink, didn't know I hit him. The tempter gave me a dirty look and stated, You think thats smart, I said he should not have been doing what he was thinking, Then he askes me what my girlfriend thought, She was blind, no witness. She didn't see anything either.
At one point when the tempter was interagating me why I didn't have a girlfriend at the time, Or had one lined up before I left my girlfriend. I mentioned to him that if I happen to meet a special person I would not want to pass anything on to her, such as HIV that would be defeating the purpose of waiting for someone special. I told him I do not do the multiple partner thing, If I happen to catch something, I like to know the source and be able to contain the spread to just me. And before I go out with someone I like to get checked by a doctor just to make sure I'm safe. He told me that was the queerest thing he ever heard, then he told me I don"t think you ever had a girlfriend.
Some punk named Micheal comes and gets bike from The Tempter, but while he is there He was gawking at me like he was acually looking for me. Just weird, I brushed it aside.
Then the tempter started to go on about, "he has sex all the time without a condom, I know lots of people who have AIDS and they live perfecly normal lives, Just stay away from women because they are the fastest growing segment of the population that are getting it; gay people are not getting it anymore. it's just straight people that are getting it now. (insinuating that I should be doing men instead). he told me, "I'm not getting checked for HIV" as long as you don't know you have it, there is nothing anybody can do." "It's not like you did anything on purpose." By this guy saying these things, He even mentioned he as put things in peoples drinks to lower there inibitions
I didn't like that statement too much.
After lisening to his shit, It seemed to me that he had no value for human life over sex. I was into the belief he could be a very devious pedater, I met other people who thought he was fucked up, but he never bothered with them.
In my opinion for somebody to say such things as he was saying, it is just too weird to have anything to do with him. I had the feeling there was something seriously wrong with this guy.
Summer of 93.
It went on and on and on, his main form of questioning always had to do with childhood, family life, instatutions, sex life, and homosexual stories, He always began the questioning as if he was doing some kind of psyhcological exam. At the begining of the night he would go over things I said the week before on the same day, He always started his questioning in a very friendly manner, then some how by the end of the night he would steer the conversation to homo sexuals.
Say for example, I told him a story about walking up the side of Woodland Ave, When a lage dark brown car pulled up beside me,The guy inside started yelling at me to get the fuck in the car, yelled at me about 3 times, Don't make me come out there and get you, get the fuck in this car and suck my cock. He was one scary mother fucker, 50 years old but looked as tough as nails. I looked at the faggot and said no. Then just kept on walking, If the goof got out of the car I would have to put a boulder in his head. The tempter decided to stickup for the fag saying that he was just looking for fun, then asked why I didn't get in with him. The tempter then stated "Oh, you probaly did but are lying about it.
every night this guy is calling me a faggot and getting a way with it. I got a bad feeling this guy is trying to fuck my head over somehow.
The Tempter Started a new trick, he started running into the kitchen yelling at me acusing me of holding up his food insinuating I had a problem, and that I didn't know what I was doing, telling me I wouldn't last here, etc. Then he would light up a cigerette, then sit lean on the edge of the sink counter, glaring at me, in an effort to intimidate me. It took me all my strenth not to walk over to him and knock his fucking head off. you stare at someone to intimadate and try to make some one feel small so yourinadaquate personality can mentally dominate a person, your either a phsycopath or you want a fight. The Tempter gave me the impression he wanted a punch in the mouth. I will get the person but in my own time. You think you can intimadate me you better watch your back. You will not know when it's comming. Somehow I was thinking that this guy is trying to make me react in a certain way so that he could have some psycological advantage over. he needs to control.This is the exact same behaviour I experienced at the hands of Moriarty, and I put up with that monster for 12 years.
Everytime I decide to go out to a bar, I'm beginning to run into this guy, and he is putting on a cool act, and he is putting on a sweet inocent face, Dr. jeckle and Mr. hyde, and it is a total act. I live in a medium city where it is hard to run into people once a couple of years, Running into this charecter all the time does not seem normal.
Two guys come out of a bar on barrington st., and follow me up the street, one guy states to the other guy "that is going to be the Tempters next take out. That guy the one right in front of us as I took a quick look around there was nobody else on the street. So I took a back step and was going for a right kick if I had to, and I watched them both pass me, One guy I recognized as a waiter at The Brewery bar in the south end. The second man seemed familier but I couldn't place him, he was short with dark curly hair.
After he came out of the closet.
It took a month and a half for me to finally lose my temper, The Tempter reasoned that because I lost my temper with him, he insinuated that I brought it on myself, then openly told me that I was a closet gay and didnt know it yet, as if he knew me better than I know myself. I knew myself for almost 30 years, I just met this guy and he knows me better? Because of my beliefs, the way I looked, and how I presented myself. I was the one with the problem, because I would not have a relationship with him all straight guys have relationships with him, He then informed me all I had to do, was get drunk, pass out,and then go live my Heterosexual life again. He said he did straight guys because they did not go to the police, or tell there girlfriends. One time they were making fun of me because I've never had sex in a kitchen then used that area for preparing food, The tempter told me he has fucked everybody that he has worked with whether they know it or not. I believed him. So tonight I find out he is not just a weirdo, he is a gay weirdo.
The dog faced boy started reaching over the counter and pinching my ass, with a pair of tongs in front of the Tempter the reason why he was doing this, was so the Tempter could watch me buck.The tempter told The dog faced boy and I, About a time he picked up a a straight guy who had a girlfriend, the Tempter told us that the guy had had a hairy ass, So he convinced the guy to let him shave the guys ass while he was doing him. The Tempter only shaved half his ass, then sent him home to his grirlfriend. I asked him. "you would acually interfere in somebodys life like that, he just plain ol pointed out to me, it was the other guys problem not his. then he stated while laughing "I wonder how he explained it to his girlfriend.
on one occasion I told the dog faced boy where I was going, I thought I over heared the Tempter asking The dog face Boy where I was going after work, I went to a bar that They were both talking about, I sat down and it was a nice place, waitresses were my type! On my Third beer I heard a mans voice Ask "you want to go out" It took me a few seconds to know what was going on, I was going to smack him, before I could move the guy was walking away laughing, out the door.
The next day, the weirdo works with me, he begins inquiring of where I went? did I meet andody interesting, The tempter is acking real inqusitive like he cares and Then he told me, that the place was a gay bar then inquired why I did not know it. "You did not know that."
Now the next time I worked with him after that his topic of conversation was about pwople who don't know they are gay, Informing me that if somebody comes up to you and Thinks that you are gay, then they must know something more than you think they do. Gay people know who other gay people are. I believe he thinks he is smarter than everybody else. I think he deserve another punch in the mouth for sending that guy in to harrass me.
Every night I would go to a bar the tempter would be there, he would tell me nobody knew he was gay, all kinds of weird excuses, A couple of times I thought I heard him ask the dog face boy where I was going tonight. After trying to avade his questioning. I watched him one time walk in the Moon with three other people, Oh he had the same "Cock of the walk attitude, Looking around he sees me, then amazingly he is acting like he is cool, A complete personality change. "Hey Moey Can I buy you a drink. I thouht he was insulting, I don't act like that."
The dog faced boy sticks his hand down his pants rubs his nuts, he pulls his hands out of his pants tries to stick his hands in my face stating smell my hands, I had sex before I came to work. and didn't wash so you could smell it. then he rubs his hands through the parmesan cheese we use for cooking, He does this alot.
The dog face boy. dips tongs in cooking oil and splashes oil down my back, every single white shirt I owned he ruined, Until I got smart and just didn't wash my work shirt anymore. They want to ruin my shirts then I guess they will just have to smell them.I don't dislike the Tempter because he states he is gay, but because I think he is a weirdo. And so is the Dog faced boy.
SG Road -------
I'm walking west on my way to Radio shack, when I just past the Tempter with a person who I thought I saw before, short guy with curly hair but I could not place him. The tempter was wearing a dog coller and mirred glasses, What was really weird was the arrogance of his walk, like he was king shit, the cock of the walk. After visiting Radio Shack On my way home, I was walking east down SG road when I saw the Tempter appoching me this time He had no glasses on, he also had taken off the dog coller, but his mannerism was that of some sad little boy. As he past me this time I over heard him state to his friend "THey call him Moe because he is a closet homosexual". This guy seems to me to be acually trying to play some game to piss me off.
Some how I got the feeling from all the incidents this guy was trying to get me to pursade myself that i'm not the person I think I am, it seems as though he is trying to condition me. This guy is a real smart and cunning individual, and he is not the sweet person he pretends to be. he has a real gift. All I want to do is stay away from this guy, far away.----------------------
I Went to the brewery bar in the south end, I got my favoite peculier The food waitress came out to the bartender"Thats the guy who is in love with the pshycotic teacher" They don't know me, so why are they talking about me? Somehow I believe somebody is trying to get people to believe some kind of story, It certainly was news to me. I only had one beer I was to puzzeled to stay, after I got home I just shrugged it off, I must have been hearing things.Tempter informed me that he had input on who the new waitress was going to be, he informed me that, she was just my type. What I remember him asking was what kind of woman would I like to marry, not what woman was my type.
The guy who came and got the bike was the Tempters boyfriend, He works at the brewery bar. The dog faced boy, asked me you didn't know that? I have to ask myself why would I fucking care? He was a short guy with dark curly hair.
I figured it out, he gains their trust by mirroring the person that he was paying attention to, his communication skill was near perfect. Now when he talks to the new girl, he has a new act, it is like he is the mirror image of her, and she has fallen for it, in no time this woman was giving up things for him. Manipulation, and passive control. He is the master at it.
Tempter suggested I ask the new girl if I could walk her home. thought it might be a good way to find out what is going on.
The dog faced Boy ask The Tempter what he Thought of the new girl, his exact reply was "She is so fucking stupid, I'm going to move in with this one. He found a caring person, he is going to drain her like he never drained anybody before.
Walked into a conversation with Rob and the Tempter about how he just happened to have sex with the Teacher. Rob turned to me and said, “I don't believe him.”
The senior salad boy, mentioned to me, that the tempter, was talking about how he liked my ass and that he was going to fuck it.
Well I happen to run in to him, I was going to strike him and leave, but as I looked around I figured I may not get out of here alive. So I told him straight out what I think of him.
You'll never see the psycotic Teacher again. Bet ya that song reminds him of the psycotic teacher.
Week later
Tempter looks at me and then states “Now you can stew in your own shit.” It reminded me of what that other phsyco I grew up with, used to say.
Tempter threatens me while giving me an one of his evil stares “Your going to find out what it is like to be gay.”
The new dishwasher and the Tempter seem to be real chummy together, going out and hanging around together, I noticed that the Tempter always took a cab, or a witness, whereever he goes I never ever see that guy alone, I wonder why? but anyway, Maybe The Tempter is using the Kid as a bodygaurd or witness. For some reason the kid wants to come to my house, maybe to look around for the Tempter. Well the Kid Hen hes trying to convince me that the new girl could be my gift, I told him I don't know, Maybe. He tells me it could all change, I don't know what that meant, but I went along with him. he was trying to convince me that the Tempter was a great guy and all I would have to do is hang around with him, and and maybe The psycotc Teacher and I could get together. how does this person Know so much about something that is all a story made up by a weirdo. Does this woman know What these people are up to? I believe the Tempter is using the kid to stalk me, any information a stalker gets is too much information. AFter the 3rd and I think the last time the kid came to my house information came back to me accuing The kid as stating that all my friends were losers, drunks and, grug addicts, and that he was going to get my friend Dave who lived upstairs. I believe it, when I introducted the kid to Dave, the Kid displayed a funny twitch, I did believe it was a tense meeting, I had to say come on Kid lets go. A couple months later Dave was attacked by some unknown person outside the kids apartment. I'm sitting in a bar when this older guy comes in he seems to know who I am, he comes right over to me. he threatens me and tells me I'm trying to fuck his son and turn him into a homo-sexual, he apologized later, I found out he was told the story at the brewery bar. I'm not being stalked or anything, I am constantly told its only my imagination.Turned around to me and stated with a very evil, cold stare "When I'm finished with her (teacher) you'll know all about her.
I am really sick of hearing the term "everybody" for the time I worked in this Restaurant just about every night I heard the term everybody, Everybody does this, everybody does that, everybody knows this everybody knows that, I don't give a rats ass, what everybody does, I never met him, I don't know him, Ive never seen him, just because some one belives that doing what everybody does, does not mean it is right. I never believed that I would ever be down on my luck, unbeknowest to me I still had a ways to go.
I saw him comming out of a bathroom with another man, a small bathroom where practicaly only one person can fit.
The jamacan guy saw him comming out of the bathroom with another guy.
The Tempter always makes an amazing amount of tips, way more than everybody else, think he was hooking in the bathroom of the Med restaurant.
The department told me off the record these persons are going to ruin my life, I only have one choice, that is to move away, If I choose not to move away, it is important that I continue to write things down, no matter how small the event, and when I go anywhere just to keep my head up and keep walking, they will continue to try to get you to react in certain ways in order to cumulate more evidence that suits their purposes, that they will use against you. Theses individuales will be able to bring forward 100 witnesses even though we may know what kind of people they are (trust bandits, sexual predators), they will use the gay community for their own purposes; who because they fit in the mold of being gay, or whatever, this commununity will support them financualy, and they have alot more money than you, They will use the courts time and money to make you look like a homosexual monster, either true or false. By the time they are finished with you you will have to move away anyway. I took it to mean those individuals had some pretty nasty things to say about me, and the courts time would be held up by these peoples alligations while I defend myself. The Department cannot spend millions of dollers, to help these individules to make you look like, what they are, and turn the courts into a circus. Yes it has been done before, another reasen was somthing to do with my claim being only 1% of total incidents of that type. It would not be in my best intrest to persue the filed complaint. In this type of stalking, you will have to litigate a civil suit to sue them personnally for damages such as mental anguish, lost time from employment, etc. I would have to be able to prove damages.
Fall of 95
When I finally left the med Restaurant, I went to see the head Honcho, he informed me to make sure I wear condoms when I'm with a women, he stated The tempter told him my next girlfriend is going to give me AIDS, then he said I should take it as a threat, don't ask me why Mowen, cause I just don't know why, I just would".
After I moved to my new place, I was sitting outside when I overheard the Tempter telling people inside the place, at the pool table, that the Teacher had a kink of tying herself up with her own Pantyhose. In his world it may not be true or false, it depends on what you want other people to know. I wonder why he wanted so many people to believe the psycotic teacher was into tying herself up with her own pantyhose.
For the next nine years, he and his many followers and associates, would stalk me in a campaign to spread and use slander, defamation of character, harassment,degradation, humiliation against me, designed to control, and deny me, and my life The full benefits, of employment, to live in peace,and secure a partner, of which we all deserve.
2002?I was close to the window when I thought I heared a familiar voice, so I tried to tune in I heard him tell the truth to the psycotic teacher, Every thing that was going on around me was because of him, not her, he informed her of how he used her because, I asked him if he was Queer so many years ago, she went into a fit, screaming and screaming, I thought to myself, well I tried to warn you, now he is finally finished with you. I put in my earplugs and went to sleep.
In the spring heard some footsteps on the gravel roof next door, I heard the voice of the Tempter begging for what I believed to be the psycotic teacher to forgive him, "OH, Psycotic Teacher What was I supposed to do","He called me a queer" approximatly 4:00am a couple hours later. I heard a door close very very softly, then I head someone being really quite walking across the gravel, then I heard some running, last I heard was the dog that barks on Hollis street when people cut through the ally.
I believed I over heard some people talking in the bar downstairs rehursing a story about the pshycotic teacher was found with a pair of pantyhose around her neck, she had commited suicide by tying herself up and strangling herself with the pantyhose. she committed suicide because of what I did to her. I'm not sure but I seemed to understand these people mentioned a second woman this has happened to. because of me, someone asked "how does he attract these psycotic women?" I've never met a psycotic woman, they have become psycotic after they left me. In order to turn someone Psycotic you have to have access to a person emotions, you must be sympathetic, and must be able to imprint things during hightend emotional states. If not done right you can fuck somebody up real bad. I don't want that person who runs away, thinking they will find someone better over the horizon. I don't spend my life chasing after anybody, there are better ways to spend your time, because they will always be looking over the horizon for someone better, and I don't live that way. Maybe that person everybody does, so I don't, go fuck yourself.
I was right about him, and I was right on How I knew what was going to happen, I am so, so happy I stayed out of it. sugestibility