Stocked by a Homosexual predator.

There are those of us who because of our own lack of love will overcome us and we die, also there are those who of themselves have no love. They excel at whatever they do; have a hundred and forty (140) IQ. Some are living sexual predatory monsters. It is estimated 1% of the population is "Unattached."
This writing is concerned about "Unattached Children," whose first symptoms are characterized by it's seemingly disdain for its own mother. When the human bonding process is broken, between birth and the age of two (2), the child’s first symptoms are crying and fighting its mothers affections when the mother picks up the child to feed it and comfort it.
As the child gets older bed wetting is the only latent visible symptom. They live seemingly perfect lives. The book of reference for this was, "At Risk", "Children without a conscience." These children do not "Grow out of it"; they just get better at what they do.

One thing has to remain clear in this writing the term "Gay" is used to donate a person who is born with a genetic disposition for the attraction of members of the same sex. The term "Homosexual" is used to donate a person who will have sex with anybody due to lax morals (different moral standards), or in the case of unattached children sex for the sake of having sex, The Unattached child is void of any emotion, all emotion that an unattached child displays is an act, used to con, manipulate, and control. The only feelings that an unattached child can relate to are physical pain, and that which comes out of their genitalia They have a veracious apatite for sex, having multiple partners, rape, child molesting, prostitutes, what ever it takes to have an orgasm, It is estimated that only 1% of these will make a mistake and get caught. They would get more satisfaction out of raping and killing a human then to manipulate them selves. They think marriage is to have someone at hand to have sex with when they are not getting it somewhere else, and also some kind of psychotic delusion to show others how normal their life is. They all know each other from one end of a city to another, from one end of a country to another. This story is about them, who walk among us. This story is about one of those individuals.


Moriarty seemed to me to be a very sneaky, weird, but perfect little child; it seems to me that Moriarty's sole purpose in life was meant to cause my sister and me difficulty. My first experience of loss with this child, was when they took my mother away from me, at about age 4 Moriarty's mother called my mother and told my mother, she had a court order stating that my mother was not to have any contact with her two children, whatsoever. I was told by Moriarty's mother that, my mother was an alcoholic that is why she was not allowed to visit. It wasn't until my college days that I learned, that the stipulation was, "she was not allowed to take my sister and me in the car while she was drinking." I received a greeting card from my mother, my mother had written she would come see us soon, I was excited, but I remember Moriarty, in his sweet little voice saying, "Muuummy, it's just hurting him, he is not going to see his mommy again." Moriarty's mother told me flat out I was never going to see my mother again, and called my mother on the phone, while I was there, and told her not to send any cards because it just hurts my sister and me. I swore to myself that I would never forget that incident.

Moriarty’s mother was no picnic either, when ever anybody came to the house she would change her personality on a dime, she was the most sweet and caring person you would ever meet, pouring on the charm, but as soon as they left she was a back stabber, she knew everything about everybody, and always had something to say about everybody, and it usually was not nice. She ruled with fear, and intimidation, always had threats, about being sent to boy’s school, “you’ll never have it so good anywhere else, once you are gone, etc. etc.

For the next 12 years Moriarty would constantly make the statement "Your here because your mother doesn't want you, we don't want you either, we just want you for your fathers money." or the other one "You don't belong here."

I was young, could have been a year at my new residence, I picked up what I think was some kind of giraffe, his mother accused me of breaking it, which I did and I lied about breaking it. After this many things got broken mysteriously, every time his mother would accuse me of breaking things. Moriarty would speak up and say, "He probably did break it; you know he lied about it before." He continually used that lie to blame me for what ever he broke, to make me look bad, and he got away with it.

Somehow somewhere someone has instilled in me a fear of the phone, some how I believe it was the last link to my mother, or it could have been my father. I could have been 5 or younger. I called someome and told them, "I don't like it here." what ever that phone number I lost it tramatized me. If you had that Wooly Bully (Is what his father called him) picking on you all the time you would not like it either. Believe it or not for 9 long fucking years, I heard from Moriarty and his mother, "He doesn't like it here."

They owned a cat, it’s name was Ginger, Ginger and Tiger used to get together every morning, and go play, I loved Ginger, Moriarty told me he hit Ginger with a stick and that he would not be coming back, Moriarty’s mother told me, that the Brown’s dog killed Ginger, I remember a day or two later, after I realized that the cat really wasn’t coming back, tiger was waiting for ginger, and I remember how I cried as I told Tiger, that Ginger was gone and was not coming back.  I also told tiger that I know what it was like, because I lost my mother.

Meal times were especially interesting, with Moriarty, he would hunch over his plate, like a mad dog, ready to bite any body who came near his food, he would shovel his food in his mouth so fast and swallow the food without hardly chewing it, it was funny but also disgusting, to watch him, waiting for him to choke himself, and watch his face turn into a monkeys’, which he did a few times, he constantly horded all the things on the table around himself, he was so selfish, that when you went to reach for something on the table, he would give you a dirty glare or kick you under the table as if you were taking something away from him.

I was still sleeping in a crib, while I was trying to sleep one night, something kept biting my back, I was terrified to move, and I thought that some thing was under my bed biting me. I waited till the older brother came to the room to go to bed to ask him if there was anything under my bed, because, something was biting me, the next day his mother told me that nothing was biting me. But about a week later, the family bought lots of Raid, tore all the baseboards from the walls, stripped and tore all the beds apart and started spraying, it had something to do with the green couch, they bought second hand, so that the younger cousin could have something to sleep on,

Once when I was about 6 years old, I was playing with my “Hot Wheels” on the back veranda, when I overheard some voices around the side of the house, there underneath a large evergreen tree was an old oil drum, laying on it's side, on top of the oil drum was PB they were the family that lived on the next street over, they lived in a basement; he was laying on his stomach, with his pants down to his knees while Moriarty was putting leaves up PB's butt, Moriarty's hand kept going in a back and forth motion, after Moriarty was finished PB took his turn. I don't remember why I stopped watching the two of them, but I watched them long enough to know that since PB got leaves put up his ass, his brother was going to get leaves put in his ass, I got SB at the same place where Moriarty and SB's brother were a couple of days ago, and I talked him into letting me put leaves up his butt, telling him that Moriarty and his brother were doing it, and they were having fun, I started poking leaves up SB's butt with a stick, I asked him if he was having fun, he told me he wasn't having fun and mentioned it was my turn, I told him that if he was not having fun, then I would not have fun either, then I mentioned that somebody was coming, he whipped up his pants, with the leaves still stuck up his ass and went home.

About this time when Moriarty's mother would go to Bingo, Remoly, or Bowling with my fathers money that was supposed to help feed us, my sister and I would give her a hug before she left, Moriarty would stand to the side and give us dirty looks, as if we were doing something against him, Moriarty later on would cut in front of us and hug his mother, then she would leave without even acknowledging us, he would then turn around, and give us a smirk, as though he was taking great delight in his mother ignoring us. After me and my sister stopped trying to get a hug from his mother, Moriarty told his mother that he was too old to be hugging her (how convenient). A few years later his mother was saying that she thought Moriarty hated her, because something about after being in the hospital, Moriarty would kick and scream to get out of her arms, then she stated once he saw the other kids hugging her, he finally grew out of it, just like Dr. Cantwell said he would, she was so proud how she won the love of the son who hated and rejected her. Moriarty caught me alone about an hour after his mother said what she said, and told me with a scowl on his face, "I don't like her! I only hugged her, so you couldn't."


When I was about 5 years old, and was at the front of my friends house when Mary O’Heara and PB’s sister, came up to me, and offered me a sucker if I would pull down my pants, so I pulled down my pants, to get a sucker, to my surprise Moriarty jumped up from behind a rock from where he was spying on me, and yelled “I’m telling muuum” and then he ran home. I heard the call from his mother, so I had to go home, once I opened the front door, his mother started yelling at me inquiring what I’ve done. I told her that the girls offered me a sucker to pull down my pants, she then grabbed me by the hair and dragged me to the couch while still a hold of my hair she flung me over her lap, and while holding on to my hair she bet me severely with a wooden patty whack paddle, then I was sent to my room. Later on that day Moriarty came into may room laughing and stated in his evil little voice “were only trying to help you, but you’ll never learn, maybe that will teach you.”


Lassie, I loved lassie, my favorite stuffed dog, I talked to her when nobody would listen to me, I cried to her when I was sad, one day I came from school and my stuffed dog was gone. He let me know that it was his idea that I was to old to have a stuffed animal.

Cowboy Dan my favorite book, My dad brought me this book,  I was so proud of it, I read it  over and over again I wanted to be just like “cowboy Dan” and again I returned from school  one day and I could not find my book. I was told I left the book on the floor so it went in the garbage. I left things on the floor before they did not go in the garbage, we were responsible for cleaning our own room on Saturday, I still don’t understand why this book, the one that I liked, the one my father gave me, had to be the one thing to go in the garbage. As far as I remembered it was not on the floor when I went to school. You would have to be one hateful son of a bitch to go to a child’s room pick out the one thing that he likes, and then throw it in the garbage, then lie about it when he gets home. And that little weirdo creature she had for a son, could only say, “Were only trying to help you”.


Monkey Barrett, was one of the older boys that lived behind us, but on the next street over, I always liked Monkey he was a nice boy, one day Monkey invited me into his house, once inside his house, he asked me to go into the bathroom with him, he pulled out his bird, then asked me to rub birds with him, I just about died, and I told him NO because it was dirty, he told me that my brother likes to do that, and then I told him again, that NO it was dirty, I left his place not feeling good about him asking something like that, and I’m sure I never spoke to that guy again. That was just too weird.

In grade one (1) I had my first girlfriend, her name was Janet, I was always hoping that Janet’s mother would allow me to go to their house so I could have dinner with them, we were walking home holding hands, when I got to my house Moriarty and his mother were waiting outside for me, they started to make fun of me and humiliating me, to make me feel ashamed of myself, The next day Janet was in the hallway and kept in front of me, she would not let me pass unless I held her hand, I didn’t want to go through the same humiliation that I got the day before so, when we got outside I tried to push her out of my way but she went off the steps, she was never my friend after that and she never spoke to me again. Even to this day I still feel bad about that incident. I believe this is the beginning of when Moriarty started to tell all the girls that he could, that I didn’t like them.


The younger cousin was living in the new apartment on the next road over, after the Mountains and LeBlanc sold there homes, One of his friends made me a bow for hunting, and target practice, They were the cool guys, and they made me a bow, I used that Bow all day until it was time to go in for the night, I hid my new Bow under the back steps until morning. The next day after breakfast, I went to get my Bow, and of course, not any surprise, it was broken in half. That sicko prick did it


One thing that was amazing about Moriarty was his ability to go down a set of steps head first, he would use his hands to go down the steps and push himself back up again, testing each step for squeaks as he went, once at the bottom of the step, he would listen to his mother and father talking in the bedroom, one time he was caught by his mother at the bottom of the steps, he told her he was just checking the stairs for squeaks.


One thing that was sick was his amazing ability of ESP. Oh yes, he could read my mind. Year after year all I heard, muuumy “he thinks we don’t love him.”, “He thinks your going to poison him.”, “He thinks were out to get him.”, “ He thinks he don’t get enough love here.” Over and over, again and again, he thinks this, he thinks that. She would actually believe that he could tell what I think. She would always say “yes dear, I know”. Every once in a while I would here it from her “It’s not going to poison you,’ or “You don’t get enough love here.” Any body that believes, or even listens to anybody who thinks that he can or could foretell what I think is fucked up and very disturbed. He was always trying to instigate, and she always fell for it. Just like a moron would.


Every time Moriarty wouldn’t or couldn’t find anything to tell his mother about me or set something up to get me to react to one of my friends, in an adverse way to get me grounded to my room, he would start punching me or kicking me, or pushing me, or kneeing me, enough to get me to swing back at him, he would then go to his mother and tell her “Mowen’s swinging his fists again and hit me. Then it was automatically grounded to my room so I could look out the window for the rest of the day and watch the other children playing and having fun, this was something that went on, on a weekly or biweekly occurrence, mostly in the summer. After his little triumph, he would always come to the room and make a statement, “were only trying to help you, but your too pig-headed”, or “you brought it on yourself, now you can stew in your own shit.’


The next door neibour got tired of seeing me always in my room looking out the window watching the other kids playing, She would turn her TV to the window so I could watch with a pair of plastic binoculars, After using the binoculars a few times to watch my neibours TV, the binoculars mysteriously disappeared, and the last few times of my being grounded I was grounded to the basement where I couldn’t watch the neibours TV, and possibly the neibour would not know I was being grounded, So I spent those times in the basement playing with an old chemistry set, trying to concoct explosives, then that chemistry set mysteriously disappeared also.


Mary O’Heara, who lived behind us, was in shock on day as she told me and PB's sister how Moriarty asked her to let him stick his dick in her bum.


The Front door was decorated every year at Christmas with the sprayed on snow, one year I wiped the artificial snow with my finger and of course I got yelled at and called picky. Every year after that a finger smudge would appear within the snow, Moriarty would go to his mother and complain that someone had run their finger through the artificial snow, again. Even though I did not smudge the snow with my finger I received the blame for it anyway and Moriarty would, every year tell his mother, “he probably did it, he did it the first time, he’s picky isn’t he mom,” it was about the third year of the ghost running it’s finger that his mother started the task of slapping me in the back of the head.


Every Time I was in the same room with Moriarty and his mother, Moriarty would speak up and make the statement “he’s got a nice head for slapping doesn’t he mom” his mother would reach over and whack me in the back of the head, once a day or three times a day when ever I got caught alone in the same room as the both of them, the older brother and the other sisters of the house were  never around when this would happen, they had lives, they were allowed to go places, they were allowed to have friends, they were even allowed to bring their friends home.


I spent a lot of time feeding the birds around my house, and trying to get the birds to get used to me, so I could hold one in my hand. One of the birds did get use to me and would sit very close to me about a foot away, this went on for a  week  I was so proud I went in and told Moriarty’s Mother about the bird who was my friend. After I told Moriarty’s mother about the bird, the bird, didn’t show up again, and I felt sad, two days after I told Moriarty’s mother about the bird, I found him dead in the middle of the path that I use to go to my friend house next-door, I knew Moriarty killed it, but there was no way to prove it, especially when he came up to me and asked “How is your little birdie friend, now?”

When Moriarty would catch me alone somewhere in the house at any time, he would give me a look that could give Satan himself a chill, he had a way of staring at you, that when you looked into his eyes, it was like looking into a dark pit of pure evil, it was one of the creepiest looks I’ve ever seen in my life, like looking at a person with no soul, no warmth, and no reality, then he would say, “I hate you, we all hate you” every time 12 years of it. I didn’t think it was a joke, I believed he was saying ALL that lived within him. I believed he had a number of personalities that he could turn off or on at any time, depending on who he was with and the situation. “Your mother hates you”, “Your mother doesn’t even want you”, “You’re pig-headed”, “You got a chip on your shoulder”, “your picky”, “Your too fussy”,”You’re having delusions’, “You got a good imagination”, “You don’t belong here”, “We only want you for your fathers money”, “You’ll never be anything.” , or he would compare me with the older cousin that lived there, whom he also had a hate-on for.


At night time I was trying to sleep, There were scratching noises up above me in the attic, there was something up there, and I was scared, That morning I went and told Moriarty’s mother what I heard up in the attic; she became livid, screaming at me telling me that there is nothing in the attic, that I was hearing things; and of course Moriarty had to put in his two cents worth” he’s having delusions isn’t he muuum, he’s got a good imagination.” After this the family bought rat traps and put them all through the house. One day Moriarty had a Rat cornered in the basement, when he went to whack it with a shovel, the rat ran up the shovel handle at him, he dropped the shovel and ran up the steps to his mommy, in terror.


Moriarty was very gross, at one point in time we had to sleep in the same bed together, he was constantly sticking his finger up his ass and then sniffing his finger; constantly pissing to bed. I had to sleep in a pissy bed, beside a gross pig, who likes to sniff shit on his fingers, or he would sit like a baboon in his dirty underwear gnawing on his toenails. A child only a mother could love.


After my first week of school in grade 5, The principal came to my class and singled me out, she told me in a gruff voice “your mother called me and told me that if you dilly-dally on your way to school, she was given permission to give me the strap, then she added believe me I will use it. After the principal came to my class, I was only allowed to have 20 minutes to get to school. All the other kids would be gone but she would yell at me and tell me, “You’re not leaving yet.”


I remember one time the mother went and bought Moriarty some new clothes; I was given some of his used clothing. No wonder everybody said we look alike, because I always got his hand me downs for school, except for what my father bought me. (Grade 5?) My father came to visit, and was looking at some papers and then asked me "so you got some new clothes?" Before I could speak, the mother spoke for me and stated "oh, yes he did; just think of the new pair of Levis you got." I did get a pair of Levis, but they were bought by one of the older sisters. I wondered what was going on there. Moriarty made fun of me later, and stated “Your father buys me new clothes and you get my old ones; what do you think of that?” Even though, year after year, I had to listen to, the mother and her son repeatedly state "Your father doesn't pay enough, to take care of you kids." Years later my father stated to me; all they had to do was to let him know they needed more money and he would have gladly given them more. Instead of using her lack of bowling money to degrade us.

Just 12-13 {Somewhere in the late eighties}  years back I happened to bump into a women some where, she informed me that she really like me when we were kids, but that Moriarty told her that I didn't like girls, I think she said we were in Jr. High, she then shrugged one shoulder, then apologized. I never thought about that incident to much, I had a great girlfriend, and opportunities for career advancement, but its not the first time. When I was going to school in grade 6, my sister’s friend, walked up to me and spit in my face, and stated "you don't like girls". Sometime later when I passed her she then made a comment "Moriarty said, He don't like girls". A couple of years previous, there was about 3 other girls that kept wanting to beat me up, because they believed that I didn't like girls. The weird thing was that Moriarty was making these incidents happen, and then using those as proof of my dislike of girls. Moriarty never went to My friends, to say anything about me, he always worked 1 step away from me, my sisters friends or, friends of My friends, I don't think Moriarty had many friends, oh! Except for PB, and Moriarty didn't want me to have any either.

Moriarty always went back to his mother, whenever he left his mothers side it was like he was on the prowl some times and sometimes like he had never left her side. If you weren’t doing something that benefited him, then he would torment you. There were a couple of incidents, where Moriarty would instigate something or something was broken. His mother would tell me straight up and down, That Moriarty hadn't left her side and I would end up with the blame. Then Moriarty would always say "He's having delusions, isn't he mommy?", or “he’s got a good imagination, doesn’t he mommy?”

I was in the basement doing some thing at the work bench, after I got tired from what I was doing I went upstairs, as I was in the kitchen, I turned around to see Moriarty creeping up the stairs on all fours and duck into the bathroom, he closed the door right quietly, then he came out of the bathroom a second later, as if he had been in there. Moriarty’s father went down stairs for some reason, came back up the steps very angry, somebody had either broken the fins on the motor of the furnace or stuck something in, to jam the mechanism, The first thing that came out of Moriarty’s mouth was “I just saw Mowen come up from the basement, while he stated he was in the bathroom”. This little monster was spying on me, and setting me up, in the basement and, I would not have known he was there unless I saw him sneaking up the steps.

I was constantly accused of stealing all the food, and drinking all the milk. I don’t understand where the mother got that idea, I always thought she was just shooting off her fucking mouth just to harass me. When my sister and I, moved in with my father and his wife, my stepmother got up because she thought she heard a noise, when she got to the kitchen, there was my sister with her head in the fridge, sucking up the milk with a straw, Our stepmother was shocked, and inquired where she learned that behavior, my sister explained, she learned it from Moriarty. Our mother had to explain to her that this is your home, you live here, you don’t have to steal the food, If you are hungry, and want something to eat, just get something to eat. If you want a drink of milk, just get a glass, and pour the milk in a glass, My mother told me, in all of her experiences she has never heard of children stealing food in their own home. My father was bewildered also, he stated if they couldn’t afford to give the kids milk he would have at least given more money, to by milk instead of doing with out.

When I was about 10 or 11 years of age, I met one of the most precious girls I had ever met in my short life, I loved her with all my heart, and I still think of her today (once in a while). We got along great, and I always wanted to be near her. Moriarty went to his domineering bully of a mother, and informed her of things, that my girlfriend was (supposedly) doing to all the boys, in a white car behind an apartment building, that no 11 year old child, should even know about. After his stories to his mother I was not allowed to even speak to my friend. { I was angry, I couldn’t beat up Moriarty, because I would get beaten by his mother, so I beat up her brother, instead, somehow it made sense to me at the time}.Then Moriarty went to my friend and informed her that I didn't want anything to do with her because "I didn't like girls". { I know this because Moriarty told me he did it}. I never got the opportunity to speak to her again. After that Moriarty would tell his mother how he heard stories, about any girls that I knew, and then made to feel ashamed by his mother telling me to stay away from girls because they have bad feelings. The funny thing was, is that they both would gang up on me when it was time to make me ashamed of myself, because of my feelings for girls. It even got to the point that Moriarty would search my bed for pictures of girls that he would take to his mother, so they could both humiliate me. I watched Moriarty over the years hide behind his mother, and manipulate her in controlling me by taking things away. (Which is very important in understanding.) Finally after getting out of the clutches of Moriarty and his Mother at 14 years of age, I was finally allowed to live a normal life, it was finally so nice to have women who I could talk to, and hang around with, share some laughs, and other moments. It was so great, it was almost unbelievable.

I woke up at night to hear the father of the boarding house, yelling, laughing, crying and hollering on the phone, sounded as if he was going crazy. What I could make out, was that he couldn’t pay a bill of some kind, for years after that Moriarty’s mother would scowl, when she looked at me and tell me it was my fault, “you kids, its all your fault, You gave your father a nervous breakdown” This was one of her sayings that really pissed me off, why didn’t she speak to her own kids like that? How is it my fault you couldn’t pay your fucking Mortgage? Why didn’t she take the money that my father gave her and help pay the Mortgage, instead of spending it on herself; Remoly, Bingo, bowling, and her special diet needs? They never had to buy Moriarty any clothes, because my father paid for his. She was just proving to me that she was full of shit. I could not gain any respect for her at all, I really felt like telling her to go fuck herself.

There was a pile of dirt in the backyard, I woke up one morning, hopeing I would be asked to help shovel the dirt, instead what I got was, "get out there and shovel the dirt." That kind of turned me off on shoveling, fuck you and shovel your own dirt. she just ruined my day. No I happen to mention that my board was paid. And I let Moiarty prove how much of a wonderful child he was by shoveling the mound of dirt by himsekf.

There was an incident one time when Moriarty, came walking in the house very fast and headed upstairs, after the police drove by with there sirens on. Moriarty's mother asked him what was going on, he stated somebody did something to an 8 year old boy in the woods, the next day when I was at a school yard, a boy that I knew, came up to me and stated that it was my brother that did that thing to him, I pushed the boy to the ground and told him not to tell on my brother. I kept my mouth shut about the goings on with Moriarty, and I made it a point never to tell on him. Years later I question how would Moriarty Know what happened to the boy. If I was in that situation I would have ran and told my mother, there would be no time for any body to know, between when the incident happened and when my mother would call the cops.

The tapes, lots of tapes, I put  one of the tapes into the tape recorder, and let it play, the tape concerned Figalo (my sister) and Teddy Bear, (me) And the two Spies that came to visit, (my stepsisters daughters).  And how he was going to do something to make sure they wouldn’t be able to come back again, because they were here to get information to pass to my father’s girlfriend. It was a word for word account of what was said, and what was done during their time at his house. As I listened to more of the tapes, each tape was a day by day diary which concerned me and my sister, what we did, where we went, who we were with, what we said, how we reacted to things, his commentary was how he was going to do this or that, and how he was going to do things to hurt us in some way. Those accounts were spooky.  As I found them, they disappeared, and I never saw them again after that.

I talked her into joining Sea Cadets; actually I asked my father if I could join, Moriarty’s mother was livid, and didn’t like that very much. She even told me that if it wasn’t for my father she would have not let me join. (I think it undermined her domineering authority). If it wasn’t for my father, Moriarty and his mother would have never let me join, then about every f_ing week I would have to listen to “A cadet wouldn’t do this” “A cadet wouldn’t do that” Once the fucking bitch started threaten me and using cadets as a form of the punishment about not letting me go to special events with cadets. Because she heard this about my friends at school, or the kids I hang around with after school.  Because my neibour hit his head on the pavement, and had to go to the hospital, while I was home and in bed didn’t have anything to do with my being in cadets, This lady is fucked up, after that uproar, I went to cadets and quit, I told my CO that the mother did not want me to be there.


Moriarty did bring a couple of people home one night, when his parents were out, but the whole time they were there, they used the phone to call people and harass them; one of the person was a man named Mr. McNeil, The next year this guy that Moriarty called, turned out to be my teacher. They asked for him by name, when the person on the other end said he was not home, Moriarty then stated “Oh so he is out sucking cock again, then he repeated himself, and then hung up on her.


I joined Karate, during the lunch hours twice a week. I was in my bedroom when Moriarty came in and started swinging his fists in my face, this time I picked up a pillow and threw it in his face, while he blocked the pillow; I kicked him in the guts. He ran and told his mother that I kicked him, told her that “He thinks he’s a tuff-guy, since he’s been taking Karate” After that incident I was not allowed to go to karate any more. Moriarty’s comment on the situation was “you won’t be such a tuff-guy now.”


There were roumers going around that Moriarty was doing things with other boys, after school, in the woods, somewhere by the river, Some of my friends knew what was going on, but they would not elaborate on telling me the facts, my friends were always trying to protect me from things, so I just kind of brushed it aside as some things are better not known.


I’m not sure which grade I was in; either 8 or 9, but I made the basket ball team, after a couple of practices, I was told by Moriarty’s mother that my friends were trouble and I had to come straight home from school.


We were eating boiled eggs when I opened mine there was a fetus of a chicken, rolled up in a little round ball it did not yet have a beak or toe nails yet, when I complained about the chicken in my egg, his mother made me eat it, and she told me to chew it, that it was not going to kill me, I knew that if I didn’t eat it she would give me a beating when no body was looking,  a good hard slap in the head, to knock me silly; they weren’t so silly, but they gave me a headache for a while. I always had to make sure I was not alone in the same room as her, and when I was alone I always had to watch my back because I never knew when she was going to sneak up behind me and give me a whack. It was always ok when Moriarty was there. When he was there, he would come up to me later and state, “They’re only love taps, you don’t appreciate anything.”


I worked a couple of hours everyday for $.50, so I could buy a pack of cigarettes, which at the time were $.95. I worked for my money. Moriarty’s mother would dig into my fucking pockets of my jacket and steal my cigarettes that, I worked, bought, and paid for. This not only makes her an abusive bully, but a damn thief also. If somebody has anything to say about me, I must have learned it from his mother. 


I was alone in my bedroom where I spent a lot of time in my life, Moriarty came in and started asking me to allow him to give me a bum massage, telling me that “I’m your bother I wouldn’t do anything to hurt you”, “It’s just like a back massage” over and over and over, again and again, finally after thinking about it, even though I did not feel good about it, and if I did not let him do it, he would find something to make my life more miserable, him and his mother would find some way to harm me, I decided to allow him to give me a bum massage, Moriarty stared rubbing my back, then he started to rub my buttocks, after about three (3) minutes he then tried to shove his dick between my buttocks, I jumped up and then took a swing towards his face but missed, after this I hated him, and now was starting to hate his whole fucking family, I began thinking of ways to kill the whole works of them, but how? On the other hand I also thought that if I was to succeed, then I would then be the one Moriarty was making me out to be; the worst monster that ever lived, one way or the other I was getting out of here, and when I leave they are all fucking dead.


He came up from the basement on all fours, then he ducked into the bathroom very quick, and closed the door, a second later he opened the bathroom door, and was pretending that he had been in the bathroom all that time that he was in the basement, he came over to me and started punching me, kneeing me, and kicking me like he always did as far back as I could remember, I told him to stop a couple of times, but he just kept on going, this time I started to lose my temper, and I told him to fuck off, but he kept on going, I took a swing at him, but missed his stomach by about an inch, when I looked at my hand I was holding a pair of scissors, I was so stupid, I am holding a pair of scissors, but I didn’t finish the job, if I would have finished the job I would have saved myself the next 25 years of being stalked, harassed and humiliated by a psycho-sexual monster, and the rest of his lame minded associates, or any other fucked-up Queers that associates with him.


The last couple of years spent with this creep, was a very trying time, the last couple of years Moriarty spent much time telling his mother anything of importance in respect to adverse behavior of my friends in order to control his mother to punish me by not allowing me to associate with the children that I have grown up with, He never had anything good to say about the people whom I knew, but like his mother when he was with them he would pour on the charm; I understand know why he was nice to people he hated so much, if he wasn’t nice to them he would not be able to get any information to pass on to his mother, so over time I would not be allowed to have any friends. He seemed to like to make things up about people. He was a fucking rat that would sell his own fucking mother, to save his own skin.


All through the years my father used to buy me wrist watches, every watch that he would give me, I would have for a couple of months, then it would just mysteriously disappear off my arm, never to be found again, once I left the boarding home, I never lost another watch again. I know there is no such thing as coincidence. Coincidence is something that a psychopath would have you believe, in order to falsify the truth, in your own eyes. Every thing is done for a reason or, an ulterior reason.


All the money that the parents of the boarding house spent on my sister and I was reimbursed by my father, even the Christmas and Easter presents the parents bought. My father would even spend his own money to buy the other brothers and sisters of the house gifts.

Such a perfect family, It was brought to my attention the next year after leaving the boarding home, that Moriarty’s fathers girlfriend, was Moriarty’s teacher, she had some serious doubts about Moriarty, and expressed her concern about him, and as I look back at the harassing phone calls to his previous teachers, maybe his father having a girlfriend, fueled his hatred for teachers.

My previous girlfriend's friend (who hated my guts and continuously tried to cause problems in our relationship), The Tempter, the Psychotic Teacher and just to find out that Moriarty too, all frequent the same uptown bar on a regular basis, I have been stalked {not the legal definition} by all four, But which one is the real stalker? Just who will be next? Or who will be the next victim, this person hides behind.