This is the most exciting time of my life it was one big giant party, The experiences I had in these years, I will cherish the rest of my life.
I moved to Dartmouth, A new family, new friends, new experiences, and a whole new life.
second story man. I pactically grew up with the second story man. When I moved to Dartmouth I found out what he was about.
Got a job at the chinese resturant
Dewight and the bootlegger in Halifax, there was Mousey. He was telling me about Gingers across the street, Was I ever green, people younger than I, new more about things than I did, and I felt, I had a lot of learning to due, and a lot of ground to cover.
The hot rodder, the twins, took me to a real disco, called the lighthouse. The hot rodder kept telling me his brother was a gangster in Halifax.
Got my car,
The neibour, Every body said he was bad to the core, some people even had reservations about hanging around with this guy, He was one of the coolest person I have ever met, he was magic, he could handle people as though he could read there minds, It was go go go all the time, he knew more cool women then I could handle, even the doctor was telling me I should slow down, going without sex for a while would not kill me. To hell with that advice I was having to much fun.
This is it, the place I have always heard about, seems as thought I've hung around here for a few years, the “Devils Den”, The Night club of ill repute, I've heard more stories about this place then I really care to remember. While I was hanging around this place, it was the most fun I ever had, practically anything I asked for I got, women, drinking, dancing, friends, parties, you name it.
I went out to visit my folks
I awoke and as I past one of the bedrooms there were flames, I headed downstairs, as I got to the bottom of the stairs, I turned right into the living room. There was water coming from a hole in the floor, there were people bathing, playing, drinking this water, I thought to myself, It seemed a little weird to be real, I turned left to go back up the stairs when a girl stood right in front of me, pointing at me telling me to leave, over and over again, until she slowly disappeared. I woke up, went downstairs, made myself a coffee, I was thinking about the dream when my girlfriend came downstairs, we went down into the basement, as I looked up there was a sign painted on one of the beams which stated “FIRE”. I inquired of the meaning of this sign, my girlfriend pointed out the well cut in the floor, covered by a board, She told me, that at one point in time, before she lived here the house had cought on fire, one of the girls that lived there at that time had died in the fire. After the fire someone had dug a well in the basement, and they hung a bucket where the Fire sign is. I said “oh”. She asked me why I asked her about the sign when nobody else ever did, I just told her I thought it might be interesting. We both went back upstairs. I don't know at what time she told me she was pregnant, I thought about the ghost which I had seen in my dream, I finished my coffee, told her I would see her later; I never went back again. She was seen by a few people sitting out side my apartment. I did run into her, at the Landing, she gave me a kiss, she switched beer, now my beer was cloudy, I drank it anyway, I started to get tired so I went home, 48 hours later, I woke up in a pool of sweat. The neighbor told me the bitch was at my place, trying to get in, fearing I was dead. I assumed that sneaky bitch tried to kill me.
I happened to run into, a couple of people I used to hang around with in my old neighborhood at the “Devils Den” one of my old friends who went to school with Moriarty, just gave me a cold look and just states “Mowen”. Not what I quite expected. After my meeting the 2 guys from Sprytown, the atmosphere at the club slowly seemed to change towards me, people I didn't know were calling me a queer, creep, asshole, trying to intimadate me by staring at me. If on a night that someone would give me a problem, the cops were waiting for me. About 6 times I was locked up in the drunk tank, on one occasion I heard one of the cops state “ that's the guy” as I got past the paddy wagon, they both got out and called to me, and of course I had to go to the drunk tank. The thought did not occur to me that someone else could be causing some things to happen. On a couple of occasions, when I would talk to somebody I knew, they would get attacked, one time I was talking to Dave, when a women walked up to him, and did him a little karate, I found out later that night she was from Pine Dr. in Sprytown. One of my taxi driver aquaintinces got stabbed, another friend was beaten with a baseball bat. I began to question what was going on. Whatever it was, I did not want any part of it.
It was this point in time that I realized, I would have to stay away from the second Story man, some how, or some feelings I had made me feel that these people, had some link, to negitive things happening to me. I was so greatful towards her because, they have taken care of me and they listened to me, it was like normal contact with people, in the tough times of my life.
I moved back to Halifax in 1983, living in an old rundown slaughterhouse in the south End of the city, which was owned by the proprieters of the “Glad You Ate” beverage room, in which I was the pizza cook and dishwasher. The company hired a new chef, it was a person I met in Cole Harbour, his name was Dick, I shared an apartment with Dick, right next door to the warehouse, Dick set me up with his girlfriends friend, that did not last to long, Met another woman after her. Living in Halifax was exciting, after we finished work we would hit the clubs, we were always in the castle and the shadow moon. After I ran into the Younger cousin, of Moriarty, Things started to change again, women would walk up to the window, give me a stare, stick their nose in the air, turn around very quick, and walk away, I had people yell at me in the window calling me an asshole, prick, I remember one guy came in a few times sat in the dark, across from the window. He sat there for about an hour making a whooping “fruuuuut”, “fruuuuuut”. Dave, someone is calling you, The chef Dave, who was gay told me he did not know anybody in Halifax. I went to a bar called the “Keg O beer”, just a couple streets up from the Glad U Ate, beverage room, I ordered a beer, and went to lean on a stand up bar, when a big Guy came over to me, leaned up on me and purposly pushed me out of the way, when I stood my ground the guy looked down on me and in a very rude way turns to me, and states, “YEA!”, The exact same thing happened to me 4 times with 4 different people before I could finish my beer, and leave. I swore I would never waste my money at that shit-hole again.
New girlfriend 1984 , Left the Glad U Ate, for another job, while going to School, and in 1986 at 23, I went to college to take Hotel Motel and Restaurant Management, I was so poor, but every thing else was going great again.