Friday Morning
Approximately at 3:00am. Lights are off. Computers are off,window open, I heard some guys talking across the street from my place. I was not very interested until one of the guys mentioned the name Mowen, he is going to kill me because of what I did to my sister. (Which sister?) The other guy stated that he knew me, I am the tiny guy who sits down by the MOD's, oh yea he takes Ta-kwon-do, the other guy stated that it would be more of a challenge, The other guy then stated yea he was rude to me, when you do get him, give him one for me too. When I finally got out of bed and looked out the window all I saw was a dark compleced, tall, thin scruffy looking character.
Got home from work, I didn't notice anything unusual on my way home, once I got in to my place I heard footsteps, outside my window, as I looked out the window it was the same person I saw last night, for the next 4.5 hours I observed this same person walking around my building looking up at the windows, walking back and forth in front of my building, walking up down the street beside my building, I also counted 6 times where he circled around the building. When the sun started to come up he disappeared. Suspicious behavior, looked like he was casing the
Found a letter from my
sister still in
After getting my coffee from the store I'm waiting for the bus to go to
work. As I'm sitting down On the bench with this woman
that is already sitting down. out of the corner of my
eye, she was looking to see if the bus was coming. as
I was looking straight ahead I noticed she was staring right at me. I let her
stare at me for a minute then I turned my head towards her. As I turned my head
toward her, she had a cold stare in her face and then just turned her head and
then stared straight ahead. Wow, I was shocked, that is the same behavior I
received from the aquntences of the guy I called the Temper. I just went about
my business waiting for the bus, I take a drink of my coffee, which I look
ahead when I'm drinking, and this woman is watching for the bus, Next time I
take a drink of coffee, she is staring at me again. she
is staring at me, again! I look at her thinking she might be normal, but no,
she gives me the same look like I'm the worst piece of shit on earth, then just
turned her head and stared straight ahead. After the third time I noticed her
staring at me, I just shifted by body to the left so I would not have to see
her in my peripheral vision. I know that kind of behavior is sick, and I have a
mentally disturbed person sitting beside me. I always believed weirdoes and
sexual predators use that staring behavior to find each other. This is one Of the behaviors I had to put up with in
On Halloween night, I'm
waiting for the bus with my Death costume on. The Short blond haired woman is
standing about 2 meters away from me, She talking to a
tall guy. she brought up this story about the guy in
the costume. She said, "that guy there" I
overheard, her telling The guy that I was a homosexual but I did not know it. is telling the guy story about me being a homosexual but I
did not know it. I'm thinking, is this the same blond
haired woman that was with the women I was supposed to run into in
This is some time
around Christmas 2006
We Were standing at the bus stop, we were smoking, someone
asked the blond haired bow-legged woman to partake she refused. Got on the bus,
went home. The next night, I decided to walk home, as I got past pizza Hut the
cops stopped me, just wanted to get a look at me for some reason.