LS Effect *The Shield Is Down! (5) Lando's confidence in the Rebel strike team on the forest moon was rewarded, and proved to be a decisive factor at the Battle of Endor. Deploy on table. If Rebel Strike Team on table, your Force generation is +1 at Endor sites and you may deploy Back Door from Reserve Deck; reshuffle. When Bunker "blown away," retrieve 8 Force and opponent must place their hand in Used Pile. (Immune to Alter.) LS Lost Interrupt *Either Way, You Win (4) "Deal!" (EP1) Opponent chooses: opponent may activate up to 2 Force and you may activate up to 4 Force, or opponent retrieves 1 Force and you retrieve 3 Force. DS Effect *We Shall Double Our Efforts! (5) "I hope so, Commander, for your sake..." Deploy on table. Adds 1 to X on That Thing's Operational. At Death Star II sectors, opponent's starfighters are maneuver -5. When opponent is attempting to "blow away" Death Star II, subtract 2 from opponent's total. (Immune to Alter.) DS Effect *You May Start Your Landing (4) Echo Base was no match for the Imperial war machine. Deploy on table if 5th Marker also on table. During your control phase opponent loses 1 Force for each marker site you occupy with an AT-AT. Once per game, may take both Walker Garrison and 3rd Marker into hand from Reserve Deck; reshuffle. (Immune to Alter.) LS Lost Interrupt *You'll Find I'm Full Of Surprises (6) Even though he wasn't fully prepared to face the Dark Lord of the Sith, Luke rushed to save his friends. If Luke and Vader present at same site, use 1 Force to initiate a duel between them. Either is power +2 if armed with a lightsaber. Draw destiny. Opponent draws two destiny. Both players add power. Loser is placed out of play. LS Effect *Brisky Morning Munchen (3) "Den boom! Getten berry scared, and grabben dat Jedi, and pow! Mesa here. Huh! Mesa getten berry, berry scared. Mm." (EP1) Deploy on table. Once per game, may deploy Jar Jar from Reserve Deck; reshuffle. If you just lost Jar Jar from a site, may place him here. At any time, may use 3 Force to take Jar Jar from here into hand. DS Lost Interrupt *Pit Crews (4) Pit droids are used by Podracer pilots to assist in the maintenance of their racer. While a high standard is usually maintained, sometimes things can get out of hand. (EP1) Use 3 Force to reveal opponent's hand. All cards opponent has 3 or more of in hand are lost. OR Use 1 Force to 'repair' your Podracer. OR Target a Podracer. Draw destiny. If destiny > Podracer's destiny number, target Podracer is 'damaged.' DS Character - Darth Maul Character *Darth Maul (1) Apprentice to Darth Sidious. Sent to capture Queen Amidala on Tatooine. Full of anger and fury as a child. Sidious used Maul's pent-up rage to train him in the ways of the Sith. (EP1) P7 A6 Dark Jedi Deploys -2 to Tatooine. During your control phase may lose 1 Force to duel opponent's Jedi present. Both players draw 2 destiny. Loser is lost. Unless opponent's character of ability > 3 here, opponent's total ability here = 0. Immune to attrition < 5. D8 F8 Pilot Warrior LS Character - Jedi Master *Qui-Gon Jinn (1) Accepted Obi-Wan Kenobi as his Padawan learner. Was given orders to protect Queen Amidala at all costs. (EP1) P6 A7 Jedi Master Deploys -2 to Tatooine. Power +1 at same site as Maul. Once during a duel Qui-Gon is in, may cancel a duel destiny just drawn and cause a re-draw. Opponent's aliens are power -1 at same site. Immune to attrition. D8 F9 Warrior LS Alien Character *Jar Jar Binks (2) Young Otolla Gungan. Clumsy. Outcast from Otoh Gunga for continually making mistakes that placed other members of Gungan society at risk. (EP1) P3 A3 Force-Attuned May deploy to any site, even without presence or Force icons. During battle may use 1 Force to target one opponent's character present. Both players draw destiny. If your destiny +2 > opponent's destiny + target's ability, Jar Jar and target are lost. D2 F3 LS Effect *Keeping The Empire Out Forever (5) "Our operation is small enough not to be noticed..." Deploy on table. If you control two Cloud City sites and occupy Bespin system, flip Quiet Mining Colony. While Independent Operation is on table, it may not flip and once per turn may search your Force Pile and take one card there into hand; reshuffle. (Immune to Alter.) DS Effect *A Million Voices Crying Out (5) Tarkin silenced the voices of Alderaan with the power of the Death Star. Deploy on table. Twice per game may take Commence Primary Ignition into hand from Lost Pile or Reserve Deck; reshuffle. If Alderaan "blown away," retrieve 3 Force whenever you deploy a unique (*) Star Destroyer. (Immune to Alter.) DS Character - Alien *Ghana Gleemort (3) Part of Jabba's Gamorrean security force. Negotiating with the B'omarr monks regarding his possible defection. Power 5 Ability 2 Your Force generation at same site is +X, where X equals the number of opponent's aliens at same and adjacent sites. May lose 1 Force to cancel a Force drain at an adjacent site. Deploy 4 Forfeit 3 (w) LS Effect *Great Shot, Kid! (5) With the destruction of the Death Star, the Rebel Alliance received new-found support throughout the galaxy. Deploy on table. If Death Star "blown away": once during each of your turns you may deploy (for free) a starship from hand or Reserve Deck and reshuffle; if you just deployed a unique (*) starship to a system location, retrieve 3 Force. (Immune to Alter.) DS Effect *I'm Sorry (5) "I'm sorry, too." Deploy on table. If This Deal Is Getting Worse All The Time on table, once per game may take up to 2 interior Cloud City battlegrounds into hand from Reserve Deck; reshuffle. You may not play Scanning Crew or Imperial Barrier. (Immune to Alter.) DS Character - Alien *Sebulba (2) Bad tempered Dug from Pixelito. He was about to turn Jar Jar into orange goo, until Anakin intervened. Episode 1 Power 4 Ability 2 Once per battle may use 1 Force to target opponent's character of ability < 3 at same site; target is power -3 for remainder of turn. If present with Jar Jar, during your control phase may use 3 Force to place Jar Jar out of play. Deploy 3 Forfeit 5 (p) DS Weapon - Character Weapon *Maul's Lightsaber (1) Trained in the Sith arts, Maul's ferocity in combat is matched by no other. When armed with a lightsaber, his opponent's only option is usually that of escape. Episode 1 Deploy on Maul. While on Maul, may not be stolen. May add 1 to Force drain where present. May target a character or creature. Draw two destiny. Target hit, and its forfeit = 0, if total destiny > defense value. LS Effect *The Camp (5) An isolated camp protected by Obi-Wan and Captain Panaka was established at the Queen's starship while Qui-Gon searched for a way to repair the leaking hyperdrive. Episode 1 Deploy on table. Each non-battleground docking bay generates no more than one Force for either player. Opponent's aliens deploy +1 on Tatooine (or +2 if non-unique or to same Tatooine site as your Jedi, or +4 if both). (Immune to Alter.) DS Effect *His Name Is Anakin (4) Anakin dreamt that one day he would return to Tatooine to free the slaves. His aggression will one day be felt by the entire Republic. Episode 1 Deploy on table. Each non-battleground docking bay generates no more than one Force for either player. Opponent's aliens deploy +1 on Tatooine (or +2 if non-unique or to same Tatooine site as your Dark Jedi, or +4 if both). (Immune to Alter.) DS Alien *Lathe (2) Was one of Jabba's vile Nikto henchmen. Leaving Tatooine to see what the galaxy has to offer. Deep down, he loathes the slave trade. INFORMATION BROKER. P4 A2 Adds 2 to power of anything he pilots. If opponent has 2 or more aliens of the same title at this site, may place Lathe in Lost Pile to cause all of them to be lost. Once per turn, may use 1 Force to shuffle opponent's Reserve Deck. D3 F3 (p) DS Alien *Aurra Sing (1) BOUNTY HUNTER. Former student of the Force. After failing her Jedi training, Aurra became known for hunting down and killing Jedi Knights. Episode 1. P4 A4 Force-Sensitive May use any 'stolen' lightsaber. Once per turn, may steal a lightsaber from an opponent's character just lost where present. Immune to attrition < 3 (< 5 while armed with a lightsaber). D4 F3 (w) LS Alien *Shmi Skywalker (2) Mother of Anakin Skywalker. As Anakin grew, Shmi realized her son was special. Did her best to hide his abilities from Watto. Episode 1 P1 A3 Force-Attuned Deploys for free to Slave Quarters. Once per game may take [Tatooine] Threepio into hand from Reserve Deck; reshuffle. While in a battle at a site, subtracts one from each of opponent's battle destiny draws. D2 F5 DS Epic Event Boonta Eve Podrace (0) Episode 1 Deploy on Podrace Arena. Once per game, either player may initiate a Podrace: During your control phase, each player may draw one race destiny. Each player may place any drawn race destiny on their Podracer (or on Podrace Arena if they have none) or in their Used Pile. During any move phase, winner is any player with a race total > 24 and greater than opponent's highest race total. Winner retrieves 6 Force and loser loses 6 Force. Place all race destiny cards in owner's Used Piles and all Podracers are lost. DS Effect *I Will Find Them Quickly, Master (4) Utilizing his "dark eye" probe droids and sensory equipment, Maul knew he would eventually find his target. Episode 1 Deploy on table. Opponent may deploy Amidala from Reser Deck; reshuffle. If Maul present with Amidala and opponent has no Jedi here, she is captured. Once per game may take If The Trace Was Correct into hand from Reserve Deck; reshuffle. (Immune to Alter.) LS Used or Lost Interrupt *A Jedi's Patience (5) Early on in his duel with Vader, Luke took his time in trying to sense his opponent's weaknesses. USED: If your character armed with a lightsaber is defending a battle, adds 2 to your total power in that battle. LOST: During a duel, cancel one of your duel destiny draws to cause a re-draw. LS Used or Lost Interrupt *A Jedi's Focus (4) Vader was surprised at how far the 'young apprentice' had come in his training. USED: If you have a character with a lightsaber in batle, all opponent's aliens at same site are power -1 for remainder of turn (-2 if alien is non-unique). LOST: If a duel was just initiated, add the destiny number of the top card of your Lost Pile to your total. DS Used or Lost Interrupt *Vader's Anger (5) Anger and aggression fuel the dark side of the Force. USED: Add 1 to your just-drawn lightsaber weapon destiny draw. LOST: If a duel was just initiated, place the top card of your Used Pile on top of your Reserve Deck. DS Used or Lost Interrupt *Sith Fury (4) At his peak, no one could stand up to the Dark Lord of the Sith. His superior tactics devastated those who opposed him. USED: During a battle, lose one of your lightsabers in that battle to cause all non-unique aliens present to be lost. LOST: If a duel was just initiated, draw 2 destiny. Opponent draws 3 destiny. If the player with the lower total loses the duel, that player loses 6 Force. LS Effect *Don't Do That Again The Jedi won't tolerate silly behavior for very long. Episode 1 Deploy on table. Once per game may take any Immediate Effect into hand from Reserve Deck; reshuffle. While opponent occupies no battleground systems, Mobilization Points is suspended. (Immune to Alter.) LS Immediate Effect *What Was It? (3) When Qui-Gon got away, Maul knew it would only be a matter of time until the two of them would meet again. Episode 1 If opponent just initiated a duel against one of your non-captive Jedi, deploy on that Jedi. Cancel the duel and relocate this Jedi to an adjacent site. Your duel destiny draws are each +1. (Immune to Control.) LS Lost Interrupt *Jedi Escape (5) Qui-Gon escaped with his friends from Tatooine, barely getting away from the clutches of Darth Maul. Episode 1 If opponent just initiated a duel against one of your non-captive Jedi at a site, use 1 Force to cancel the duel and you may relocate any number of your characters there to an adjacent site. LS Republic Character *Obi-Wan Kenobi, Padawan Learner Qui-Gon Jinn's Padawan. Stayed behind to protect Queen Amidala when Qui-Gon left to explore Mos Espa, but was in constant communication should he be needed. Episode 1 P6 A5 Force-Sensitive Deploys -2 to Tatooine. If opponent just initiated a battle at a related Tatooine site, may use 2 Force to relocate Obi-Wan to that site. Immune to attrition < 4. D6 F8 (w) LS Used or Lost Interrupt *A Jedi's Concentration (5) Luke's experience on Dagobah gave him great skill in using the Force. Vader had to keep his focus on Luke at all times, or face the consequences. USED: If a battle was just initiated where you have a character armed with a lightsaber, characters may not be targeted by lightsabers for remainder of battle. LOST: If opponent just initiated a duel, opponent must choose to lose 4 Force or cancel the duel. DS Used or Lost Interrupt *Lightsaber Parry (4) Vader had to show Luke that giving in to the dark side of the Force was his only destiny. USED: If a battle was just initiated where you have a character armed with a lightsaber, characters may not be targeted by lightsabers for remainder of battle. LOST: If opponent just initiated a duel, opponent must choose to lose 4 Force or cancel the duel. LS Lost Interrupt *A Jedi's Resilience (6) Luke wasn't going to let Vader dispose of him too quickly. If you just lost a duel opponent initiated (before duel has any result) lose 1 Force to cancel the duel and return Interrupt (if any) used to initiate duel to owner's hand. OR If you just lost a character armed with a lightsaber, take that character into hand.