Magic The Gathering

This is my web page about Magic The Gathering, the best trading card game ever. Here I will post a begginers guide, card lists/prices, my deck lists and those submitted to my. Also some new combos and the like.

I know a lot of you out there are looking for pictures of famouse magic cards to use for your own web pages or whatnot. So if you follow this link it will bring you to my gallery of pics. So far I have about a douzen up nut I will add more really soon.

Magic Pics

Hey everyone, I have been searching the net and I have noticed that 9 out of 10 magic the gathering pages have not adapted to the new Urza Saga, Legacy and Destiny enviroment. 6 out of 10 havn`t even uptated to the classic six edition. Well mine has and I am now putting up some of my new environment decks and combos up. Follow the links bellow.

Magic Decks

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