Welcome to my Guestbook! Sign away to your hearts desire! Tell me what you think! Gimme ideas!

12/14/00 06:26:46
Name: Tim My Email: Email Me
What do you think of my site?: the music made me crazy ( not that i already wasnt) i couldnt stop listening Any changes?: more pics of you, cos you are gorgous.
Favourite part: MUSIC, THE MUSIC !!!!!!!!!!!!!

howdy there. well, site is cool, (Music rocks) and thats all i got to say about that.

12/06/00 06:17:22
Name: Alison My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me What do you think of my site?: I like my site
Any changes?: i need to update it soon Favourite part: Mr. Push Me

I need more people to visit my site and sign my guestbook. *cries* I am tired today, I just got back from Wonderland. Thanks for signing my guestbook everyone!!! Hmm, I am going to put a message board on this, and another book so i can rp in it, and yeah, well, hmm. YOU ROCK!!!(only if you sign my guestbook, that is.) Love Alison

11/24/00 08:59:17
Name: stoney aka stewart My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me What do you think of my site?: your site rocks
Any changes?: NO Favourite part: the old about me page

your site kicks arse!!!!!!!!!!!!!

11/10/00 10:43:17
Name: Troy The Hawkett Man My URL: Visit Me
What do you think of my site?: Cool Site... Heaps Cool Pics Any changes?: Yes!! More Cool Pics
Favourite part: Mad Pictures

I think your site rocks very much... I love the goofy pics but there should really be more.

11/05/00 21:24:32
Name: SlimLairdy My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me What do you think of my site?: It is really hun! Especially the animated GIFs!!! Brill!!!!!
Any changes?: Not really, it is good now! Favourite part: The animated GIFs and Aeris and Quisty pages!

You have a eally great site! Come and visit my page please! I am making a FF part on it! SlimLairdy

11/03/00 21:41:41
Name: Josh Hale My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me What do you think of my site?: I like it much
Any changes?: None at all Favourite part: The fact that you can use html

This page is pretty mad... Hope more ppls visit Chow

11/03/00 21:41:27
Name: Josh Hale My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me What do you think of my site?: I like it much
Any changes?: None at all Favourite part: The fact that you can use html

This page is pretty mad... Hope more ppls visit Chow

11/03/00 05:14:38
Name: Benny Sok Fresh My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me What do you think of my site?: Sweet!
Any changes?: Nope! Favourite part: Funky Music

Sweet page. I'm embarresed about mine cause mine sucks ass! Alison is cool.

10/15/00 05:51:55
Name: Prince_of_Sancastles My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me What do you think of my site?: Looks good, and I'm just getting started.
Any changes?: None I see so far. Favourite part: Not sure yet.


10/13/00 08:23:08
Name: gohan My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me What do you think of my site?: great pictures
Any changes?: no Favourite part: your pictures

hi it is me gohan how are you i am fine you are fine i wish i knew you in person. P.S.your page is really good see ya on icq from: gohan

10/12/00 09:19:54
Name: Richie "seph lonely" My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me What do you think of my site?: IfIToldYouIdHaveToKillYou tee hee
Any changes?: nadda one Favourite part: ALL

Hey Alison! Page looks great, I'm proud of you. I don't see a thing wrong with it. Hey you should come RP with me under my name "Lord_Richard_Lionheart" luv ya RICH Lonely

10/11/00 22:17:31
Name: gohan My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me What do you think of my site?: perfect
Any changes?: no Favourite part: your pic

your fine i am on your icq i am gohan

10/11/00 22:16:58
Name: gohan My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me What do you think of my site?: perfect
Any changes?: no Favourite part: your pic

your fine i am on your icq i am gohan

09/26/00 04:04:18
Name: Claire My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me What do you think of my site?: havent had time 2 see it all
Any changes?: ????please explain? Favourite part: alison dedication and effort that has been put in! She is my 3rd cuz u know!

Dont know hella anything bout iskai or whatever but if Ali likes it, it must be k

09/25/00 01:58:49
Name: Claire My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me What do you think of my site?: havent explored it yet
Any changes?: ????? Favourite part: it is made by Alison!


09/18/00 02:35:53
Name: Hung
My URL: Visit Me
What do you think of my site?: cool

cool page

08/28/00 22:10:01
Name: Jena
My URL: Visit Me


Hey I stumble on to your Guestbook somehow but I'm here to tell you that you have a pretty tight page. When you got the time dun forget to visit me and return the fava aight?

08/08/00 22:59:56
Name: ssj4renegade My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me What do you think of my site?: i haven't looked at it all but what i have seen i have enjoyed
Any changes?: get rid of the ***damnit on the iskai info page Favourite part: dont have one yet

I think your site is really neat but please get rid of the ***damnit on the iskai info page.

07/22/00 08:50:20
Name: tim lastname My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me What do you think of my site?: Bizarre
Any changes?: Less yappin more zappin Favourite part: Moogles

your site is damn weird!!!!!!!!!!!!!

07/17/00 08:37:54
Name: Faith
My URL: Visit Me

I really like the bg sweetie :) I love you! :) F

07/15/00 10:03:47
Name: Palom Magus My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me What do you think of my site?: Legendary!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Any changes?: Hmm, no! It is great! Favourite part: I LUV THE KITTEYS!

KITTY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I WANT THE KITTY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! *steals the kittys* MWAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHA This is a kewl site, and it has all the kewl links, and I am gonna look at them all hee hee hee hee hee hee haw!!!!! Love You All Palom Magus

07/15/00 09:19:07
Name: Alison
My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me

Thanks for signing my guest book sweeties! ^_^ 999

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