<BGSOUND SRC="ff7-Cinco_de_Chocobo.mid" LOOP=INFINITE>
Tifa - Hello there, welcome to my bar!
Aeris - This isn't your bar silly.  This is Alison's web page.  So don't go scaring them off.  Do I look OK?
Yuffie - You look like an idiot.  Now outta my way, i want to steal some materia.  Heh heh, stolen materia.. Mmm...
Aeris - You're so horrible Yuffie.  It's not your job to steal materia.  At least, it isn't now, anyway.
Squall - Well whatever job you have, it has to be better than this lousy one.  I have to sit here in my rabbit suit, and it's too hot in here.  What is your job, anyway?
Selphie - Everyone's job, actually.  We gots ta show everyone around, with all the Final Fantasy Sites Alison has made!  Nah nah nah, funky moosic...  Tee hee!
Raijin - Well I'm meant to show you the page about Alison, with all those weird looking pics and stuff.  But I wasn't told when to do it, and i can't do something without the order, ya know?
Fujin - NOW!
Raijin - Okay okay, this page of hers, just click me, like.  Then you'll go there, ya know?
Seifer - There are more sites than that, and they're worth seeing too.  If you don't go see them, then you're on, the list.
Quistis - Yes Seifer, of course there are other sites.  I think Alison is going on a site making spree.  There are some very good ones about me, just click on me to go there.
Selphie - Booyaka!  I'm in one of those pictures!  Wowee!
Quistis - There is a site about my whips, click on me to go there.  That's a very informative site Alison's made, isn't it?
Leviathan - I like the sites with Rydia in them.  Click on me to go to her link page.
Ifrit - Click on me to go to a story about Mysidian Mist, which has Rydia, Palom, Porom, and the Village Elder in it.  I don't think it's finished though.
Leviathan -
No, it's not finished.  Hey Moomba!
Moomba -
Leviathan -
Take them to the page with the cats.
Moomba -
Cloud - You gotta visit the page about Aeris Gainsborough!  If you don't I'll omnislash you!
Sephiroth -
There's more than one Aeris site.  Click on me to look at the site about Aeris999.  She looks a bit like Aeris, and has the same name, but they are very different.
Hello everybody!  I've made this page because i like Final Fantasy, and i feel like making a page with lotsa cool piccies from all the FF games that i've played.  I've played IV(or II), VII, and VIII.  When IX comes out, I'm gonna play that as well! Whoo-hoo!
Do you like the background?  I did it myself, and i feel damn proud of it.  And i bet you're saying, "You should feel proud Alison, it is a great background.  Very good work there."  Well, thankyou sweetie, for your compliment.  ^_^
So, have fun and look around.  Remember to sign my guestbook on the main page, and tell me what you think.  If you have any of those animated gifs of ff, send them to me through email.  I'll put them up when i get them.  As soon as i find more of the moving little critters, they're going up!
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