Well hello, how nice of you to stop by, unfortunatly, I'm at
my parents house right now, and don't have any of the tools
needed for me to really do anything to this page expect type
onto it.

But lets see, I just got back from xmas with the relatives,
and it was.... err.. taxing. *sigh* It really wasn't all that
bad, just seemed like everyone was deathly sick. I mean
there really is nothing like getting woken up by the sound of
vomiting, ya know?

And my relatives never know what to get me, so I just ended
up with a bundle of cash... cash that is much needed to go
and buy presents for my friends, who all decided that we
should have xmas in january, cause everyone is broke. *heh*

Hmm, right about now your probably wondering when I'm gonna
get to actually talking about myself, well that happens
right about now. Consider that top part a little section
that I will just change as the seasons do, to keep people up
to date on things that are happening. Pretend it's like a
journal that only gets updated every month or so.

Now, I imagine most of you people are just here to actually
see a picture of the elusive Wylikat, so here you are. I'm other ones, I just don't seem to get my picture taken. But
maybe, just maybe, I'll pester one of my friends who actually
in photography to take some nice pics of me and my friends,
considering that my picture gallerly is 1/2 displayed on this
page. *smirk*

Hmm... perhaps that pic just isn't enough to feed your
wanton appitite, so you can try looking at this one.
It was taken at the last OMP, about 15 seconds after I woke
up. I didn't even know it was taken untill I found it
while looking at pics for the party.