Welcome aboard the Perilous

transphaeton craft owned and operated by,
Reasonable rates for cargo and passenger alike
Fully insured.
Member in good standing of the Inter-multiversal Captains Association.

Welcome on board!
Please, look around the ships public areas.
You are currently docked at the Air Lock.

Please, choose a door:

To the Gallery.

Look through Reynard's Wardrobe!

To the Scriptorum.

Sneak a peek of the Bridge?

Thank you for travelling aboard the Perilous...
More to come, visit us again soon.

NB: All artwork and writing is protected by copyright and may only be used with the permission of the artist/author. Paper editions of each piece are available (POR), anyone interested in purchase should email enquiries.

Teleport to other interesting locales.

Shire of Nordenhal, SCA

Collected Tales, Transfer Station

Your right to swing your fist ends where some one else's nose begins.

© 1998 blaze@ulster.net

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