Visit the shrines! There are several so far, which are individual sections that pay tribute to certain senshi. If there's one on there you're dying to see that hasn't been posted yet, feel free to mail me.
Read my Fan Fiction: This one's hot off the press. It's a story about a plot to destroy the Moon Kingdom, from the Dark Kingdom's point of view. Includes new characters, profiles, fan art, and links. You simply must see it! I worked really hard on it, and I'm proud of the techno looking layout. ^_^.
Check out the shrine's web graphics! The majority is made by me. If you want custom-made graphics, fill out the easy form in this section.
Add your own link here! You can instantly post your own site's url and banner in this section. If you don't have a banner to add, it doesn't matter. ^_^. You can just post your url if you'd like. I only ask that you only post anime related sites. Thank you!
Here, you can view the sites that people have added. This is basically the closest thing I'll have to a links page, since I don't have enough time to make one. ^_^.
Screen Shot Collages These were all made by me (although they're not exactly in collage style. Just a bit more organized, you could say.) Check them out and let me know what you think!
All that other stuff...This includes awards, rings, resources, credit, linking to the shrine, and Sailor Search 2.0!
Tell me how I'm doing!Take this quick survey and tell me how I'm doing with this page and how I can improve.
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Sailor Moon is © Naoko Takeuchi, Kodansha Comics, and DIC.
C.S.M.S. © Celes