Subj: Poconos (6/7) by Jess
Date: 8/10/99 8:03:14 PM Central Daylight Time
From: (Jessica Mabe)
To: (x-files post), (x-files x-female list), (x-files creative list only)
TITLE: Poconos (6/7)
Summary in Part One.
Email me, I'm in desperate need of friends.
Mulder watched her as she swallowed her first pills, hovering like a
mother. She smiled at him. Two aspirin and a couple hours after her
initial fainting spell, she felt cooler. He perched beside her, one arm
extending over her hips to support him close to her.
"There, see?" she said, sticking out her tongue so he could see she'd
swallowed the pills. He blushed slightly and she was suddenly warm
"I see," he said. "I'm glad you're going to be cooperative. I'd hate to
have to pin you down and ram them down your throat."
"I'd like to see you try."
For a moment they stared at one another, then he shifted away.
"You ready for bed?"
She had not thought about how late it was, how long the day had been,
especially for him. Mulder suffered when she was ill, almost more than
she did. Exhaustion colored his cheeks and ringed his eyes.
"Yes," she said. And then she realized, with startling clarity, that she
didn't want him to go. She shivered with the potential loss. Seeing it,
Mulder leaned closer and pressed the back of his hand against her
forehead. Gently, she pressed back, turning the simple gesture of
concern into a caress. Hand cool against her head, he smiled at her.
"Still feverish," he whispered. His face was so close, she could inhale
his breath.
"I know, but I'm freezing. I can't get warm."
He was still there, inches from her face. "What would make you feel
better, Dana?"
The use of her first name made her heart pound. It was so intimate. She
could remember the first time he had ever used it, when her father had
died. Though at the time it had felt somewhat patronizing, she knew now
that it was Mulder's way of expressing his feelings, of letting her know
that he cared for her.
"You, wrapped around me."
It must have been the fever. Before the words were completed, she
regretted actually voicing them. She felt her own eyes grow round with
horror and shock, but Mulder seemed to be taking things in stride. He
touched her forehead again and smiled.
"Agent Scully, I do believe you're proposing a cuddle. Isn't that
against bureau regulations?"
She nodded, relief making her slump back against the pillows.
"Of course," he said, lowering himself to lie next to her. "We've never
been much for bureau regulations."
Morning crept in around the curtains accompanied by birdsong and the
sweet smell of mowed grass. Mulder couldn't believe he was actually
lying in bed with her at her own invitation. As if it couldn't get any
better, she was wearing nothing but his t-shirt and a pair of cotton
panties. He had to keep adjusting himself so that she wouldn't feel his
erection pressing firmly against her body. Though it hadn't worked the
night before, he thought with a smile.
She was no longer burning up. Asleep but restless, she wiggled against
him, causing hot little shivers to slide up his body like fingers. It
was all he could do not to groan.
"Cold," she whispered and he forgot the erection and pressed in tighter.
"Better?" he murmured somewhere in the vicinity of her ear.
"Mmm," she sighed and pulled his arm around her, resting his palm on her
breast. He almost moved away but then thought "damn the torpedoes" and
let his hand curve around her. She was warm and full and soft and
wonderful. Without thinking, he moved against her, enjoying the feeling
of her bare skin against his leg. Knowing he was taking advantage of her
didn't make him want to stop.
He felt her waking fully, coming into the light lazily, easily. For a
moment he lay perfectly still, knowing she would throw him off once she
was aware of the location of his hand. Sure enough, her shoulder
shrugged and he was gently evicted.
"Mulder," she said, her voice loud in the quiet room. "What the hell
were you doing?" She wasn't really angry, just going through the
motions. He had been the recipient of her anger often enough to
recognize it when he heard it.
"You tell me. You moved my hand there."
"I did not," she said, rolling over to face him. He smiled at her ruddy
face and slightly sweaty chest.
"Yes you did. Very distinctly, like that's exactly where you wanted it."
She was bright red. He felt like pushing her a bit, now that she was
with him again. "So, sunshine, you feeling better? 'Cause you sure felt
good to me."
Her jaw actually dropped and then she hit him, or rather slapped him, a
little harder than just playing. But then, what he'd said had taken it
beyond just playing. He grabbed her arm and held her there, feeling her
legs wrapped around his, her tension building.
"You seem to have regained your strength," he mused, watching her face
go from annoyed to a bit frightened and then tremendously aroused.
Mental note, he thought, Agent Scully likes to play a little rough.
"And my good sense," she said, her voice throaty. "Mulder, get out of my
He toyed with answering "with this raging hard-on, are you kidding?" but
"Why?" That ought to provoke an interesting reaction.
"Because I said so. Because if you don't, I'm going to move my knee just
a little further up…" She demonstrated, sliding her leg up his until her
knee nudged his crotch. He couldn't help himself, he gave a low moan.
"I don't know that I'd mind that, given the right amount of pressure…"
She gaped again. "Jesus, Mulder," she said and sat up. "I'm getting up
now," she whispered, and he could hear the effort in her voice. "I'm
going to go take a shower and wash off all this sweat. From the fever."
He was frozen, unable to get over the fact that he had just completely
come on to her and she was walking away.
She shut the bathroom door and he thought he heard her sniffle. Jesus,
what the hell had he just done? Hadn't he made a vow to not behave like
an ass? And what was that maneuver with her breast, if not the behavior
of a first class jerk? The thought of having hurt Scully made him
actually physically sick. Bile rushed up his throat, burning.
His head began to pound, a distant rumble. He pressed his hands to his
ears. Everything had been crazy since they'd arrived here. Their need
for each other, usually close to the surface, had burst through and was
threatening to devour them. He couldn't understand it. They had always
been so easy with each other. Never like this.
The rumbling grew louder, drowning out his thoughts. It was only then
that he realized it wasn't in his head. It was coming from the bathroom.
Without hesitation, he launched himself at the door, just in time to
have Scully throw it open herself and stagger into him.
"Mulder," she said sharply, "the hot tub!"
In front of him, the giant Plexiglas form shivered and shook,
experiencing its own private earthquake. Grabbing her arm, Mulder pulled
Scully down behind the bed, covering her body with his. The champagne
glass gave another agonized groan and he felt it begin to fall, the
reverberation as it hit knocking him flat against Scully's back. Shards
of Plexiglas rained down around them.
"Christ!" Mulder swore, standing up slowly, trying not to step on
anything sharp. "You could've been killed."
Scully's face was pale, but she seemed to have collected herself.
"I'm all right," she said, running her hands quickly through her hair to
be sure.
"What the hell happened?"
"I don't know. I was standing there, getting ready to shower and that
thing just started shaking."
"I'm sorry, Scully."
She stared at him. "For what?"
He felt ridiculous, great chunks of hot tub littered around him.
"For earlier. I don't know what's gotten into me. Something about this
place… I was out of line and I'm sorry."
Smiling, she stood up and brushed the fine filaments of the hot tub's
destruction off her legs. "Mulder, we've both been affected by this
case, I don't know why. Let's just call it a draw and forget about it,
He had no idea if that was actually achievable, but he nodded. Forget
the feel of her breast, forget the way she moved against him at the
wake, forget the round heat of her small bottom pressed up against him.
Only the knock on the door made him realize they were both standing in
the middle of the destroyed bedroom in their underwear, staring at each
other like horny teenagers.
"Hey, FBI," a voice called. "You ok in there?"
Scully swallowed another round of pills and then moved gingerly past the
toilet. She didn't even want to think about peeing today. The burning
was almost unbearable. Other than that, most of the effects of the
infection seemed to have passed.
Poor Mulder. This seemed to be harder for him than her, as always. She
knew he was close to giving into his emotions, scuttling six years of
well-worn stability. And she wanted it to happen, but she wanted it to
happen when they were whole and prepared. And preferably when there were
no strange shape-shifters or virus-carrying bees. One of these days, she
thought with a sad smile, I'll make up my damn mind and just do it.
Mulder was sitting sheepishly on the edge of the bed in their new cabin,
the only bed in their new cabin. She sighed.
"It's all I've got. The others are all out of commission, for one reason
or another," Bill had said. "I don't know what the hell happened with
that tub. Damndest thing I ever seen."
"We've seen damndester things," Mulder had said, butchering the words
without his trademark glee.
Now he was pouting, feeling guilty and rejected at the same time, a
potent combination. She sat beside him to slip on her shoes, allowing
their shoulders to touch. There were times she felt like a shepherd,
leading her wary and yet eager little sheep over to the safety of her
grassy pasture.
"Mulder, stop moping and put your shoes on. I've about had it with this
church and I'm in the mood to do something about it."
He nodded, still miserable. "Like what?"
She stood and straightened her skirt.
"I don't know. But I'm tired of all of this. Do you remember when we
first got here, I said I just wanted one clear week?"
"Yeah." Choked with unhappiness. She pondered just kissing him and
getting it over with. The thought was tremendously tempting, but she
held back. Not yet.
"Well, we have four and a half days left and I intend to spend them
swimming, eating and…" she hesitated, watching his weary face, "…
His head shot up, his eyes brightened and she thought she saw a
mischievous gleam return.
"Agent Scully, do you realize how inappropriate that remark just was? If
I told Skinner…"
"Mulder," she sighed. "If you told Skinner, I would have you committed.
Immediately. Now let's go kick some Baptist butt."
Pulling into the parking lot at the First Baptist Church of Clement, it
was immediately apparent that things were brewing. Cars filled every
space; double-parked along one side and spilled out onto the street.
Mulder cursed and double-parked behind the Cadillac in the space marked
"What the hell is it with these people? Did someone else suddenly die?
Do they just get together to annoy me?"
Scully sighed beside him. She was being unusually tender to him,
stroking his hand lightly on the drive over, soothing his guilt-ridden
feathers. And intriguing some other part of him, the part he was now
readjusting his pants to cover.
"I'm sure it's all part of a global conspiracy to keep us in Clement for
the rest of our lives," she replied.
"The Consortium has finally gotten clever," Mulder muttered under his
breath. "I never would have seen this one coming."
"Could be worse," she said, stepping out and crossing to meet him.
"Could be Comity."
Mulder groaned. So much for any arousal.
Pausing at the double doors to the church, Mulder turned to stare at
Scully for a moment. She was gazing up at him with that strange mixture
of amusement and affection she'd had on her face all day. He slid one
hand along her cheek and thought, just for a moment, that it didn't
matter if they never had sex, as long as she'd continue to sometimes
adore him.
She grinned and squeezed the hand as it left her face.
"Let's make like Walt Disney and annoy some Baptists, Mulder."
"The Happiest Place on Earth, Scully."
And together they opened the doors.
End part 6 of 7
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