Wolf Statistics
| HABITAT :Extremely variable, from tundra to arid semi-desert areas; densities being highest where prey biomass is highest. Wolves occur primarily in wilderness and remote areas.
GEOGRAPHICAL SPREAD: The Grey Wolf was originally one of the world's most widely distributed mammals, living throughout the northern hemisphere north of 15°N latitude. The distribution range has been much reduced in the USA, Southeast Asia and most of western, central and northern Europe due to human persecution.
SIZE:Head and body length 100 to 150cm. Tail length 31 to 51cm.
WEIGHT: 16 to 60kg; males are heavier than females.
AVERAGE LIFE EXPECTANCY: Potential of at least 16 years.
NORMAL DIET: Extremely variable, but the majority of the diet is large ungulates (moose, caribou, deer, elk). Grey Wolves will also eat smaller prey items, livestock, carrion and garbage.
NORMAL LIFESTYLE: A pack living animal with a complex social organisation. The dominant pair breeds, with the sub-dominant females under behaviourally induced reproductive suppression. Packs include up to 30 individuals, but smaller sizes (8-12) are more common.
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